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Volume 21

2012 Next

Publication date: 19.12.2012

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Stanisław Migórski

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Adam Roman

Issue content

Christian Grossmann, Max Winkler

Schedae Informaticae, Volume 21, 2012, pp. 9-26


The quadratic loss penalty is a well known technique for optimization and control problems to treat constraints. In the present paper they are applied to handle control bounds in a boundary control problems with semilinear elliptic state equations. Unlike in the case of finite dimensional optimization for infinite dimensional problems the order of convergence could only be roughly estimated, but numerical experiments revealed a clearly better convergence behavior with constants independent of the dimension of the used discretization. The main result in the present paper is the proof of sharp convergence bounds for both, the finite und infinite dimensional problem with a mesh-independence in case of the discretization. Further, to achieve an efficient realization of penalty methods the principle of control reduction is applied, i.e. the control variable is represented by the adjoint state variable by means of
some nonlinear function. The resulting optimality system this way depends only on the state and adjoint state. This system is discretized by conforming linear finite elements. Numerical experiments show exactly the theoretically predicted behavior of the studied penalty technique.

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Leszek Gasiński, Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou

Schedae Informaticae, Volume 21, 2012, pp. 27-40


We consider a nonlinear Neumann elliptic equation driven by the p-Laplacian and a Carathéodory perturbation. The energy functional of the problem need not be coercive. Using variational methods we prove an existence theorem and a multiplicity theorem, producing two nontrivial smooth solutions. Our formulation incorporates strongly resonant equations..

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Sylwia Barnaś

Schedae Informaticae, Volume 21, 2012, pp. 41-54


In this paper we study the nonlinear elliptic problem with p(x)-Laplacian (hemivariational inequality). We prove the existence of a nontrivial solution. Our approach is based on critical point theory for locally Lipschitz functionals due to ChangIn this paper we study the nonlinear elliptic problem with p(x)-Laplacian (hemivariational inequality). We prove the existence of a nontrivial solution. Our approach is based on critical point theory for locally Lipschitz functionals due to Chang

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Oliver Stein

Schedae Informaticae, Volume 21, 2012, pp. 55-63


IWe derive C2 −characterizations for convex, strictly convex, as well as strongly convex functions on full dimensional convex sets. In the cases of convex and strongly convex functions this weakens the well-known openness assumption on the convex sets. We also show that, in a certain sense, the full dimensionality assumption cannot be weakened further. In the case of strictly convex functions we weaken the well-known sufficient C2 −condition for strict convexity to a characterization. Several examples illustrate the results.

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Maria Pilecka

Schedae Informaticae, Volume 21, 2012, pp. 65-79


In J. J. Ye and D. L. Zhu proposed a new reformulation of a bilevel programming problem which compounds the value function and KKT approaches. In partial calmness condition was also adapted to this new reformulation and optimality conditions using partial calmness were introduced. In this paper we investigate above all local equivalence of the combined reformulation and the initial problem and how constraint qualifications and optimality conditions could be defined for this reformulation without using partial calmness.
Since the optimal value function is in general nondifferentiable and KKT constraints have MPEC-structure, the combined reformulation is a nonsmooth MPEC. This special structure allows us to adapt some constraint qualifications and necessary optimality conditions from MPEC theory using disjunctive form of the combined reformulation. An example shows, that some of the proposed constraint qualifications can be fulfilled.

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Alexander Galant, Christian Grossmann, Michael Scheffler, Jörg Wensch

Schedae Informaticae, Volume 21, 2012, pp. 81-105


The paper deals with the numerical treatment of the optimal control of drying of materials which may lead to cracks. The drying process is controlled by temperature, velocity and humidity of the surrounding air. The state equations de ne the humidity and temperature distribution within a simpli ed wood specimen for given controls. The elasticity equation describes the internal stresses under humidity and temperature changes. To avoid cracks these internal stresses have to be limited. The related constraints are treated by smoothed exact barrier-penalty techniques. The objective functional of the optimal control problem is of tracking type. Further it contains a quadratic regularization by an energy term for the control variables (surrounding air) and barrier-penalty terms.
The necessary optimality conditions of the auxiliary problem form a coupled system of nonlinear equations in appropriate function spaces. This optimality system is given by the state equations and the related adjoint equations, but also by an approximate projection onto the admissible set of controls by means of barrier-penalty terms. This system is discretized by nite elements and treated iteratively for given controls. The optimal control itself is performed
by quasi-Newton techniques.

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Diethard Pallaschke, Ryszard Urbański

Schedae Informaticae, Volume 21, 2012, pp. 107-125


The quasidifferential calculus developed by V.F. Demyanov and A.M. Rubinov provides a complete analogon to the classical calculus of differentiation for a wide class of nonsmooth functions. Although this looks at the first glance as a generalized subgradient calculus for pairs of subdifferentials it turns out that, after a more detailed analysis, the quasidifferential calculus is a kind of Fréchet-differentiation whose gradients are elements of a suitable Minkowski–Rådström–Hörmander space. One aim of the paper is to point out this fact. The main results in this direction are Theorem 1 and Theorem 5. Since the elements of the Minkowski–Rådström–Hörmander space are not uniquely determined, we focus our attention in the second part of the paper to smallest possible representations of quasidifferentials, i.e. to minimal representations. Here the main results are two necessary minimality criteria, which are stated in Theorem 9 and Theorem 11.

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Andreas Gläser, Christian Grossmann, Ulrich Lunze

Schedae Informaticae, Volume 21, 2012, pp. 127-139


In this paper basic mathematical tasks of coordinate measurement are briefly described and a modi ed optimization algorithm is proposed. Coordinate measurement devices generate huge data set and require adapted methods to solve related mathematical problems in real time. The proposed algorithm possesses a simpli ed step size rule and nds the solution of the minimum circumscribed ball fi tting after only a nite number The iteration is of the steepest descent type applied to the related distance function. But, in contrast to standard algorithms it uses a modi ed step size rule that takes into account the speci c properties of the occurring objective function. This small di erence in the code improves the performance of the algorithm and it enables real time use of the proposed method in coordinate measurement machines. The eciency of the prosed algorithm will be illustrated by some typical examples.

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Ewa Szczepanik, Agnieszka Prusińska, Alexey Tret’yakov

Schedae Informaticae, Volume 21, 2012, pp. 141-157


We present the main concept and results of the p-regularity theory (also known as p-factor analysis of nonlinear mappings) applied to nonlinear optimization problems. The approach is based on the construction of p-factor operator. The main result of this theory gives a detailed description of the structure of the zero set of irregular nonlinear mappings. Applications include a new numerical method for solving nonlinear optimization problems and p-order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions. We substantiate the rate of convergence of p-factor method.

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Paweł Goncerz

Schedae Informaticae, Volume 21, 2012, pp. 159-168


We consider a Dirichlet boundary value problem driven by the p-Laplacian with the right hand side being a Carathéodory function. The existence of solutions is obtained by the use of a special form of the three critical points theorem.

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Jürgen Werner, Matthias Hillenbrand, Armin Hoffmann, Stefan Sinzinger

Schedae Informaticae, Volume 21, 2012, pp. 169-175


Automatic differentiation is an often superior alternative to numerical differentiation that is yet unregarded for calculating derivatives in the optimization of imaging optical systems. We show that it is between 8% and 34% faster than numerical differentiation with central difference when optimizing various optical systems.

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