2018 Następne

Data publikacji: 2018

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Zastępca redaktora naczelnego Orcid Jarosław Jarząbek

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Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 1-1

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Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 1-1

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Oleksandr Kuchyk

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 11-26

Participation of Ukraine in Integration Projects on the Post-Soviet Space: Precondition and Impact of the Escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian Confliict

The article deals with of integration processes on the post-sovet space. Consideration of the role of integration projects in the post-Soviet space allows us to make the following generalizations. From the geopolitical point of view, the Eurasian region, which basically coincides with the post-Soviet space, cannot be considered as a heterogeneous complex. In view of this, integration associations, created as region-wide in their development, meet with various kinds of problems of a functional, civilizational nature, etc. Ukraine, proceeding from the peculiarities of the geopolitical position, which is characterized by a unique use of „bridge status”, „buffer zone”, „barrier”, aims to develop an effective model of cooperation with countries of the post-Soviet space in different areas. Such cooperation develops taking into account the need to develop bilateral relations as a foreign policy priority. At the same time, not excluding multilateral cooperation models, Ukraine adheres to the principle of limiting participation in integration structures with supranational authorities. As can be seen from the analysis, integration projects based on the principles of „deep integration” are considered by Ukraine as a kind of forums for the development of mutually bene' cial contacts, usually on a bilateral basis. An alternative can be those regional formations, which are considered by Ukraine as consulting forums for discussion, solving common problems and resolving contradictions. An analysis of the geopolitical and civilizational contradictions between Ukraine and Russia leads to a clash of interests and conceptual approaches to the integration of the post-Soviet space. In this sense, Ukraine’s approaches to integration processes in the post-Soviet space have become a prerequisite for the aggravation of the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation and a factor in the escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict. Dynamic changes in the emerging international order allow us to express a judgment about the need for further in-depth theoretical development and modeling of Ukraine’s foreign policy activities in the context of our state’s participation in integration processes at the regional and global levels. At the same time, emphasis should be placed on a comprehensive analysis of the geopolitical aspirations of the countries of the region and actors of global politics.
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Tomasz Szyszlak

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 27-44

Transformations in the Ukrainian National Security System after the Revolution of Dignity. Selected Aspects

The article presents changes in the institutional system of national security of Ukraine, resulting from the „revolution of dignity”, the annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbass. The subject of the analysis was the concept of national security system in science and Ukrainian strategic documents, transformation of the militia into the National Police of Ukraine, establishment of the National Guard of Ukraine and volunteer battalions, and institutionalization of the fight against corruption.
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Paweł Terpiłowski

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 45-55

Political context of anti-corruption reform in Ukraine

This article covers key political factors concering the ongoing process of anticorruption reform in Ukraine. It describes the importance and need of such reform and adresses implemented bills, new institutions introduced with them, conducted tasks and overall perspective of state of reform as in July 2018. The main thesis underlined in article is the crucial role of political will among the Ukrainian policy-makers in implementing legislative mechanisms to effectively combat the issue of corruption in Ukraine.

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Tomasz R. Dębowski

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 57-72

The impact of the Russian annexation of Crimea on the situation of churches operating on the territory of Crimea

In the springtime of 2014, incidents, that happened in the eastern part of Ukraine, led to take control over the Crimean Peninsula by the Russian Federation. At the same time, from the Donetsk region, came the information about many acts of violence, directed against the clergy and worshippers of the Christian communities other than the Russian Orthodox Church, supportive for the Kremlin authorities. Those incidents led us to formulate the following research question: what is the situation of the churches on the annexed peninsula? And further, the hypothesis that the situation of the churches on the annexed peninsula, except for the Russian Orthodox Church, has deteriorated. The research material, used in the article, is mostly based on the Ukrainian, Russian and English Internet sources, which have been analyzed in a quantitative and a qualitative way. As a result of these activities, the following communities have been distinguished to be analyzed: the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate, the Catholic Church of the Ukrainian-Byzantine rite, the Roman Catholic Church and various Protestant churches. The text, constructed on the „subject-problem” system, has been divided into two main parts and the conclusion section. Following the research, it has been found that the legal position of the churches operating on the peninsula, except for the Russian Orthodox Church, had deteriorated. The admission of the Russian solutions regarding religious laws makes the implementation of the church activities (missional, pastoral, educational and charitable), as well as the cooperation with foreign partners much more difficult. Breach of the previous religious freedom on the Crimean Peninsula can be considered as a form of a persecution. The analysis of our sources allowed us to notify that the scale of repressions that the churches encounter, is diÄ erent. In the most difficult position is the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate, competitive with the Russian Orthodox Church. The situation of the Catholic Church of the Ukrainian-Byzantine rite, as well as the situation of the Evangelical churches (well-known for their inner missions) does not look better. The Catholic Church has also suffered from particular difficulties. In the light of the above analysis, we might conclude that the research hypothesis has been positively verified. We have emphasized that the current position of the analyzed churches from the annexed Crimean Peninsula is a consequence of the recent political conditions and the speci' city of the interdenominational relations existing in Ukraine, as well as the close ties between the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church. These connections are also a result of the actions undertaken by Vladimir Putin, in order to find new methods to legitimize his own political power. Consequently, he creates a framework for a „new national myth”, focusing on relations with the Russian Orthodox Church and the church traditions. The difficulties faced by churches described in the text, reflect the practices used in the Russian Federation towards „foreigners” minority communities (perceived as a threat to the confessional security of the country) before 2014. Some of these actions involuntarily led us to connotations with the persecutions of Christians and representatives of other religions, described by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in the first volume of the Gulag Archipelago (1973).
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Paweł Olbrycht, Paweł Chmura

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 73-84

Anti-Terrorist Operation as a response to the threat to security in eastern Ukraine

The events in Ukraine from the turn of 2014 and 2015 showed the complexity of contemporary armed conflicts. For this reason, the war in Donbas is the subject of many scientific studies. Gradually, however, little space was devoted to the analysis focusing on the activities of special formations in the framework of the aforementioned Eastern Ukrainian conflict, hence the authors’ insights focused on the anti-terrorist dimension of the Donbas war. The aim of the article was to assess the legitimacy of ATO recognition as an anti-terrorist operation. Particularly important in this dimension is the expatriation of the participation of Ukrainian special forces in the conducted combat operations.
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Anna Pająk

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 145-154

The role and means of influence of paramilitary organizations on the political and social life of Georgia in 1990-1995

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the independence of Republic of Georgia faced many social, political and economic problems, one of which was the activity of paramilitary organizations and criminal groups at that time. Two of them, the Mchedrioni and the National Guard, have access to weapons, committing crimes against civilians and controlling the resources of the country and smuggling and trafficking, controlling almost every sphere of state and citizenship. Their leaders were the political elite of Georgia, which resulted in the fact that Mchedrioni and Guards’ work was completely impunity, not to say legalized in the state. The following paper outlines the way in which the paramilitary groups operated in Georgia at the beginning of the 1990s, the political influence and activity of the paramilitary groups operating in Georgia, have led the country to function on the edge of poverty, anarchy and violence.

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Jarosław Jarząbek

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 155-170

The article investigates recent developments and changes to the Middle Eastern regional security complex. The regional security complexes theory (RSCT) assumes that security problems rarely impact on large distances and that similar threats occur mostly in specific regions. According to RSCT, the Middle East is a typical conflict formation, with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Iraqi crisises being the biggest problems and most serious threats to the regional security. The author argues, however, that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict does no longer play a major role in the regional security, and the recent crisis in Iraq, although still important, has completely different character than it had previously. Security of the Middle Eastern regional complex is now shaped and challenged by a different set of factors. This includes primarily the impact of the rising Sunni-Shiite hostility, growing popularity and importance of Islamic fundamentalism, as well as the instability and unpredictability of local political regimes.
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ks. Marcin Składanowski, ks. Łukasz Borzęcki

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 171-185

The article is devoted to Aleksandr G. Dugin’s concept of the cultural security of Russia. This concept is closely linked to Dugin’s anti-Occidentalism and Eurasianism, in which he sees the guarantee of the independent and free from foreign influences development of Russia. Firstly, as an introduction, the main elements of Dugin’s Eurasian project are outlined. Secondly, an attempt is undertaken to define the cultural security of Russia. Thirdly, Dugin’s anti-Occidentalism is presented as a way to ensure the cultural security. Finally, the evaluation of Dugin’s understanding of Russia’s cultural security is proposed.
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Helena Giebień

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 187-204

Cybersecurity in the Russian Federation. Outline of the problem

The article undertakes the issues of cybersecurity in Russia. It shows the scale of cybercrime, their impact on the functioning of the states and attempts to solve the problem. The main thesis of the article states that the Russia Federation seeks to enhance its cyberspace security systems both on the legislative and executive level, trying to protect state’s institutions and critical infrastructure as well as cooperating with other states and international organizations. The articles analyses primary and secondary sources such as legal acts, reports, scientific literature, and Russian press, to present the research problem and draw conclusions. The research shows that the Russian authorities are aware of the multiple challenges they have to face to ensure the eÐ cient security of the cyberspace. Among the key elements are the raise of the level of competence of Russian specialists fighting cybercrimes, creation of the efficient infrastructure and protection against cyber attacks as well as improving the international system of information exchange on threats in the network. Russia faces also the challenge to strengthen multilateral cooperation with other states, based on mutual trust, especially in the face of a negative image of Russia resulting from the activities of hackers, connected to the state, who can paralyze the critical infrastructure of the other states.
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Karol Kwietniewski

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 205-213

The following article deals with the issue of the influence of the Russian Federation on countries located in the European part of the post-Soviet area. Due to the diversity of vectors of Russia’s influence, from which article indicates the four most important: economic, military, related to the Russian minority and frozen conflicts. The article answers the question about the omnipotence of the Russian Federation in the European part of the post-Soviet area, which subsequent stages of the evolution of internal and external policy led to the stabilization and in consequents rebirth of neo-imperial tendencies towards the so-called „Close abroad”. It draw the genesis of the argument from the historical premises of the USSR and the 1990s, as well as the existing links between the former republics of the USSR and Moscow as the center. The article was created using the research desk method on the basis of government documents, the latest studies of that topic, analyzes of leading think-thanks, as well as documents and press releases.
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Michał Włodarczyk

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 215-227

Problems of labour migration in Central Asia in economic and social aspect

The article handles the problem of labour migration from Central Asia to the Russian Federation. While underlining an importance of discussion about migration in contemporary politics, there are described characteristics of the region and differences between states that constitute it – Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, their various approaches to migration policy and resulting different scales of labour migration and amounts of remittances as GDP share are also presented. Next, there are distinguished push and pull factors concerning those countries (and the Russian Federation) – economic, demographic, cultural and political. The main body of the paper is focused on challenges which labour migration poses both for sending states and Russia such as economic instability, dependence on external prosperity, frauds and exploitation, intolerance and xenophobia and threats for a consistency of families in Central Asia. As a conclusion appears a statement on insufficiency of current Russian legislative solutions and the new ones are proposed.
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Ihor Sribniak

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 231-242

National-organizational activity of the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine in POW camp for Russian army in Rastatt, Germany (1915-1918)

This article analyzes the main directions of the organizational activity held by the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine (ULU) in the camp for prisoners of war from Russian army in Rastatt, Germany since May 1915 until 1917. Representatives of ULU in Rastatt founded schools of literacy and various educational courses, opened camp library and people’s theater, and equipped the church. Besides, the camp saw the creation of several Ukrainian circles and organizations whose members actively participated in the development of national life in Rastatt. Organization and management of the entire cultural and educational work in the camp was handled by the Department of Education of ULU. Members of this department were both civilians and captured Ukrainian officers whose assignment to Rastatt was agreed by the German military authorities. Á e Department of Education saw high personnel turnover as some of its members were assigned to other camps, while being replaced by new employees. During the first stages of the camp’s Ukrainization, the popularity of Russian chauvinist ideas among many Ukrainian POWs made it much more difficult to engage in the promotion of national and patriotic ideas, as well as in cultural and educational work. A lot of POWs were afraid of cruel repressions of the Russian government and the emperor for their participation in Ukrainian work. However, eventually the majority of POWs managed to get rid of these fears and created community „Independent Ukraine” whose leadership grew to lead all directions of Ukrainians’ life and activity in the camp. Due to the activity of the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine, the camp prepared numerous nationally conscious Ukrainians who actively participated in diÄ erent military groups which fought against Russian Bolshevism in 1918-1920.

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Adam Szymanowicz

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 243-259

Cossack formations in the service of the Third Reich

After the attack of the Third Reich’s army on the Soviet Union, many Cossacks in exile declared their willingness to fight in the German formations against the hated enemy. Also, a significant part of the Cossack population in the Don, Kuban or Terek territories occupied by the Germans enthusiastically welcomed the entering Wehrmacht troops. Shortly afterwards, the Cossacks were permitted to create their local government there, and also received guarantees of cultural, educational and religious freedom. The formation of Cossack troops used by the Germans for reconnaissance and 'fighting the Soviet partisans also commenced. These soldiers were to be treated equally with German soldiers. After a series of German defeats on the Eastern Front in 1943 and after the Red Army had taken the initiative on the Eastern Front, the Cossack formations together with the accompanying civilian population created the so-called Cossack

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Tomasz Landmann

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 261-277

Prometheism as a political and ideological assumption in correspondence of Polish Prometheus Group in London in the first years after the Second World War

The article presents the characteristics of Prometheism as a political and ideological concept in the first few years after the end of World War II. The analysis was based on archival material gathered in the Archives of the Józef Piłsudski Institute in London (hereinafter: AIJP in London) in Team No. 148: Prometheus, main contents contained in the correspondence (documents) of the Polish Promethean Group in London, and also in the literature. The thesis was put forward that in the first years after the end of World War II in the Polish emigration environment, Prometheism still appeared as a political and ideological assumption and also a measure whose implementation could contribute to the internal weakening of the USSR. It can be said that the implementation of the Promethean idea was continued by the Polish emigration environment also after the end of World War II. The Polish Promethean Group in London was the center of the Promethean affairs, inspiring the work of other centers, as well as analyzing the signifi cance of various initiatives inscribed in the vision of post-war Prometeism.
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Janina Hajduk-Nijakowska

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 281-291

Examining local memory in the context of the state policy of remembrance in Poland. Deportations into the heart of Russia to Siberia in unofficial memory

Researchers in social memory are bound in their work to include the relations occurring between the memory of local communities and the official historical policy of the state. When events retained and exposed in the local memory are persistently passed over in silence, distorted, falsified or removed from the public sphere by means of decisions taken by the censorship, the remembrance of these events takes on the character of concealed memory, which integrates the given social group tightly (e.g., the Siberians, the Silesians). The transformations which followed in Poland after 1989 (liquidation of the Censorship) formally introduced „commonwealths of memory” into the public debate; however, they affected the stereotypes and prejudices held by Poles only to an insigni' cant degree. The ideologization of the state policy of remembrance, which has been gaining strength for some time (among others, the amended act on the Institute of National Remembrance) practically makes it impossible for a free dialogue to function in the public space. If the official (state) remembrance imposes the way of understanding, interpreting and remembering past events and this under the threat of legal repressions, then there again we come to deal with its clash with unofficial (local) memory, in consequence of which the „bearers” of the latter may develop a sense of being excluded from the official historical narration. Such a situation not only hampers conducting studies among the stigmatized or excluded groups, but primarily requires from the researchers to be particularly responsible while interpreting the images of memory which are lived through by these communities.
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Mateusz M. Kłagisz

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 293-308

Ta’ziyeh performance – a space for memory in the Iranian culture

The subject of the article is a (quasi-) theatrical performance – Ta’ziyeh – treated as a potential space for using collective memory. The performance itself is an original product of the Iranian culture whose essence is the free reproduction of historical events from Karbala that took place in 680 and became one of the elements constituting Shiite religious identity. In the description presented here I have focused on these characteristics of Ta’ziyeh which involve the issue of memory and the problem of recreating / processing future by the secondary witnesses to the past events. This approach to cultural phenomena of interest allows you to look at it from a wider perspective and identify those aspects that have not been studied so far, e.g. the proposed problem of feedback between the emotions of an individual and a group, or between corporal-ritual behaviours of an individual and a group, in both cases located within the widest frames of a convention. Research on the Ta’ziyeh performance as a space for memory allow better understanding of the emotional power of the performance itself, as well as its ideological, political and socio-cultural value.
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Anna Kurkiewicz

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 309-320

Violence and Power – the Question about Security in the Conditions of Communicative Oppression. Mythology of Repeated Communism

The reality of the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, which on the one hand has eradicated the notion of violence from the ideational sphere, the sphere of constructing social-political entities, on the other hand, by eradicating violence as a tool of building new social orders, has kept and appropriated its modus, or the ways of organizing of the world, its time and space, associated with the conditions of violence. In the modern and postmodern world, violence turns out to be, not seldom, the basis of sanctioning and reinforcing the mechanisms of power. Symbolic violence – as Bourdieu wanted – the tool of influence by the dominant classes, or the violence resulting from communicative oppression – legitimization of common agreement, consensus, which, transformed into an idea – the basis of the construction of the modern world, are becoming a form of oppression, a form of imposing the only one, worked out as (seemingly) common, vision of this what is and can be a question of a conflict. The sources of such understood visions should be looked for, according to Jean-Luck Nancy, in a particular desire of man, desire, which, when started to be embodied, acquired total forms, and, finally, totalitarian ones: in the desire of transformation of the society into a “masterpiece”. The thing, which was supposed to be cemented by the realized desire (society as a masterpiece), was community, communion [communio], and, finally (as the embodiment of the postulated unity in its total form) communism.

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Michał Lubicz Miszewski

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 323-337

Natives or strangers? The image of Poles evacuated from Donbas in 2015 in the perception of the contemporary Polish society on the example of social media

The article concerns opinions on Poles evacuated from Donbass in 2015. To bring the above matter closer, press articles available online have been reviewed, and Internet users’ comments posted under them analyzed. Some of them strongly opposed the admission of refugees from eastern Ukraine and accepting them to their local communities. Defining them as refugees, they refused to help them, for example in providing housing while the indigenous people have to wait for years for the allocation of a communal flat. They also questioned the Polish nationality of the arrivals. Other comments were of quite the opposite nature. They expressed their conviction that the Polish state has obligations to Poles from the East and it should receive them, rather than migrants from other cultural backgrounds.
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Paulina Polko

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 339-354

Migration policy in programmes of Polish political parties after 1989

Although migration policy wasn’t the most important theme of election campaigns in Poland after 1989, different ways of understanding it, numer of touched motives and classification as an element of foreign, social, historical or security policy makes it as an interesting subject of research. The article aims to present migration policy in programmes of polish political parties and their critical analysis.
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Ewa Pogorzała

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 355-365

Backlash? – the state and challenges of anti-discrimination education in Poland with particular regard to ethnic otherness

The main aim of the article is to describe the state and challenges of anti-discrimination education in Poland and to analyse how it influences the rights of national and ethnic minorities and foreign pupils. The question, whether we deal with the backlash against anti-discrimination education in Poland has been preoccupying the experts and practitioners for some time. The application of specific antidiscrimination provisions in the education sector plays the key role in this regard. The irrefutable reality is of a retreat of the state in these areas that threatens its social role and has the result of inequalities, xenophobia, and intolerance. The central question then becomes – how might the backlash against anti-discrimination education affect the situation of national and ethnic minorities and foreigners and social attitudes towards these groups.
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Makoto Hayasaka

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 369-381

Japanese Studies on the history of the Central-Eastern Europe with some remarks for contemporary history of Poland

The paper focuses on the viewpoints of Japanese historians upon the Polish modern history. The year 2018 is anniversary for Japan as 150 years of Meiji Revolution (Meiji Ishin), as well as for Poles this year is anniversary as 100 years of Independence. If it would stand on the comparative studies for the modernization of XIX-XX centuries, we can observe the similar motives in the Polish uprisings. During the process from the partitions of Poland to Versailles treaty, may be to Riga treaty, the former noble republic was separated to five national states, like Poland, Lithuania, Byelorussia, Ukraine and Israel. In this context Japanese unification was not exception of the modern history. Japanese thinkers like Yukichi Fukuzawa applied for Meiji state to introduce the western constitutionalism, either monarchical or republican system. His viewpoints remind us the political selections, discussed among polish emigrés thinkers. At the stage of imperialism national unification idea was advanced by Roman Dmowski as integral nationalism which influenced strongly upon the neighbor national leaders aiming at their own national integration. Against this chauvinistic integral nationalism, locality idea (idea krajowa) opposed decidedly. Their leaders Michał Römer in Lithuania- Byelorussia and Wacław Lipiński in Ukraine propagated to enlighten the peasantry, to foster their culture and to establish local autonomy. Their attitudes remind us propositions of Japanese thinkers Inezou Nitobe and Kunio Yanagida. After the second world war many Japanese historians accepted Marxist methodology, and the studies of Polish modern history in Japan was disfigured by Marxist one lineal historical research. But now this viewpoint was revised as result of the decline of soviet régime, and our younger generation took multi-lineal analysis of historical research, relying upon the French historical school „Annales”. In this direction above mentioned Yanagida’s methodology was welcomed. To consider the 150 years of anniversary of Meiji Ishin for Japan and 100 years of anniversary of independence of Poland, undoubtedly should require the comparative studies.
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Roman Jurkowski

Wschodnioznawstwo, Tom 12, 2018, s. 383-398

„Famous Inhabitants of the Minsk Region in the XIXth and XXth centuries” – the History of the Eminent People of the Land of Minsk in the Works of 10 Scientific Conferences (2004-2016)

The article presents the history of a series of 10 scientific conferences called „Famous Inhabitants of the Minsk Region in the XIXth and XXth centuries”, organized in Minsk from 2004 to 2016. The conferences were to achieve two goals: to develop Polish and Belarusian biographical studies on the famous people from Minsk from the 19th and 20th centuries, and to bring together historians of both nationalities dealing with the history of Belarus in the 19th and 20th centuries. The author analyzes 10 volumes of the „Excellent Inhabitants of the Minsk Region in XIX-XX centuries”, according to their volumes, the content of the articles and the languages in which they were written.
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