Attorney-at-Law, 1 (26), 2021, pp. 201 - 216, 1 (26), 2021, pp. 217 - 247łowa kluczowe: professional self-government, attorneys-at-law [radcowie prawni], attorneys [adwokaci], judges, prosecutors, notaries, bailiffs, Constitution of the Republic of Poland, Polish Supreme Court, public interest, the nullity of the proceedings, the deprivation of the party of the right of defense, closed door hearings, administrative courts, COVID-19, principle of openness, experts, civil procedure, criminal procedure, police notes, civil trial, public information, access to a document, protection of personal data, Schrems II, European Court of Justice, Privacy Shield, Safe Harbor Privacy Principles, data transfer, GDPR, United States, personal data, European Commission, questions submitted for a preliminary ruling, third countries, division by separation, Actio pauliana, harm to creditors, resolutions, Rural Development Programme for 2014–2020, financial support, African swine fever, water law companies, invest-ments, farm, sale, distance sales, permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages, delivery of an item, dispositive effect, freedom of busi-ness activity, Polish Supreme Court, judicature, bank, debtor, loan