Volume 14 Issue 3

2017 Next

Publication date: 29.01.2018


Volume Associate Editor: Dorota Siwor

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Editorial team

Issue editor Dorota Siwor

Issue content

Thomas Pfau

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 14 Issue 3, 2017, pp. 245-263

This essay juxtaposes T.S. Eliot’s conception of eschatological time with Heidegger’s existential conception of time as sheer finitude. I argue that Eliot in his late Four Quartets makes the case for time as inevitably, albeit unpredictably, permeated by epiphanic moments of fullness and, thus, as imbued with an eschatological quality. Drawing on Joseph Ratzinger’s work, I argue that eschatological time in Eliot, particularly in the last of his Four Quartets, “Little Gidding,” is inseparable from a form of religious community that is steeped in an ethos of humility.
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Jadwiga Jęcz

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 14 Issue 3, 2017, pp. 264-284

The history of Don Juan has frequently been the canvas of poetic works, testifying to the undying quality of the myth, and at the same time, to the depth with which the seemingly banal story of the adventures of the corrupt nobleman is imbued. The story of sin and punishment, or, of responsibility for one’s deeds, became a creative inspiration for Jerzy Liebert, which resulted in his poem Kroki komandora. This essay adopts a bipolar perspective, treating the poem as, on the one hand, a translation of Alexander Blok’s The Commander’s Footsteps, which is thus closely related to the Russian original, and on the other hand, as a new and fully autonomous work taking into account the author’s biography as well as contexts related to the aesthetics of the times and the artistic millieu of the Skamander group. 
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Elżbieta Przybył-Sadowska

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 14 Issue 3, 2017, pp. 285-304

The article is devoted to the biography of Sr. Maria Gołębiowska from the congregation of the Franciscan Sisters Servants of the Cross, one of the more notable figures of the Catholic community bound with the Society for the Care of the Blind and a friend of the poet Jerzy Liebert. The text is focused on the religious aspect of the sister’s life, including, in the first place, her path to conversion and joining the cloister, and also her further life, with special emphasis on the experiences during the World War II, when – as a Jew – she had to hide.
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Agata Szulc-Woźniak

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 14 Issue 3, 2017, pp. 305-315

The article presents selected poems of Joanna Polakówna, a poet and art historian, whose works, often mentioned in the recent years, constantly invite new readings. The author regards the poems devoted to gazing at, observing, in other words, to the conditions and extent of cognition as the most important part of Pollakówna’s poetic oeuvre. The speaker’s characteristic sensitivity to visual stimuli is connected with the continuous vigilance of the self: awaiting change and being on the verge of metamorphosis. Pollakówna’s gazings are a response to the unconfident identity (“I see therefore I am”). Moreover, revealing the deeply personal and painful conditions of perception, they point at the courage of poetic confession.
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Krystyna Latawiec

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 14 Issue 3, 2017, pp. 316-330

The article discusses the humorous aspects of Janusz Szuber’s poetry. Three mainstrategies are differentiated: minimizing the poet’s role, linguistic play and “libertine” humour.The analysis of selected poems shows that the poet uses joke, word play and linguistic stylization. He draws on the baroque tradition, reusing the motif of vanitas. He employs the Old-Polish verse types and topoi, and refers to essentially humorous genres as e.g. the limerick. The passing of time and eroticism are treated with the distance of mild irony. As a conclusion to the discussion of the different practices aimed at making the reader laugh, the article cites a humorous poem about the postmortem pose of a countess on her tomb in Dukla.
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Joanna Kulczyńska-Kruk

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 14 Issue 3, 2017, pp. 331-345

The cultural diversity of the Second Polish Republic, in which a large part of society,especially in cities, was of Jewish origin, was variously reflected in Julian Tuwim’s poetry.Works devoted to the Jewish culture were an important part of Tuwim’s socio-political texts. The author pointed out the cultural and mental differences, whose consequences were – irrespective of their origin, whether Polish or Jewish – some orthodox attitudes towards dissimilarity. They originated, first and foremost, from the prejudices, superstitions and stereotypes formed over the ages. In his poems, Tuwim emphatically revealed the oppressive aspect of any culture, acting in many directions: within a given diaspora or social group as well as outside, in the interaction with the Other. In this way, he pointed at the threat which lies in a culture being manipulated, ideologized, subjected to politics or economic interests, and thus becoming a dangerous tool aimed against people.
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Kazimierz Adamczyk

Konteksty Kultury, Volume 14 Issue 3, 2017, pp. 346-359

The article discusses the now-forgotten lierary work of Danuta Brzosko-Mędryk (died 2015), an internee of KZ Lublin, KZ Ravensbrück and KZ Buchenwald, author of seven books, of which five are devoted to the experience of internment. The essay analyses the objectives of the books, especially in the context of the literature of testimony. It also describes the reception of Brzosko-Mędryk’s work in the Communist Poland and today. Her book Niebo bez ptaków [A Sky Without Birds] was successful and the writer was summoned as a witness in trials against the Nazi German authorities of the death camp in Majdanek. Those trials, held in New York and Düsseldorf, became the subject of her other book, Czy świadek szuka zemsty? [Does the Witness Seek Revenge?]. All of Brzosko-Mędryk’s novels were published in the Communist Poland, so they were subjected to the publishing policy of the state. The essay underlines the most important element of the writer’s memories: giving testimony to the heroic attitudes of Polish women held in Nazi German concentration camps.
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