Issue 7/2022

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Publication date: 2022

Licence: None

Editorial team

Secretary Dominika Sozańska

Issue content

Krzysztof Chaczko, Dominika Sozańska

Homo et Societas, Issue 7/2022, 2022, pp. 9 - 10

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Wokół pracy socjalnej i pomocy społecznej

Dawid Plutecki

Homo et Societas, Issue 7/2022, 2022, pp. 13 - 25


This article is empirical and addresses an important issue regarding crisis intervention in the context of the professional work of a doctor in various hospital wards. The aim of the diagnostic project was to find out the opinions of medical students in Poland on the above subject. The presented article is a report on the results of research in a group of 31 female and 19 male students. The conducted empirical analysis made it possible to diagnose issues related to the occurrence of crises in patients and the doctor, and more specifically: knowledge of terminology – crisis intervention, usefulness of intervention techniques in the doctor’s work, personal difficulties of students in contact with the patient in various personal crises (domestic violence, rape, diagnosis of cancer or HIV infection, loss of a child, suicide of a person close to the patient, addictions), fears related to falling into a specific crisis by future doctors (professional burnout, workaholism, depression, family crisis, professional stress and potential drugs), the usefulness of optional classes on crisis intervention at Polish universities and activities to assist students in solving their crises.

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Magdalena Skalny

Homo et Societas, Issue 7/2022, 2022, pp. 26 - 34


The article shows the difficulties and problems that social workers encounter in their daily work duties. In the first part, the author outlines the theoretical foundations of the research, characterizing a social worker in terms of personality traits. This is the basis on which social workers can effectively cope with their duties in dynamically changing reality. A social worker is a profession that has a great responsibility for overcoming other people’s crisis. That is why it is invaluable in the face of civilization threats such as a pandemic. The second part of the article presents own research, the purpose of which was to find out about the opinions of social workers about their work in a pandemic time. Both advantages and disadvantages of working in the discussed period are presented.

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Maria Stępień

Homo et Societas, Issue 7/2022, 2022, pp. 35 - 46


The issue of determining payment for services provided in social welfare homes is extremely complex and sometimes problematic. This article will discuss the basic issues related to this issue. The group of persons obliged to pay a fee for a resident’s stay in a social welfare home will be analyzed, along with regulations on determining the amount of the fee and the mode of concretizing the obligation. The latest changes involving the institution of exemption from the fee will also be discussed. The purpose of the article is to present the process of determining the fee for the stay of a resident of a social welfare home, together with an indication of solutions whose application serves the interests of all parties to the proceedings.

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Wokół polityki społecznej

Waldemar Furmanek

Homo et Societas, Issue 7/2022, 2022, pp. 49 - 79


Unemployment as a process in the subjective dimension is associated with changes in human existence. In the study I indicate that the most important negative effect of unemployment is the destruction of the value space of the unemployed. Dignity, freedom and responsibility are particularly at risk. Threats also concern social values that are realized in human work.

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Dominika Sozańska

Homo et Societas, Issue 7/2022, 2022, pp. 80 - 91


The aim of this article is to characterize the professional situation of women in Kraków and Galicia at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. It discusses data from censuses, data on women’s employment, issues of women’s education in Galicia and particular professions: teachers, domestic servants, workers and services. Work was a necessity, not the fulfillment of one’s own interests or ambitions, unmarried women worked more often, getting married meant giving up professional work. Working conditions for domestic servants were very hard, and wages were lower in industry.

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Tomasz Słabiak

Homo et Societas, Issue 7/2022, 2022, pp. 92 - 106


The article focuses on presenting the scope of activities and tasks of senior policy. The first part of the article presents the most important documents of an international nature that shaped senior policy on the world stage. Then discussed the two most important documents that shape the Polish senior policy. In the next part of the article, in order to illustrate specific solutions, the activities of the city of Opole in the context of active senior citizen policy were shown.

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Monika Czerw

Homo et Societas, Issue 7/2022, 2022, pp. 107 - 119


Nowadays, labor markets, not only in Poland but also around the world, are undergoing constant transformation. The transitions taking place in this regard depend on many factors. In addition to demographic changes, one of them is changes in the attitudes toward labor force participation of people with various disabilities, including those on the autism spectrum. The emerging trends outline a process of positive changes. In the last ten years, an increase in the employment rates of people with disabilities can be observed as in 2019 compared to 2018, they increased by 0.6 percentage points to 26.8%. Furthermore, the results of the Badanie Aktywności Ekonomicznej Ludności (BAEL, meaning Labor Force Survey) showed that the labor force participation rate of working-age people with disabilities increased by 0.5 percentage points in 2019 compared to the previous year, being an increase of 2.9 percentage points compared to 2015 (https://niepelnosprawni.gov. pl/p,80,rynek-pracy).

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Pogranicza społeczne

Krystyna Koszyk

Homo et Societas, Issue 7/2022, 2022, pp. 123 - 133


People with disabilities are among us and would like to function equally with everyone else. The state should guarantee the full realization of all human rights and fundamental freedom of all disabled people,4 including the deaf. This is ensured by the Act on Sign Language and Other Means of Communication adopted on August 19, 2011,5 thanks to which deaf people should have an easy contact with officials. The Government Program AVAILABILITY PLUS is an extension of the provisions of the Act. Its purpose is to provide free access to goods, services and the possibility of participation in social and public life for people with special needs.6 It assumes the improvement of- among others- architectural, digital, communication and organizational accessibility. However, the question should be asked: Are statutory and program provisions actually implemented? If yes, then to what extent? This article describes how individual public institutions (banks, police, emergency, fire brigade, city hall, social security institution, public schools) implement the Act on Sign language and other means of communication. From the last part of the article entitled „Collision with reality”, you can find out what is the real situation of deaf who use public administration facilities (for various reasons), and how selected public institutions function keeping in mind the good of deaf people.

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Julia Krawczyk

Homo et Societas, Issue 7/2022, 2022, pp. 134 - 146


The article is empirical in nature and addresses the issue of the importance of the impact of interpersonal communication on the activities of a given workplace. The aim of this study was to find out the opinions of students from Polish academic universities on the above subject. The presented article is a report on the results of research carried out in a group of 62 female and 45 male students. The conducted empirical analysis made it possible to diagnose the knowledge and opinions of students on: the definition of the concept of interpersonal communication, both the features and functions of interpersonal communication in the context of the effective functioning of each enterprise, the most effective communication channels in a given workplace, as well as new technologies to improve communication between employees. Relevant conclusions were formulated and explained in the discussion, along with the potential reasons for such and no other responses of the study participants.

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Piotr Twaróg

Homo et Societas, Issue 7/2022, 2022, pp. 147 - 162


The Municipal Police of Krakow, in cooperation with Krakow City Council’s members, organises and conducts self-defence courses dedicated to different groups of participants. The analysis of surveys indicates that course participation had a positive influence on those taking part, on their sense of security and self-confidence. For social workers it can be a motivating factor to take part in subsequent editions of the courses and in developing their skills in this field. Social workers are vulnerable to agressive behaviour when on duty. Research shows that they are not prepared to act in such circumstances. They indicate that among training courses they are being offerred, self-defence and crisis management courses are scarce. Initiatives described in this paper that are actioned by the Municipal Police of Krakow and members of Krakow City Council can inspire their counterparts in other regions including decision makers to organise similar events. This may translate into improved sense of security among citizens, public sector workers and social workers in particular.

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