Instruction for Authors

General information

Authors should submit manuscripts via e-mail: <dorota.siwor@uj.edu.pl>. Submission of the article means that the work has not been published and is not prepared for printing elsewhere. Editorial Staff has the right to shortcuts and changes to the submitted texts. Preliminary assessment of papers is carried out by the Editorial Staff. Once a paper has been accepted by the Editorial Staff, it is submitted for review to two independent reviews. The reviewers’ reports is decisive for the acceptance of the manuscript by the Editorial Staff.

Requirements for submission

  • An abstract, keywords, bibliography and email address should be added to the article.

  • Publishing illustrations (photographs, tables and engravings) is accepted provided the written consent of the copyright holder is delivered.

  • Text should be written in Times New Roman 12 points for the main text (10 points for footnotes), with a line spacing of 1.5 lines in the main text.

  • The target length for an article is up to 40000 characters. For a review, the target length is 15 000 characters (we discourage notes in reviews unless necessary).

  • Persons (authors, authors, editors, etc.) mentioned in the text are given full name, footnotes give the initials of the name.

  • Shorter fragments of other works or documents quoted in the text and footnotes (up to three lines) are given in simple font, taking the whole in quotation marks. Quotes should be Polish (bottom and top). Longer fragments should be quoted as a block quotation, in simple font and without quotation marks, font 11 pt. Footnotes are placed at the bottom of the page. Use guillemets inside double quotation marks when you have a quotation within a quotation.

  • In the text and footnotes the titles of books, articles, works, films and artistic works are written in italics.

  • Titles of newspapers and magazines are written without italics in quotation marks.

  • Words in a foreign language should be written in italics. Use bold for emphasis.

Examples of footnote entries:

Author, title of the book, transl. XX, Kraków 2000, p. 55.
Author, title of the article/chapter [in] eadem/idem, title of the book, transl. XX, Kraków 2000, p. 55.
Author, title of the text/chapter [in] title of the book, ed. XX, Kraków 2000, p. 55.
Author, title of the article, „Journal…" 2000 vol. 2, p. 55.

No Article Publishing Charges (APCs)

Journal does not request any article subsmission, review, publication and processing charges.