Słowa kluczowe: state of exception, state of natural disaster, state of epidemic, administrative fine, human rights and freedoms, specific solutions associated with counteracting COVID-19, statutory authorization, appearance of infidelity, right to privacy, the secrecy of communication, the illegal obtaining of information, forgiveness, justice, costs, disciplinary liability, disciplinary offense, analogy in law, appropriate application of provisions, services provided by electronic means, radio, television, audiovisual services on demand, podcast, vlog, blog, protection of animals, humanitarian protection of animals, animal abuse, wild animals, game, personal interest, emotional bond, loss of a domesticated animal, immaterial harm, compensation for non-pecuniary loss, personal interest, animals, bond with animals, land development and management conditions, decision on land development and management conditions, urban design and planning analysis, good neighborhood principle, the Polish Supreme Court, judicature, civil proceedings, compensation for damages, statute of limitations