For Authors

Instructions for authors


  • Texts should be sent double-spaced with wide margins, divided into sections and, when necessary, subsections, each with an appropriate heading. Emphasized words or phrases should be underlined (and will appear spaced-out in print). Quotations of language material should be italicized and followed by an English translation in single quotation marks. Russian and other Cyrillic-based Slavic quotations should be printed either in original orthography or in English transliteration. When quoting a Russian (or other Slavic) surname in the text, please use English transliteration. 

  • Figures and tables should be sent separately. They should be numbered consecutively and titled; they must be referred to in the text. A note should be placed in the text to indicate the approximate placement of each figure or table, e.g. Insert Figure 1 about here. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum; they should be numbered consecutively throughout the article. A footnote may not contain a reference only.

  • Citations in the text should give the surname(s) of the author(s) or editor(s), year of publication and, where appropriate, page numbers: (Black 1987: 111-230) (Black et al. 1998: 15) (Black 1987) (Black 1978, 1996) (Black and White 1987) (Black 1987a, 1978b) (Black 1987:56) (Black 1987; White 1986) (Black 1987 [1964])

  • Citations in a language other than English should be translated into English with the original formulation quoted in a footnote.

  • When referring to information from a particular work, please give the exact page numbers: (Black 1978: 111 - 113), and not (111ff).


All works cited in the text (and only those) should be listed in References at the end in alphabetical order of authors’ surnames. For books, please include the place of publication and the name of the publisher. For articles, please give the page numbers and, for journals, the volume and issue number. Titles of journals and books should be italicized. Surnames of authors and editors should be printed in small capitals. Bibliographical entries in Cyrillic-based alphabets should be provided in original orthography. Please do not abbreviate the names of journals.

Sample bibliographical entries:

  • Book
    • BACHE Carl, BASBØL Hans, LINDBERG Carl-Erik (eds.) (1994). Tense, Aspect and Action. Empirical and Theoretical Contributions to Language Typology. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

    • БОГУСЛАВСКИЙ Игорь. М. (1996). Сфера действия лексических единиц. Москва: Языки русской культуры.

    • SZUPRYCZYŃSKA Maria (1996). Pozycja składniowa frazy celownikowej w języku polskim. Toruń: Top Kurier.

  • Chapter in a book
    • DURST-ANDERSEN Per (1994). Russian aspect as different statement models. In BACHE,  BASBØL, LINDBERG (eds.), 81–112.Per (1994).
      [If more than one article is quoted from a book].

    • MCNEILL David (1997). Growth points cross-linguistically. In Language and conceptualization, Jan NUYTS, Eric PEDERSON (eds.), 190–212. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
      [If only one article is quoted from a book]

    • WEISS Daniel (2003). Raum-Zeit-Metaphorisierung bei polnischen Präpositionen. In Präpositionen im Polnischen. (= Studia Slavica Olderbungensia 11). Gerd HENTSCHEL, Thomas MENTZEL (eds.), 333–354. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks– und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.

  • Article in a journal
    • DENDALE Patric, TASMOWSKI Liliane (2001). Introduction: Evidentiality and related notions. Journal of Pragmatics 33, 339–348.

    • JONES Todd (1997). Thick description, fat syntax, and alternative conceptual systems. Pragmatics and Cognition 1, 131–162.

    • WILLIM Ewa (2003): O przypadku fraz z liczebnikiem typu pięć w podmiocie i mechanizmach akomodacji. Polonica XXII–XXIII, 233–254.

  • Entries for Internet resources must include full addresses.


  • All contributions should be submitted in English and should not exceed 8000 words.

  • The Editorial Staff may qualify for review a paper written in Polish and in special cases also in Russian or another Slavic language.

  • Authors whose native language is not English are kindly requested to have their text checked by a native speaker.

  • Please submit your contributions in electronic form (as a .doc, .docx, or an .odt file) as an e-mail attachment and enclose a PDF copy.

  • An abstract (of ca. 200 words) should be included as well as six keywords.

  • We kindly request not to include any information on the author in the text and self-reference should be made using “Author” or “Author and Co-author(s).” The author’s name, affiliation and e-mail address should be included as part of the submission e-mail.

  • Please send your contributions to: magdalena.szczyrbak@uj.edu.pl

  • The journal is published in electronic form with submissions accepted continually.

Ghostwriting and guest autorship

As ghostwriting are qualified cases in which someone has made a substantial contribution to publication, without revealing his participation as one of the authors, or without being mentioned in the acknowledgments enclosed to the publication. Guest authorship (honorary authorship) are considered situations in which the authors contribution is insignificant, despite of declaration.

In order to prevent cases of scientific misconduct the Editorial Board introduced a procedure protecting against cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship:

  1. Authors are required to submit their publications with a declaration specifying contribution of individual authors to publications (with their affiliations and contributions, ie the information who is the author of concepts, principles, methods, etc. used in the publications). The main responsibility lies with the author submitting the publication (declaration template is available on the website of the Quarterly).

  2. Authors are required to provide information about funding sources of the publication and contribution of research institutions, associations and other entities (financial disclosure).

  3. All detected cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship will be exposed, including notifying the appropriate entities (institutions employing the authors, science societies and associations, etc.).

  4. All detected cases of scientific misconduct are documented.

No publishing fees

Journal does not request any article subsmission, review, publication and processing charges.