2023 Następne

Data publikacji: 12.2023

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Bernardyna Banaś

Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (27) 2023, 2023, s. 3 - 15


Between affirmation and defiance of life – autobiographical elements in the works of Jadwiga Gamska-Łempicka

This paper is devoted to Jadwiga Gamska-Łempicka, a forgotten poet, translator and editor from the interwar period. It is an attempt to help her and her selected works emerge from oblivion. The main motif of this discussion concerns the autobiographical nature of her work. In compliance with the idea of Małgorzata Czermińska, the paper revolves around not a classical tale about the life of a poet but a manifest of identifying with the created character, a need to talk about oneself. Jadwiga Gamska- -Łempicka, making concrete artistic transformations, precisely expressed in her texts her personality and life experiences, which find a reflection in her biography. The article outlines the individual, separate nature of the poet’s work, her following her own poetic path, as well as themes and motifs typical of her entire output, which are: anxiety, fear, isolation, uncertainty, memories, loneliness, suffering, embitterment, time going by, death and a strong emphasis on the significance of religious experience

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Jacek Rozmus

Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (27) 2023, 2023, s. 17 - 31


“Ants stitching in the grass”. On animals in the works of Kornel Filipowicz and Wisława Szymborska

Research on Wisława Szymborska’s poetry considers Kornel Filipowicz’s prose only to a small extent. Agnieszka Rydz does mention the author of To kill a deer! but her reflection concerns the landscape of memory, whereas Szymborska’s lyrical sceneries, interpreted in the zoocritical perspective, turn out to be akin to Filipowicz’s literary ecosystems. What testifies to that is among others artistic and axiological consequences of presenting human in interactions with wildlife, which was pointed out by Stanisław Burkot in the context of Alfred Adler’s findings. What points to the relation is also the geopoetics of those territories, which, according to Elżbieta Feliksiak, are conducive to reflections stemming from “being in the landscape”. It is in them, both in Filipowicz’s and the authoress of Parting with a View’s works – according to Krystyna Pietrych – that the border between the worlds of humans and animals is constantly being crossed. Literary, but also ontological properties of the mentioned borders, can be determined by taking into consideration the Umwelt category, introduced into research on animal behavior by Jakob von Uexkűll. Used by Alexandra Horowitz to describe the relation between man and dog, it allows to trace literary connections between Kornel Filipowicz, Wisława Szymborska and Thomas Mann.

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Barbara Łyszczarz

Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (27) 2023, 2023, s. 33 - 61


A dialogue between film and classical arts. A comparative analysis of the novel Call Me By Your Name and its film adaptation

The aim of this paper is to present various links between films and other arts. As a starting point the author has chosen presenting the theoretical base of the division of classical arts, their languages, materials and characters. Film is the youngest among the arts. Further, the text focuses on the problem of adaptation, in particular film adaptation. The ground thus laid allows to discuss the main topic of the paper: comparison of Call Me By Your Name the book by André Aciman and its film version of the same title directed by Luca Guadagnino. Comparative analysis is applied here to: literary and film narration, the autotelic nature of both works, the merging of literary and cinema worlds – with reference to both the novel and the film. A lot of space is devoted to the director’s attempts to enhance the aesthetic and erudite values of the work; the context for those aspects in the film are philosophy, painting and music. Besides the interdisciplinary character the paper also evokes the history of idea and the question of translation, though the latter in vestigial form, more to accentuate the problem than to make an attempt to deepen the explication.

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Grzegorz Trościński

Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (27) 2023, 2023, s. 63 - 74


The historiosophical aspect of The Work of God or Songs of Liberated Vienna by Wespazjan Kochowski

The historiosophical aspect of the work The Work of God or Songs of Liberated Vienna by Wespazjan Kochowski is visible already in its title. It is based on a providential interpretation of the history of the nation and the actions of its royal representatives. The victory over Turks at Vienna is perceived as the work of the Providence whose armed force is King John III Sobieski. The latter was made a knight of Christ who has a special mission to save Christian Europe from the Turkish invasion. He is perceived as an incarnation of one of the leaders of the first crusade, Godfrey of Bouillon, which results in recognizing the Polish army and allied forces as crusaders. The history of wars against pagans is revised in the historical reality of the 17th century. Kochowski interprets it in religious and moral terms. The grounds for this reasoning is the Sarmatians’ conviction about Poland being the bulwark of Christendom and its defensive role against the Turkish expansion.

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Małgorzata Wilgucka

Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (27) 2023, 2023, s. 75 - 110


The image of the Mother of God in the perspective of cultural anthropology based on Borderlands sanctuary songs

The article deals with the issue of the creation of the image of the Mother of God in religious songs in the publication of Szymon Wilk, Borderlands sanctuary songs. Source edition of texts in Polish from the years 1645‒1939 (Sandomierz 2021). The analysis of Marian denominations is based on the broadly understood context of cultural anthropology and cognitive science.

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Ewa Zmuda

Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (27) 2023, 2023, s. 111 - 122


Angelology and female religious names

The article takes up the issue of theological significance of religious names. The material of female religious names gathered in Polish monasteries has been analyzed in terms of its angelological content, i.e. references to Catholic teachings about angels contained in these names. The analysis takes into account the diachronic aspect as well.

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Liana-Mariia Blikharska

Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (27) 2023, 2023, s. 123 - 146


“Laudare, benedicere, praedicare” – the Dominican Order’s minor seminary (boarding school) in Zhovkva (1923–1938)

The Dominican monastery in Zhovkva was a perfect place for establishing an educational care centre: it had money, professional staff and experience in running academic institutions. The vicinity of Lviv was an additional factor in favor of situating there a boarding school for potential candidates for the Dominican Order. Chronicles and personal books provide a lot of information on everyday life and attitude of the charges of the Zhovkva institution. The analysis allows to take a look at the situation from the perspectives of both the student and the teacher. Dominican educational ideals, based on the main principles of the order – “laudare, benedicere, praedicare” were implemented by the whole boarding school community. Catechists with their assistants propagated the values of the order, themselves being role models, and instilled them in their charges. The students developed the values through religious practices, participation in religious and secular organizations, as well as their own attitude in various everyday situations.

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Andrii Petrash

Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (27) 2023, 2023, s. 147 - 170


Pastoral activity and daily duties of Jesuits in the late 19th – early 20th century (on the territory of Lviv archdiocese)

The article is dedicated to the study of the everyday activities of Jesuits from the late 19th to early 20th century, based on their missionary work in the Archdiocese of Lviv. During that period, the order’s mission houses were located in Ternopil, Lviv, Stanyslaviv, Chernivtsi, and Kolomyia. The aim of the study is to highlight the main kinds of pastoral work carried out by the order. The long-term process of candidates formation of the Society of Jesus, which took 12 years, is considered, and the main stages of their studying are briefly described. Special attention is given to the peculiarities of the organization of the internal life of the Jesuits and the order’s brothers’ duties are listed. The main part of the article is devoted to a list of various forms of activities carried out by Society of Jesus in the Archdiocese of Lviv at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

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Alicja Kabała

Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (27) 2023, 2023, s. 171 - 180


Vocal expression of meaning in radio news services

The article is an attempt to analyze the factors determining the effectiveness of verbal communication. The author, with reference to radio information messages, analyses the role of selected suprasegmental elements and describes disorders in their realization affecting the logic of utterances and the precision of conveyed meanings.

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Ewa Bielenda-Mazur

Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (27) 2023, 2023, s. 181 - 189


The significance of linguistic skills in the development of a pre-school child

The paper points out the role of language in the functioning of pre-school children. It presents an outline of neurotypical and delayed speech development as well as the diagnostic basis of the disorder called Developmental Language Disorder, whose fundamental symptoms are language deficits. The author refers to the latest research on cognitive functions, both verbal and non-verbal, emphasizing their influence on the child’s emotional and social development.

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Iwona Steczko

Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (27) 2023, 2023, s. 191 - 202


Obituary in the first half of the 19th century ‒ genological approach. Prolegomena (based on Krakow funeral notices)

The study is rooted within the research trend of historical genology, concentrating on a certain type of funeral statement (obituary) at an early stage of its development. The research material is a collection of obituaries (500 texts) dating from 1810‒1850, from the collections of the Jagiellonian Library in Krakow. Presented preliminary research results prove that the obituary is a polysemiotic type of statement, a generic variant of a funeral request with a clear construction pattern, including two compositional types.

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Bartosz Jakubowski, Tomasz Pudłocki

Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (27) 2023, 2023, s. 203 - 246


An American in Medyka. Elizabeth Munk Clark and the Pawlikowski family

The presented source edition discusses unknown letters of American translator and grant-holder of the Kościuszko Foundation in Poland in the 1930s, Elizabeth Munk Clark (1908–2001). They are concerned with her stay in Medyka and her cooperation with Michał Pawlikowski, translating his novel Change Your Bodies from Polish into English. In her letters to her parents, her fiancé Ernest Reiss and to Pawlikowski, Clark shares her observations from the summer of 1932, describing not only the Medyka residents and the work on translation, but also Cracow, Americans staying there as well as her impressions of daily life in Poland. It hardly ever happens that the same or similar things get described by one person in letters to three different recipients. That is why this correspondence, so far completely unknown, is worth introducing to a broader circle of readers.

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Stanisław Bartmiński

Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język, 2 (27) 2023, 2023, s. 247 - 301


Galicia Multicultural Festival

This paper has been written on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Galicia Multicultural Festival. The author presents the Festival’s organizer, Krystyna Shmeruk, as well as describing cultural events, lectures and symposia, exhibitions and concerts which have taken place as part of the particular editions of the Festival. The text is complete with press articles and memories of several persons connected with that project.

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Słowa kluczowe: Jadwiga Gamska-Łempicka, poetry, history, autobiography, Przemyśl, poezja, historia, autobiografia, 20th-century Polish prose and poetry, Kornel Filipowicz, Wisława Szymborska, Thomas Mann’s work, zoocriticism, Alexandra Horowitz, dogs’ cognitive skills, Umwelt, geopoetics, modern identity, autobiographical pact, proza i poezja polska XX w., twórczość Tomasza Manna, zookrytyka, umiejętności poznawcze psów, geopoetyka, tożsamość nowoczesna, pakt autobiograficzny, adaptacja, ekranizacja, interdyscyplinarność, komparatystyka, impresjonizm, narracja, Tamte dni, tamte noce, André Aciman, Luca Guadagnino, Heraklit z Efezu, Claude Monet, adaptation, film version, interdisciplinary character, comparative study, impressionism, narration, Call Me By Your Name, bitwa pod Wiedniem, historiozofia, Jan III Sobieski, Wespazjan Kochowski, the battle of Vienna, historiosophy, King John III Sobieski, pieśń religijna, wizerunek Matki Boskiej, mariologia, językowy obraz świata, pole znaczeniowe, antropologia kulturowa, archetyp, religious song, image of the Virgin Mary, mariology, linguistic image of the world, semantic field, cultural anthropology, archetype, onomastyka, antroponimia, imiona, imiona zakonne, znaczenie teologiczne, onomastics, antroponomy, names, religious names, theological meaning, Żółkiew, dominikanie, małe seminarium (internat), wychowanie, Zhovkva, Dominican Order, minor seminary (boarding school), education, Товариство Ісуса, єзуїти, Римо-католицька церква, місіонерська діяльність, Львівська архідієцезія, Галичина, Society of Jesus, Jesuits, Roman Catholic Church, missionary activity, Archdiocese of Lviv, Galicia, komunikacja językowa, elementy suprasegmentalne, radiowe serwisy informacyjne, interpretacja głosowa, zaburzenia prozodii, language communication, suprasegmental elements, radio news services, vocal interpretation, prosody disorders, DLD, rozwój języka, rozwój społeczny, rozwój poznawczy, wiek przedszkolny, socjalizacja, delayed speech, developmental language disorder (DLD), language development, social development, cognitive development, preschool age, socialization, opóźniony rozwój mowy, klepsydra, gatunek funeralny, gatunek polisemiotyczny, genologia historyczna, obituary, funeral genre, polysemiotic genre, historical genology, Michał Pawlikowski, Elizabeth Munk Clark, Ernest Reiss, George Rapall Noyes, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Roman Dyboski, tłumaczenie, Medyka, translation, Wielokulturowy Festiwal Galicja, festiwal kulturalny, Przemyśl W 2023, Galicia Multicultural Festival, festival of culture, Przemyśl