Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012

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Publication date: 2012

Licence: None

Issue content

Włodzimierz Banach

Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, pp. 3-11


The SCS model is often used to calculate the effective rainfall in a catchment. In this model, the amount
of precipitation losses is taken into account by means of the CN parameter, which is determined using soil
permeability in the catchment, land use, crop type and the catchment soil moisture in the period preceding
the analyzed precipitation. A shortcoming of this model is its great labour-consumption in determining
land surface cover performed on the basis of topographic maps or orthophotomaps. This paper presents
an attempt to determine the land cover with the use of the CORINE Land Cover 2006 raster map with
a resolution of 100 m. In the paper, the analysis was made of the changes of the catchment average CN
values and of the maximum potential catchment storage, S, calculated for a topographic map and the
CLC2006 raster map.

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Marek Bodziony , Beata Baziak

Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, pp. 13-30


Violent changes in water regime require quicker and quicker information relating to flood
threats. Polish monitoring system is insufficient, in particular in the case of small and average
drainage areas. This creates the necessity of searching for different ways of acquiring data.
This article presents the method of interpolation of topographical and geodesy information on
a section of water-course, basing on the data from maps or from the measurements in the terrain.
The software used for data processing as well as sections creating was the AutoCAD Civil 3D.
The achieved data were used to calculate return periods using the “rainfall formula” method.

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Dariusz Bradło , Witold Żukowski , Sylwester Żelazny

Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, pp. 31-40


The controlled nuclear fusion refers to reaction of synthesis of atomic nuclei, which proceed
in temperature of millions K and energy released in the process could support further reactions
and also might be used as a source of electric energy. The paper comprises concept of future
thermonuclear power plant DEMO based on model AB PPCS. The system of power conversion
of thermal energy into electric energy was accomplished and simulated in program CHEMCAD
6.2. A comparison of different type of power plant was made by calculation of amount of fuel
needed for 1500 MW plant, during one year.

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Bernadetta Bzymek , Elżbieta Jarosińska

Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, pp. 41-57


Natural areas are often converted into paved or sealed surfaces. The degree of surface sealing,
public transport and hydrotechnical infrastructure significantly alter the rainfall-runoff
relationship in the area. All these factors entail consequences which often result in numerous
and severe floods. The paper assesses the impact of surface conditions on the size of storm water
runoff from both natural and urban area and the impact of seals on land runoff hydrographs.

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Wiesław Gądek , Włodzimierz Banach , Izabella Fiołka

Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, pp. 59-67


This paper presents comparison of hypothetical flood wave simulation method for ungauged catchments developed at Division of Hydrology, Cracow University of Technology, with results calculated for measured data in gauged cross-sections using method developed at Institute of Water Engineering and Water Management, Cracow University of Technology. Three gauged catchments were analysed: Prądnik, Żabniczanka and Żylica.

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Izabela Godyń

Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, pp. 69-85


In the paper an input-output modeling is proposed for working out an assessment of water use of the economy. It is presented the conception of the assessment of water requirements of the economy on the basis of an analysis of the indirect water use. For the purpose of water use analysis for Silesian voivodship the regional input-output model is carried out by using location quotient technique.

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Agnieszka Jamróz

Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, pp. 87-100


In the paper the most important rules of conduct switched during construction, operation and reclamation of municipal
waste landfill is presented. The guidelines provided in the Regulation of the Minister of Environment of 26 February
2009 (J. L. 39 pos. 320 from 2009), which amended Decree of the Minister of Environment of 24 March 2003 on detailed
requirements for the location, construction, operation and closure, which should correspond to the different types of
landfills (J.L. 2003 no. 61 pos. 549) were used. On the basis of the regulations it is now possible to identify all elements
that the designer should absolutely include in the proposed landfill project. Regulation specific parameters are given only
when it is necessary (because of the requirements for human health, the environment, or the transfer of EU legislation).
The paper presents several sample, correct solutions used in practice.

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Agnieszka Jamróz , Agnieszka Generowicz

Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, pp. 101-112


The article presents the results of the researches of waste accumulation made in the city and municipality of Skawina in May–November 2010 term. Skawina is forty thousand village, situated in Małopolska Province about 15 km southwest of Krakow. The researches were conducted non-investment. They were made within the confines of working on engineering thesis pursuant to agreement between City Council of Skawina municipality and Faculty of Environmental Engineering Cracow University of Technology. These researches were the continuation of researches having been conducted from 2006. It was a chance to show the tendency of waste accumulation changes taking a small city into consideration. The results obtained fit into the limits of literature data and can be used as an input in the estimation of indicators for similar settlements. Municipality Skawina also used the results to the calculation of charges for using of the waste management system and the design features and the form of that system.

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Elżbieta Korzeniowska-Rejmer , Agnieszka Generowicz

Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, pp. 113-127


The paper presents the influence of meteorological and local terrain conditions for the possibility of the spread of pollutants
in ambient air from the surface sources of pollution e.g. landfills. The spread of pollutants in ambient air, in the form of so-called
“cloud of pollution” can reach a few hundred meters from the landfill. Many years of observation and research in the areas covered
by the authors waste disposal indicates that the essential elements affect the behavior of a cloud of pollutants over the area of the
landfill are: degree of vertical air stability, wind direction and speed and nature of air turbulence, precipitation, and shape and type
of land cover. All these factors should be taken into account when assessing the site in terms of its suitability for the prospective
location of the landfill as well as adequate security at the design stage anti-migration.

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Beata Kowarska , Jerzy Baron , Stanisław Kandefer , Witold Żukowski

Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, pp. 129-143


Thermal regeneration of bentonite sorbent with application of the reburning, as a method of
reduction of NOx emission, has been presented. It has been proved that in the freebooard above
fluidised bed, it can be achieved significant decrease of NOx concentration in the flue gases,
related to contractual conditions. In the freeboard of the reactor besides reburning it has been
conduced separation of the raw material from regenerated material and pneumatic transport of
solid material achieved from regeneration. It has been revealed that transport processes have no
negative influence on NOx reduction conditions. Heat evolved above the fluidised bed is partly
transferred to the fluidised bed and that facilitates obtaining the thermal equilibrium in the bed.

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Zbigniew Mucha , Jerzy Mikosz , Agnieszka Generowicz

Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, pp. 145-155


The paper presents application of multicriteria analysis for selection of the best technology of a small
wastewater treatment plant. The calculations performed for two plant capacities and various effluent
standards are based on compromise programming method. For each plant’s capacity the three different
treatment technologies are considered. The selection of the best technology is done with a define set of
sustainability criteria. The proposed method can be used for selection of the best treatment technology and
the technical solution at the stage of wastewater system planning and designing as well as for evaluation of
already operated plants from sustainability standpoint.

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Jan Porzuczek

Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, pp. 157-170


The paper presents results of the identification of the multivariable model of the fluidized bed
boiler derived in the form of transfer function matrix. Conditions of the experiment that ensure
the identifiability of model dynamics while limiting the risk of emergency boiler shutdown was
proposed. Typical disturbances of the combustion process including division into measurable
and immeasurable ones as well as the method to identify the impact of these disturbances on
the outputs of the model was formulated. Possible application of the model in the model-based
controllers such as predictive or adaptive IMC (Internal Model Control) was indicated.

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Robert Szczepanek

Technical Transactions, Enviromental Engineering Issue 1-Ś (4) 2012, 2012, pp. 171-182


Free and open source software, due to liberal licensing and source code accessibility, seems to
be perfect environment for science and research. Development of software with such license
is supported by the biggest commercial companies, but also by local self-governments of
countries like Switzerland, Italy or Spain. QGIS program can read and write most popular raster
and vector formats, and works as web services client. Program was also integrated with i.a.
GRASS GIS system and statistical environment R. QGIS is simple, yet powerful tool, which
can be useful in hydrology and water management.

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