Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012

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Publication date: 2012

Licence: None

Editorial team

Issue Editor Marek Piekarczyk

Editor-in-Chief Zofia Berdychowska

Issue content

Tomasz Żaglewski, Bartosz Wasilewski

Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1


The paper shows the case study of modified stay cable’s anchorage in concrete base. The idea of modification is the introduction of additional rings on the formwork tube to improve the composite action between steel and concrete. Comparison between tested anchorage and typical element used in commercial systems is discussed. Composite force between steel and concrete in stay cable’s anchorage is presented. Influence of introduced ring on load capacity and behavior of entire anchorage is discussed.

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Rafał Szydłowski, Andrzej Smaga

Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1


Very often is necessary to use large spaces without supports in low floors in designed building where the construction system of the higher levels is completely different. In realized design for hotel building the authors of this paper have proposed prestressed structure made up two slabs and concrete walls as a I-beam web. It was formed the structure similar to box-section bridge beam. In this paper are presented and discussed the designing assumptions, parameters, the static and strength analysis results and the structure detailing. Based on the obtained results and experience from design process the conclusions was drawn.

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Rafał Sieńko, Rafał Szydłowski

Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1


The article presents the results of tests, aimed for determining the influence of the acoustic wave, generated in the performance and sport hall, on the changes of forces in the tendons elements of the roof. The measurements have been realized in the existing object, build in the sixties of the 20th century, by simulating the actual acoustic influence with use of loudspeaker system at various sound intensity levels and wave lengths.

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Andrzej Seruga, Mariusz Zych, Dariusz Faustmann

Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1


Nowadays reinforced concrete bending elements are strengthened most often using post-tensioning technology with unbonded steel tendons or CFRP materials. Type of material used to strengthen of the building structure is selected based on the real conditions of structure exploitation as well as structural solution, accessibility to element and anticipated strengthening effectiveness. Values of post-tensioning forces are known based on measured jack pressure, concrete strains in selected cross sections and girder deflection. In case of strengthening the cracked elements, the cracks should be injected with epoxy resin before start to strengthen. The method of injection should be suitable to values of crack widths. In case of many cracks, some of them (small cracks) are unfilled. It can be supposed their presence have influence for strengthening effectiveness evaluation of reinforced concrete elements.

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Andrzej Seruga, Mariusz Zych

Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1


The paper gives a detailed description of strengthening of reinforced concrete beams with CERP materials. A review of the building structure, the results of monitoring its technical state and the methods used to strengthen it are included. The strengthened beams are a part of an industrial hall roof support structure. The beams were strengthened with pretensioned carbon fiber strips in flexure and composite fabrics in shear. It was the first implementation in Poland of strengthening an RC structure by pre-stressing with CFRP strips. Nonlinear FEM analysis has been used to evaluation the effectiveness of strengthening method.

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Andrzej Seruga, Piotr Sokal

Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1


The paper presents researches, which were conducted in the world on torsional behavior of prestressed concrete elements. Particular attention is paid to researches carried out in the North America and the Middle East. Some experiments, which took place before 1978 are mentioned. More recent researches from 1978–2011 are discussed. Older experiments were conducted on typical elements, which did not contain any strengthening. Researches on elements with openings, and specimens made of concrete containing steel fibers or strengthened with CFRP sheets are also presented. Experiments connected with sustained torque are discussed.

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Andrzej Seruga, Stanisław Kańka, Tomasz Lisowicz

Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1


In the paper there are presented the selected mechanical properties of granite concrete used to construction of Rędziński Bridge. Based on the compressive strength and the modulus of elasticity values, resulted from the experimental investigations, it was evaluated the commonly used relationship for prediction the modulus of elasticity based on the compressive strength.

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Andrzej Seruga, Ewa Jaromska

Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1


In the paper there are discussed the problems dealing with the calculation of transmission length, development length and anchorage length in prestressed concrete elements according to codes: Model Code 1990, 2010; PN-EN 1992-1-1:2008. Additionally the codes DIN 1045-1 and ACI 318 were taken into consideration. Calculation example for prestressed concrete tank wall panel under construction, has pointed the serious difference in obtained values of transmission length from experimental investigation and from codes relationship.

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Grzegorz Ginda, Mariusz Maślak

Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1


Multicriterial evaluation methodology, adequate for identification and for arrangement of different-sourced risks interrelations being specified in the building process has been presented and discussed in detail in context of sustainable building requirements. The design algorithm, proposed by the authors, is based on the generalisation of the expert-decision--approach, recommended in classical DEMATEL procedure.

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Kazimierz Furtak

Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1


The paper analyzes the influence of sequence of construction of the concrete slab in concrete-steel composite beams on effects of shrinkage of concrete, hence on longitudinal shear force to be transferred across the interface between steel and concrete. Typical as well as staged construction methods have been considered. Different sequences of construction result in different geometrical characteristics of the composite section, including the cross-sections and the moments of inertia, and hence also the longitudinal and bending stiffness. The relationship between the stiffnesses of components of composite beams represents the coefficient d. Based on the analysis it can be concluded that the level of normal and tangential stresses at the interface between the steel and concrete is dependent on the coefficient δ. Consequently, the stresses are also dependent on the sequence of construction of the concrete slab. Moreover, the stresses also depend on the creep of concrete and longitudinal slab reinforcement ratio.

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Andrzej Flaga, Łukasz Flaga

Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1


In the paper, wind tunnel tests of wind action on an aquaporine model exhibit performed in a boundary layer wind tunnel of the Wind Engineery Laboratury at the Cracow University of Technology have been presented. In the experiments, most of the similarity criteria elaborated specially for this purpose have been fulfilled. Moreover, safety assessments of the exhibit with respect to a strong wind action have been done.

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Andrzej Flaga, Grzegorz Bosak, Renata Kłaput

Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1


The paper summarizes the wind tunnel tests of original acoustic panels located on the block buildings roofs near edge of building roof and walls. Performed investigations had two main goals: 1. Verification of resistance of the panels at their connecting members at high air flow velocities; 2. Determination the set of aerodynamic force coefficients, obtained from measured wind pressure distribution on the façade panel surfaces in two opposite wind directions, was the main aim of the work.

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Henryk Ciurej, Piotr Gwoździewicz

Technical Transactions, Civil Engineering Issue 4-B (21) 2012, 2012, pp. 1-1


Geometrically non-linear stress and strain fields resulting from loads and prestressing are a specific property of box cross-sections. Their importance in the meaning of a calculation precision is evaluated in various ways by authors. Simultaneously, design of any structure – also of a box cross-section – is strictly connected with a correct evaluation of the stress level in materials, linearity of their behaviour and cracks appearance. This work is focused on the presentation of the existing theorical models describing the “shear lag” effect influence on the distribution of the local strain and stress in materials in box cross-section. The presentation is followed by their evaluation according to the agreements of their results with measurements results obtained on a real structure. PC bridge of a box cross-section, built as cantilever is the chosen example for comparison. Discussion of the scale of the effect influence completes the presentation of this work.

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