Volume 2/2017

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Publication date: 05.12.2017

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Mateusz Gyurkovich

Issue content

Wacław Celadyn

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 7 - 14


Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje wybór dobrych praktyk dotyczących współpracy środowiska architektów z władzami samorządowymi oraz uczelniami wyższymi. Wyselekcjonowane przykłady prezentują rozwiązania wymagające popularyzacji w celu zbudowania atrakcyjnego rynku dla inwestycji prezentujących najwyższe walory jakościowe czy estetyczne w oparciu o publiczne inwestycje w sektorze budowlanym. Środowisko architektów jest grupą najmocniej zaangażowaną w misję tworzenia wysokiej klasy architektury, odpowiadającej najnowszym trendom.

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Jacek Gyurkovich

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 15 - 31


Paper presents the history of the Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology in a synthetic way. The author presents the organizational structure of the Faculty, that defines the directions of research activity of the academic staff. The didactic and research achievements of the Faculty staff, presented by the author, assessed by external institutions and organizations authorized to grant accreditation, give information useful for possible partners of the future scientific, educational and creative cooperation.

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Patrycja Haupt, Sylwia Mochocka, Małgorzata Wijas

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 33 - 44


The paper addresses the issue of small initiatives undertaken by inhabitants of housing estates to improve the quality of their living environment. The forms of initiatives, initiation and funding were discussed, as well as methods of implementation in cooperation with universities, organizations, commercial entities and self-government units. The effects of both spatial and social measures were analyzed. On the basis of experience in the implementation of the project “Bookshelves” conducted by the Department of Housing Development of the Institute of Urban Design, Cracow University of Technology in cooperation with the self-government of the Revitalization Department of the Cracow City Council discussed possibilities and threats in the implementation of such projects.

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Magdalena Jagiełło-Kowalczyk

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 45 - 56


The paper presents the results of the cooperation of the administration of the borough of Zwierzyniec with the shool – the Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology. The effects of this cooperation are engineer-level diploma design theses developed by students of the Faculty of Architecture. Social, economic, spatial and construction-related problems that the borough of Zwierzyniec is facing have been discussed within the publication. One of the fundamental problems that the area in question is dealing with is the “freezing” of activity in it during the autumn-winter period. The students’ analyses, observations and final designs are to serve as a means of promoting Zwierzyniec and its activation throughout all the seasons of the year.

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Michał Jania

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 57 - 83


Research presentation of the Smart City structure recognition possibility by urban indicators and visible factors – built environment. Examination of Songdo Smart City in South Korea, and comparison with other cities that weren`t designed as Smart City. Presentation of parametric algorithm which is using open source data, written to get the results of examination. Trial to answer is the Smart City new, unique trend in creation of urban environment, or only way of city administration.

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Elżbieta Kusińska

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 85 - 94


The article shows problems of modern cities, which are connected with urbanisation and increasing car traffic. New urban public spaces emerges often with coordination or with pressure from local community. New implementations are often recreational green areas – this is the basin need of citizens. Investing in green, in large or small scale, is profitable business for government and investors – it rises quality of human urban life as well as real property value and business development.

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Filip Łękawski

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 95 - 106


Ehrenbreitstein Frotress in Koblenz is a complex of Prussian fortifications erected at the begnining of the 19th century. After declassification of fortress, all buildings and elements were intended for demolition. Fortunately, value and cultural significance were noted. Main aim of article is to get acquainted with properly functioning example of the revitalized fortress in Koblenz and its influence on the development of the city over the centuries. There is also conducted an attempt to identify the value of the revitalization project in a sense of economy, social and architectural aspects.

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Piotr Mrowiec, Tatiana Pavliuc

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 107 - 123


The industrial technological advance and progressive urban expansion throughout the centuries left the railways with their infrastructure and facilities as degraded and devastated areas in the well urbanized centers of many contemporary Polish cities. In Cracow, the rail lines became a difficult to cross spatial barrier and previously used warehouses lost their historical function and became abandoned. The presented study demonstrates the metropolitan rail’s significant influence on the city’s urban spatial structure. The aim is to discuss the problems and opportunities of rail-related areas revitalization as the proposal of urban design solutions are presented.

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Katarzyna Pluta

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 125 - 146


The article presents shaping models of cooperation of the University (The Chair of Urban Design and Rural Landscape of the Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology), local government and business – “actors” contributing to townscape of contemporary cities as well as the effects of cooperation. The most important types of cooperation include: organization of architectural and urban student competitions, organization of architectural and urban design workshops for students, organization of scientific study trips in Poland and abroad, participation of the staff of The Chair of Urban Design and Rural Landscape in national and international design workshops, lectures.

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Ewa Stachura

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 147 - 160


The aim of the paper is to identify and describe the interrelationships and fields of cooperation between university, local government and business. The effectiveness of this cooperation in constantly changing economic and social conditions influences the quality of results. Entities representing business, local government and university formulate their objectives and strategies separately but including future relationships with the partners. Another aim of this paper so is to propose prerequisites for such a model of cooperation university – business – local government that might strengthen and accelerate city space transitions. Incorporating local communities into these activities may help achieving sustainable development goals. There is already a rich practice of initiating and implementing projects for the city space at various scales involving partners as university, business and local government. This paper will present one of them, a case study: Dlugosz Square Project in Raciborz.

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Małgorzata Wijas, Sylwia Mochocka, Patrycja Haupt

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 161 - 176


The article presents a model of cooperation between the university and the non-government organization, shows the aim, character and rules of this kind of interaction. The article presents efecst of students‘ work led by their teachers. This work is an attempt to show the mutual benefits of synergies and final effects of the university – foundation – self-government – human – business model.

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Piotr Broniewicz

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 179 - 188


To own a recognizable brand is a key to the market success. Except typical methods, which could be find in marketing manuals, it’s very important for an institution or company to create the architecture with which will be associated. Study of history shows that it is an unchangeable condition. Is it worth spending a lot of money on an above average Architecture?

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Kazimierz Butelski, Magdalena Kozień-Woźniak, Marta Łukasik

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 189 - 204


The methodology taught from years in the Chair of Social and Public Building Design has been invented to develop study projects in small towns to familiarize students with the specificity of introducing new architectural forms into the existing cultural environment. It is extremely valuable to cooperate with local communities and to work together during this project – formulation of design guidelines and proposing locations for the chosen topic, up to the organization of the exhibition and evaluation of the students design proposals. These studies may have gave an important implications for the city in future decisions regarding the location of public buildings and their impact on the spatial structure. They can also foster the sustainable development and strengthening the economic potential. So far, cooperation has been established with such cities as Leżajsk, Niepołomice and Wieliczka.

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Krzysztof Ludwin

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 205 - 216


This article presents the problem of coloring in external architecture rarely discussed in Poland and the lack of regulation of these issues at the statutory level. The article addresses growing problem of the eclectic and ill-considered color of urban and rural architecture in Poland, resulting from the lack of decision-making at the level of harmonized procedures within local spatial development plans.

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Małgorzata Petelenz

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 217 - 231


The trends in the development of the hotel industry are the evidence of an intensifying drive to expand the amount of services they offer. The dominant are the multifunctional, hybrid, flexible ones, which are able to meet the expected financial expectations. Cooperating with Wiśniowski company, the Cracow University of Technology enabled the students of the Architecture Faculty to create conceptual designs for a hybrid hotel by the Rożnowskie Lake. Participants were able to meet the architectural requirements from the business planning point of view, trying to reach a compromise between the principles of good craftsmanship and the economics of use.

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Katarzyna Zawada-Pęgiel

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 233 - 243


The lack of sufficient public sector financial resources to cover the costs in Western European cities, including the preparation and implementation of some of the city tasks contributed searching new solutions. Such projects are usually carried out on the basis of cooperation between public entities operating within the framework of public and private investors, promoters, businesses etc. The process of implementing multifunctional office complexes has shown the complex processes of implementing and coordinating the activities related to shaping the urban environment in the last fifty years. The process of shaping and realization of the office complex is illustrated in the example of the multi-purpose Potsdamer Platz.

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Martyna Bednarz

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 247 - 259


The controversial form of Hundertwasser’s architecture has been stirring contradictory emotions for years. Using the power of art, he postulated the right to live closer to the nature, to abandon conformism, and the right to express individuality, particularly in the „third skin” – house. Hundertwasser’s buildings have become architectural icons of Austria, despite the aura of the scandal that accompanied them during formation.

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Anna Kulig, Krystyna Romaniak

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 261 - 274


As part of the research activities, the employees of the Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology undertake various issues related to the heritage of architecture. Modernizations, repairs, renovations require specialized skills and knowledge of techniques no longer used in modern construction, almost forgotten. The paper presents the results of research on historical objects realized in cooperation with museums, inventories and computer companies. Gothic vault measurements were made, creating virtual reconstructions with BIM technology.

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Paulina Łyziak-Dyga

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 275 - 288


This article covers the subject of reconstruction of the interior design elements of the Office in the tower, which is found on the south eastern side of the Museum-Castle in Lancut. Its main goal is to showcase the historical research that has been done, as well as, the problems entailed in the historical researches. Over the course of the research and conservation works carried out during the years 2014–2015, several elements have been recognized and reconstructed, which consist of: paintings, graphics, tapestries, and furniture. Furthermore, the earlier painted decorations which were found hidden above the ceiling copula, had also been analysed. On the basis of the research done in the original location, as well as the analysis of the relevant literature, covservation work was undertaken and partial reconstruction of the interior elements was performed.

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Iwona Zuziak

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 289 - 298


In our deliberations on the main topic we should emphasize the relationship between the three titular factors determining the dynamics of progress: science, local government and business. They all have a history dating back to antiquity. It will be difficult to select the most important or the original field in this triad of concepts, but due to its roots we should mention human creativity. This feature implies the development of entrepreneurship, the type of activity that leads towards civilizational development. Thanks to technological progress, also towards satisfying the hedonistic desires and its use for utilitarian purposes. Thus, the cause and effect chain is infinite. The dynamic efficiency of cooperation largely depends on its simultaneity.

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Teresa Bardzińska-Bonenberg

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 301 - 314


In 2006 Śródka, one of the oldest and derelict districts of Poznan was included in the Urban Redevelopment Programme. Collapse that has occurred in the following years was due to lack of imagination of the clerks and greed for gain of the owners. Gradually the Programme started working: new investments introduced Śródka once again to the city and citizens. However, recent decisions may change the course of events in the wrong direction.

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Justyna Kobylarczyk

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 315 - 322


The cooperation between the University, local authority and business sets new and already established directions for the development of the higher education institutions. The agreements between various business units and the city authorities are included in the universities’ development strategies. The paper presents the main assumptions of the project commissioned by the Cracow Municipal Office and implemented by the designated team of the Chair of Housing Environment, Institute of Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology, in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University. In addition, the interdisciplinary character of the research allows us to gain a broad insight into the issues undertaken in the compliance with the knowledge and experience of experts in various fields.

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Wojciech Korbel

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 323 - 339


Planning of public spaces in Poland is a process based on two important factors. According to Spatial Planning Act communal authorities are responsible for creation of their own spatial policy. At the same time Constitution of Poland states that all authorities act only within the limits of existing law. All planning decisions which exceed legal boundaries therefore can be considered as illegal. To avoid problems, a question considering expectations of possible changes in legal regulations can be asked. A research poll has been addressed to a number of polish communal authorities. Gathered information allow to form a thesis that in the past years most changes in polish legislation concerning spatial planning did not follow expectations of local authorities responsible for planning of public spaces.

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Piotr Setkowicz

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 341 - 352


Krakow and its inhabitants are characterized by both the awakened metropolitan aspirations, as well as fears and strivings which can be ascribed rather to the communities inhabiting medium and even small-sized urban centers. The pride derived from the status of one of the leading academic centers is not always accompanied by an interest in, and even less so, a belief in the opinion expressed by the academic authorities. The declarations of city authorities concerning the creation of a climate which promotes investment, are frequently being contradicted by numerous enunciations of Krakow citizens, in which terms, such as “businessman” or “developer” are meant to sound as offensive epithets. An authentic increase of the importance of social consultations accompanying the process of planning as well as a thorough evaluation of the realized projects is opposed by a specific “culture of escalation of conflicts”. What plays a significant role in stoking up these antagonisms are, among others, the internet discussion forums and the local media which not infrequently contradict their conciliatory mission. The case of Krakow does not appear to be an exception; that is why, the conclusions concerning the decrease of similar mental barriers may turn out to be useful also to other urban centers.

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Krystyna Paprzyca

Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, Volume 2/2017, 2017, pp. 353 - 362


Since 2015 students of different years and diploma candidates studying at the Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology, develop design studies and conceptual designs, which constitute design proposals for locations indicated by representatives of town councils. Students also prepare ‘investor’s offers’, which could constitute a starting point for studies devoted to feasibility of particular investments. In the era of job market competition, thanks to the collaboration along the line University – Local Government – Business, students acquire specific knowledge relating to the designing and investment process; they get to know different towns and cities, their specificity. Cooperation with young people opens up new opportunities, because sometimes some concepts and business activities can be perceived only by the young generation. Their approach and ideas contribute to the revival of urban spaces, as well.

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Słowa kluczowe: business, models of cooperation, higer education, local authoryties, architects’, the University, organizational structure, academic staff, scientific potential and creative, inhabitants’ initiatives, public space, urban renewal, cooperation, university, local administration, activation, Smart City, Songdo, Urban Structure, Parametric Design, urban greenery, social needs, designing for local community, urban social spaces, revitalization, post military areas, sense of city, spatial planning, metropolitan rail, urban revitalization, cooperation, university, local government, city, architectural and urban design, model of cooperation, sustainable development, urban space, foundation, university, interior, private space, society, residential architecture, sustainable architectural and urban design, architecture, public buildings, branding, marketing, Leżajsk, Chasidic, Institute of Judaic Studies, Jagiellonian University, careers, seniors, juniors, Laboratory of Technical Acoustics AGH, color, color light, aesthetics, optical stimulus, color in architecture, hotel, cooperation, hybrid, business, urban environment, office function, process of developing, art in architecture, controvertial architectural realizations, organic architecture, gothic vaults, construction inventory, painting, preservation of monuments, history of architecture, protection of cultural heritage, local government, business, science, activity, creativity, collaboration, simultaneous, Śródka, revitalization, degradation, rents, developments, community, scientific project, spatial-functional diagnosis, expert units, public spaces, legal instruments of urban planning, expectations of communal authorities, research poll, Krakow, intelligent development, urban planning, collaboration University – Local Government – Business, attractiveness, competitiveness of cities