Issue 3/2018

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Publication date: 2019

Licence: None

Issue content

Mirosław Grewiński

Homo et Societas, Issue 3/2018, 2018, pp. 9 - 10

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Katarzyna Ornacka, Elżbieta Mirewska

Homo et Societas, Issue 3/2018, 2018, pp. 12 - 25


The daily work of social services provided people in need means not only the professionalism of their actions, but also the ability to make crucial decisions in harmony with the ethics of the profession. It is not an easy operation. Despite the high level of professionalism of the social service, sometimes their implementers experience discomfort during in the process of helping. They met the requirements of the employees in their work organization. They fight the procedures and formal administration, they must respect the processes of management, accepted norms, values and principles. Also apply to arbitrarily adopted during the proceedings,  guaranteeing the correct performance of professional activities. Not always this professional involvement gives moral satisfaction. Sometimes professional rules and conscience go in to opposite directions. What if social services have made the correct choice in duty but their choice was consistent with the ethics of the profession? This paper is a presentation of some social interventions that disturb the relationship between the professional to help, and the person in a situation of support and assistance. It is also a reference to the circumstances of designing appropriate relationships in social work.

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Vadim Cujbă

Homo et Societas, Issue 3/2018, 2018, pp. 28 - 36


This article emphasizes the importance of remittances on Moldovan income and economic growth. As a result of the increase in the flow of migrants, remittances have become an important factor in the country‘s GDP (in 2017, 20.6% of GDP). According to the Household Budget Survey the income from remittances directly affects the welfare of Moldovan households. In this study, the dependency of marginalized categories of the population (families with many children, elderly people and rural population) on the remittances of Moldovan migrants is analyzed. In rural areas, remittances account for more than 20% of the average disposable income.

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Mariusz Gajewski

Homo et Societas, Issue 3/2018, 2018, pp. 36 - 47


The paper addresses a very important issue of controversial cults and their impact on youth. The first part describes and analyzes youth as an crucial stage in human development, the social situation in which young people grow up. There are also analyzed the most important needs of young people.
The next part of the article presents the basic definitions of sects and discusses the manner of their controversial impact on society and youth. Then, the reasons for the emergence of sects are explained, as well as variables conducive to their possible attractiveness. The issue of susceptibility of children and youth to sects is also explained.
The final part focuses on the effects of assistance offered to young people. It is pointed out that it is necessary to organize and conduct preventive and therapeutic interactions in the context of the work of educators, social workers and psychologists.

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Izabela Glac

Homo et Societas, Issue 3/2018, 2018, pp. 48 - 59


The article describes the ways of working with children with autism in an early school age.
The characteristic features of this disorder, which is autism, have been described. Methods included in directives and non-directive forms of work were presented. The author briefly described the most important features of each therapy. In conclusion, she concluded that in the selection of methods of working with children with autism it is necessary to take into account first of all the needs of the child, its capabilities and barriers. In addition, the importance of systematic and intensive therapeutic work as well as the cooperation of specialists and parents have been raised.

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Magdalena Rzadkowolska

Homo et Societas, Issue 3/2018, 2018, pp. 62 - 81


The problem of the reading culture of various groups environments and age constantly interests researchers. Especially that the percentage of readers is decreasing. Currently, only 40% of Poles read books. Do technical school students want to read books? What are their reading interests? Do parents encourage them to read?  These questions were asked in surveys conducted among students of Władysław Grabski School of Economics, Tourism and Hotel Management in Lodz, one of the best high schools in this region and in Poland. The theoretical part of this article focuses on the issues of book culture and reading culture in Poland. It is based on the results of research conducted by the National Library in 2017. Presented data emphasis book interests of respondents at the age 15–24. According to the author’s own research, women are intense readers, while men are sporadic or systematic readers. Young readers most often use home libraries or borrow books from their peers. They do not have the habit of using libraries of different types. They read fantasy and crime novels. Unfortunately, parents do not encourage young people to read and do not buy books for them.

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Maria Diacon

Homo et Societas, Issue 3/2018, 2018, pp. 82 - 95


Social protection of the population is the key element of social reforms and the main direction of state social policy The aim of this paper is to analyze programs of political parties in Moldavia to find out if the promises of social welfare are fulfill after gaining political power. They proposing solutions for the alleviation of social problems, but when they come to power, they have to cope with the realities characterized by insufficient financial means and therefore the electoral promises are contradictory and are not in line with the achievements.

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Anita Galán

Homo et Societas, Issue 3/2018, 2018, pp. 96 - 109


Due to the social and economic changes in the past few decades a new type of inequality, digital inequality has evolved. This study based on the theory of second-level digital inequalities. I examine the autonomy of use dimension. I use a sample of the members of generation Z who live in Debrecen, Hungary. The aim of this study is to reveal who controls the Internet use of generation Z members and how this control is achieved by the means of qualitative and quantitative methods. Based on the focus group interviews, there have been discovered three kinds of control: parental, sibling and internal.

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Wojciech Glac

Homo et Societas, Issue 3/2018, 2018, pp. 110 - 118


The best interests principle being one of the Polish family law general clauses consists in respect for child’s subjectivity with special regard to conflict or critical situations in their family. The Polish judicature unanimously indicates that the best interests of the child are superior value requiring extraordinary guarantee from the state. The paper comprises a review of selected court rulings which shape the judicial area the above-mentioned principle is applied in.

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