The procedure for reviewing the scientific journal - Homo et Societas refers to the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
The following review procedure applies in the journal: Each of the authors who submits the article for publication agrees to the review procedure. The review is carried out in two stages: first, the article is subjected to formal evaluation by the Editorial Board, and if it receives a positive assessment, it is then submitted for review to two independent reviewers who have a PhD (or higher) degree and are not bound by an employment contract with the unit issuing the Journal. Neither reviewers nor authors know their data.
The editors decide on the publication based on two positive reviews. In the case of two negative reviews, the article is rejected. In the event that the reviews are contradictory (one admits and the other rejects the publication), the third reviewer is appointed, whose assessment is decisive. Articles will be reviewed anonymously. Each time the article will be given so-called an "editorial number" that will allow its identification in further procedures. The author will be informed about the outcome of the reviewing procedure.
Texts that are not scientific articles (reviews, communications, reports, etc.) are not subject to the reviewing procedure; the Editorial Team decides about their admission to printing.