Instructions for Authors

Submission of articles: the rules for accepting and rejecting manuscripts

  1. Editors carry out an initial verification of submitted manuscripts to determine whether a given manuscript is in line with the profile of the journal.

    The manuscript may be considered for publication if it (meeting at least one of the following criteria is sufficient):
    1. is a creative explanation of a research problem;

    2. is a comprehensive review of the research in a given field;

    3. aims to popularise - in foreign languages - the results of research by Polish historians;

    4. constitutes a critical review of foreign research;

    5. is a critical edition of a source document.

  2. Editors may – in duly justified circumstances – accept for publication manuscripts that do not meet any of the above criteria.

  3. Submitted manuscripts are sent to anonymous reviewers who
    1. evaluate the content, especially with reference to its compliance with the title; topic coverage, conclusions and the sources used;
    2. assess the quality of the language;
    3. verify the text in terms of its compliance with copyright law.


We encourage all authors and co-authors publishing articles in "Prace Historyczne" to register for an ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID).

ORCID is a registry of unique identifiers for researchers and scholars that is open, transparent, mobile and serves the univocal identification of the authors and their publications. Free registration can be done at ORCID website.

Manuscripts: publication rules

  1. Submitted manuscripts cannot be previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Editors do not return unsolicited manuscripts.

  2. Manuscripts are to be submitted in an electronic version. Electronic submissions via email attachment should be sent to Zdzisław Zblewski, Editor in Chief (zdzislaw.zblewski@uj.edu.pl) 

  3. All submitted articles are peer-reviewed by academic researchers – experts in their field. Publication of articles is subject to the authors introducing the modifications suggested by reviewers.

  4. Articles should not normally exceed 50,000 characters (studies and source materials) and 10,000 characters (reports and reviews).

  5. Articles are published in Polish as well as in English, German and French. An abstract of 1000 characters should be provided together with the key words in Polish and in English and a list of references cited in the manuscript. Authors are supposed to prepare a short biographical note (name and surname, degree, affiliation, research interests, email address). The bio will be published in a given issue of the journal.

  6. In case of tables, maps, photographs or fragments of texts, the authors should provide the copyright holder’s written consent.

  7. Editors do not pay royalty fees. Authors of published papers receive an electronic (pdf) version of their article.

  8. Technical requirements for text processing
    • File format: Microsoft Word;
    • ca. 2000 characters on a page;
    • font –Times New Roman, font size 12 (12 pt), 1.5 times spacing;
    • in text footnotes – font size 10 (10 pt), single spacing;
    • uniformed bibliographical style, citations, dates, numbers, etc.;
    • the author’s name on the first page in the upper left-hand corner, roman type font, the title horizontally centered in bold type.

  9. Literature references. References should follow the following guidlines:

    1.  books, monographs
      initial(s) and surname of the author(s) + the full title in italics + the city and year of publication + page numbers [e.g. J. K o w a l s k i, Historia, Warszawa 2001, s. 56–58];

    2. collective works
      initial(s) and surname of the author(s) + the full title in italics + [in:] the title of the collective work in italics + initial(s) and surname of the editor + the city and year of publication + page numbers [e.g. A. K o w a l s k a, Historia [w:] Nauka, red. K. N o w a k, Wrocław 2005, s. 45–48];

    3. journals
      initial(s) and surname of the author(s) + the full title in italics + the title of the journal in roman type font in verted commas + the city and year of publication + number of publication (volume, issue, etc.) + page numbers [np: A. K o w a l s k a, Historia, "Prace Historyczne" (Kraków) 2005, nr 1, s. 42–56];

    4. archival documents
      name of the archive + name of collection + the file number + name of document
      [e.g. AAN, MSZ 9654, name of document, page (if paginated)];

    5. internet resources
      title of website _ address of website + date of access

    6. abbreviated/repeated citations (of the publication cited earlier)
      A. K o w a l s k a, op.cit., p. 45
      in case more than one work by the same author is cited: A. K o w a l s k a, Historia, s. 45
      in case the same source is cited again: ibidem, s. 45.

No publishing fees

Journal does not request any article subsmission, review, publication and processing charges.