Działalność narodowo-organizacyjna Związku Wyzwolenia Ukrainy w obozie jeńców armii cesarskiej Rastatt w Niemczech (1915-1918)
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWybierz format
RIS BIB ENDNOTEDziałalność narodowo-organizacyjna Związku Wyzwolenia Ukrainy w obozie jeńców armii cesarskiej Rastatt w Niemczech (1915-1918)
Data publikacji: 2018
Wschodnioznawstwo, 2018, Tom 12, s. 231 - 242
Działalność narodowo-organizacyjna Związku Wyzwolenia Ukrainy w obozie jeńców armii cesarskiej Rastatt w Niemczech (1915-1918)
National-organizational activity of the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine in POW camp for Russian army in Rastatt, Germany (1915-1918)
This article analyzes the main directions of the organizational activity held by the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine (ULU) in the camp for prisoners of war from Russian army in Rastatt, Germany since May 1915 until 1917. Representatives of ULU in Rastatt founded schools of literacy and various educational courses, opened camp library and people’s theater, and equipped the church. Besides, the camp saw the creation of several Ukrainian circles and organizations whose members actively participated in the development of national life in Rastatt. Organization and management of the entire cultural and educational work in the camp was handled by the Department of Education of ULU. Members of this department were both civilians and captured Ukrainian officers whose assignment to Rastatt was agreed by the German military authorities. Á e Department of Education saw high personnel turnover as some of its members were assigned to other camps, while being replaced by new employees. During the first stages of the camp’s Ukrainization, the popularity of Russian chauvinist ideas among many Ukrainian POWs made it much more difficult to engage in the promotion of national and patriotic ideas, as well as in cultural and educational work. A lot of POWs were afraid of cruel repressions of the Russian government and the emperor for their participation in Ukrainian work. However, eventually the majority of POWs managed to get rid of these fears and created community „Independent Ukraine” whose leadership grew to lead all directions of Ukrainians’ life and activity in the camp. Due to the activity of the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine, the camp prepared numerous nationally conscious Ukrainians who actively participated in diÄ erent military groups which fought against Russian Bolshevism in 1918-1920.
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Informacje: Wschodnioznawstwo, 2018, Tom 12, s. 231 - 242
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Działalność narodowo-organizacyjna Związku Wyzwolenia Ukrainy w obozie jeńców armii cesarskiej Rastatt w Niemczech (1915-1918)
National-organizational activity of the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine in POW camp for Russian army in Rastatt, Germany (1915-1918)
Uniwersytet im. Borysa Hrynczenka w Kijowie
Publikacja: 2018
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY
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PolskiLiczba wyświetleń: 274
Liczba pobrań: 220