Vol. 17, Issue 4

Volume 17 (2022) Next

Publication date: 31.03.2023


The publication of volumes 17 and 18 was financed by a grant from the Priority Research Area and a grant from the Faculty of Philology under the Strategic Programme Excellence Initiative at the Jagiellonian University.

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Ewa Willim

Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief Orcid Mateusz Urban

Issue content

Ewelina Mokrosz

Studies in Polish Linguistics, Vol. 17, Issue 4, Volume 17 (2022), pp. 145-176


In this paper we show that there are different topic dislocations in Polish, each representing a specific type of a discourse function. With a battery of diagnostic tests we analyse each dislocation and propose their classification. As it turns out, constructions implementing a contrastive topic exhibit features of both A and A’-movement, which turns out problematic for a uniform analysis. We demonstrate that the movement in them is non-quantificational. The movement targeting TopP consists of at least two steps. An object undergoes A-movement and lands in the specifier of an Aboutness Phrase. Then it moves to SpecTopP where it checks a discourse feature.

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Sławomir Zdziebko

Studies in Polish Linguistics, Vol. 17, Issue 4, Volume 17 (2022), pp. 177-216


The paper proposes that the phonological make-up of segments is influenced by the activity of the constraint *Hydra, which penalizes the presence of more than one headed element per one phonological expression. *Hydra influences the shape of the inventories and the phonological behaviour of nasal vowels in languages such as French and Brazilian Portuguese. At the same time, the behaviour of nasal vowels in Yoruba shows that *Hydra a violable constraint. In Polish, the high ranking of *Hydra proves necessary to account for the absence of Surface Velar Palatalization before the front nasal vowel /ɛ/. It also allows us to formulate a unified account of the 1st Velar and Anterior Palatalization, which have very different structural descriptions but take place before the same set of derivational affixes.

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