Issue 4/2019

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Publication date: 2019

Licence: None

Issue content

Ireneusz M. Świtała, Dominika Sozańska, Marek Banach

Homo et Societas, Issue 4/2019, 2019, pp. 9 - 12

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Mathilde Hackmann

Homo et Societas, Issue 4/2019, 2019, pp. 14 - 22


Social work in Germany became a topic in the 19th century when the leading principles of the welfare system were introduced by the state. Today social workers are essential for the welfare state by working with clients and organizing social care in a variety of institutions run by the state or on a private basis. In their work with clients social workers fulfil their roles by prevention, closeness to everyday life, decentralization and integration. Social workers are educated at universities and universities of applied sciences. According to social workers working conditions are not the best but with an increasing staff shortage they are in a good position to negotiate better working conditions with their employers.

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Izabela Glac

Homo et Societas, Issue 4/2019, 2019, pp. 24 - 39


This article describes the life situation, feelings and needs of siblings of children who have been diagnosed with a chronic disease, which is rarely discussed in the literature.
The definition of chronic disease was described, in a special way based on terminology in the colloquial, medical, psychological and sociological terms. In addition, it describes situations and experiences in families in which a chronic disease occurs, with particular emphasis on siblings of sick children. A significant part of the article deals with the needs of the sisters and brothers of children suffering from long-term, serious somatic diseases.
In conclusion, the author emphasizes the role of parents in shaping the right responses to cope with difficult situations and meet the needs of their children, both the sick and their siblings.

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Barbara Banach

Homo et Societas, Issue 4/2019, 2019, pp. 40 - 53


Nowadays, the issue of the health of the aging society is becoming more and more important. We are beginning to appreciate the importance of physical activities in relation to the health condition of society. There is a significant number of diverse forms of activities addressed to seniors. One of them is tourism, which is the most common form of recreation, in particular – physical recreation. In the article, I present theoretical aspects of the importance of recreation and tourism for the health of seniors.

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Adam Szwedzik

Homo et Societas, Issue 4/2019, 2019, pp. 54 - 66


Nowadays it is emphasized that the human does not have any barriers to moving from place to place. People often emigrate from one country to another for economic reason. They want to acquire quickly the material resources and dower own family. Unfortunately, many times he does not recognize that his departure has certain consequences. In a special way they affect the child, who is referred to as the euro-orphan. When they are left alone and even abandoned by their guardians, they seek to fill the void of parental love in their own way.

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Alicja Kiczor

Homo et Societas, Issue 4/2019, 2019, pp. 68 - 78


Violence is a common phenomenon that occurs in family homes and schools. It comes in many forms and types and is also associated with aggressive behavior. Regulations on violence in the family are contained in the Act of 29 July 2005 on the prevention of violence in the family. A special form of protection and assistance to victims is the „Blue Cards“ procedure. School violence is a phenomenon that should be tackled first by teachers and educators working in schools. Prevention of violence at school is divided into three stages.

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Ilona Resztak

Homo et Societas, Issue 4/2019, 2019, pp. 79 - 89


The article aims to discuss a very important topic, which is the 500+ benefit contained in the Act of 11 February 2016 on the provision of state aid in raising children. The above Act sets out the conditions for acquiring the right to parental benefit and the rules for granting and paying that benefit.
The “Family 500+” program is the financial foundation of family support, which entered into force on April 1, 2016 and contributed to a significant improvement in the financial situation of families, strengthened them and gave due priority. The article also aims to show the irregularity of the service which is 500+. It should be stated that the benefit should be directed directly to children, not to parents who spend money on it, it is not known what things would be a much better solution. I mean access to free public transport, free school meals, free textbooks and the entire school layette.

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Miroslav Gejdoš

Homo et Societas, Issue 4/2019, 2019, pp. 90 - 105


Focused on Slovak history of pedagogy from the earliest days, school framework within the school system Ratio educationis, where we describe in detail folk schools and Latin schools, and studies at academies and lyceums themselves in individual subchapters.

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Zauret Kabylbekova

Homo et Societas, Issue 4/2019, 2019, pp. 106 - 118


The article concerns the problem of pedagogical management of the students› ethnic tolerance system. It was noted that at the current stage of society development, in the age of interpenetration of ethnocultures, an important task of education is not only shaping communication tolerance, culture of interethnic communication, but also the education of ethnic tolerance. The article presents the results of the study, the purpose of which was to determine the basic features of ethnic tolerance of adults in the category of people directly involved in the educational process of students at school and after school hours. It has been shown that teachers are not particularly focused on serious, systematic work on shaping the ethnic tolerance of school children, so the implementation of the teacher›s tasks in organizing the process of forming ethnic tolerance of the young generation requires system knowledge and orientation of the teacher himself.

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