Professor of the Faculty of Polish Studies, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
◾Habilitation - 2018, Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Polish Studies
◾PhD- 2012, Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Polish Studies, Doctoral degree in Humanistic Sciences in the field of Literature Studies
◾MA - 2006, Jagiellonian University, Faculty od Polish Studies, Master degree in the field of Literature Studies
Arachne and Athena. Literature, Politics, and Women’s Classicism, Jagiellonian University Press, Cracow 2017.
Within the Realms of Tradition. Prose works by Olga Tokarczuk and Izabela Filipiak in Dispute on Literature, Canon, and Feminism, Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 2014.
Edited Books
Critical Constellations: Vol. I: Theories and Practices, Vol. II: Anthologies, ed. D. Kozicka, M. Świerkosz, K. Trzeciak, Universitas Press, Cracow 2020.
Reading into Dąbrowska, ed. D. Kozicka, M. Świerkosz, Jagiellonian University Press, Cracow 2018.
Disputed Figures in Polish Feminist Criticism After 1989, ed. M. Świerkosz, Katedra Press, Gdańsk 2016.
Fifteen Shades of Polish Feminism: Literature, Culture and Gender Discourses in Polish Academia, ed. U. Chowaniec, M. Świerkosz, „Women Online Writing Journal” 2014 no 3.
Refereed Journal Articles
A Poetics of Fungal Threads. The Posthuman Imagination of Olga Tokarczuk, „Ruch Literacki” 2022, nr 3, pp. 345–367.
Time of Microhistory and Time of Micro-theater in Olga Tokarczuk's Novels, translated by A. Kowalcze-Pawlik, “The Polish Review” 2021, Vol. 66, no 2, pp. 56-79.
Disability Beyond Fabrication. Representation, Embodiment, and the Strategies of “Staring Back”, „Didaskalia. Gazeta Teatralna” 2021, nr 162, DOI: 10.34762/ejh3-9784.
Revolution Beyond Politics, transl. Paweł Schreiber, „Didaskalia”, English Issue, 2000, no 3. DOI: 10.34762/bxmw-5p05.
Vulnerable bodies: Judith Butler, self-destruction, and radical acts of resistance, „Etyka”, vol. 57, Oct. 2019, pp. 69–86, doi:10.14394/27
In search of a new view: Stanisława Przybyszewska's prose between avant-garde and vernacular modernism, „Pamiętnik Literacki” 2018, nr 3, s. 35 – 50.
All Feminist Readings of Wisława Szymborska, „Ruch Literacki” 2017, nr 3, pp. 277 – 287.
Arachne and Athena: Towards a Different Poetics of Women's Writing, transl. by B. Koschalka, „Teksty Drugie” (English edition) 2017, nr 2, pp. 8 – 26.
East meets West: Changing geoperspectives in History of Sexuality Studies, „Teksty Drugie” 2014, nr 5, pp. 348 – 355.
Book Chapters
Frauenbeziehungen Maria Dąbrowskas und ihre emotional-affektive Dimension, w: Schreiben über frauenbeziehungen konstellationen, räume, texte, ed. M. Bednarczuk, J. Górny, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2022, pp. 105–129.
Revolution as a positive catastrophe: natural space, vulnerable body and radical experience of history, in: Poetics of Ecocide. History, Nature, and Conflict, ed. A. Ubertowska, D. Korczyńska-Partyka, E. Kuliś, Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 2019, pp. 345 – 408.
Marianna in Bluebeard’s Castle: Tropes of Female Authorship in Izabela Filipiak’s Total Amnesia, w: Polish Literature in Transformation, ed. U. Phillips, K.A. Grimstad, Kris van Heuckelom, LIT Verlag, Zürich-Berlin-London 2013, s. 115-124.