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Numer 3 (2017)

Volume 3 Next

Publication date: 12.2018

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Piotr Jedynak

Issue content

Grzegorz Kunikowski, Katarzyna Rostek

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 3 (2017), Volume 3, pp. 135 - 150


The aim of the article is (1) to examine the approach to civil planning in Poland and abroad, including the implementation of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism in Poland, which is reflected in a project of the civil protection act, as well as (2) the review and identification of good practices in the world that can have a beneficial impact and be used in Poland. The research was carried out using the desk research method. The analysis of the existing solutions and identification of good civil planning practices in the world was carried out according to selected dimensions of the civil planning, including: contemporary model concepts of the civil crisis management, including military aspects, analytical planning methods, solutions in the field of knowledge transfer, the policy of financing institutional structures responsible for security and emergency response, technical and organisational improvements. The research has shown that the traditional formula based on the preparation of the required plans is inadequate to pace of changes occurring in the environment, including new threats, but also the ability to transfer solutions and good practices to Poland.

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Michał A. Leśniewski

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 3 (2017), Volume 3, pp. 151 - 162


Man is the primary resource of every organization, he gives rise to the resources at the disposal of the organization (enterprise) and is the source of creating competitiveness, including the behavioural competitiveness whose analysis is the subject of this study.

It is assumed that: Man is the source of behavioural competitiveness (thesis 1), Man is a behavioural being, which confirms the concept of Behavioural Man (thesis 2) and that Competitive Man and Behavioural Man with factor-dependent relations and behaviours contribute to the generation of the model of Behavioural Competitiveness (thesis 3).  The theses presented is examined through the interpretation of the literature of the subject.

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Leszek Marek, Jarosław Woźniczka

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 3 (2017), Volume 3, pp. 163 - 176


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a relatively new technological innovation, the use of which is now widely discussed in the scientific and business literature. This article undertakes the research problem of potential of the IoT as a tool supporting designing Customer Experience (CX). The development of the IoT along with its market potentialwas discussed, the definitions and terms related to customer experience were presented and the adoption of IoT in the field of CX was conceptualized. Then the significance of CX analysing and planning was underlined and the fields in which the IoT can support the customer experience management process were indicated. Finally, various empirical examples of the use of IoT serving as a tool for building positive customer experience with the brand were presented.The desk research method has been used, including literature review and the analysis of the results of empirical studies.

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Jarosław W. Przybytniowski

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 3 (2017), Volume 3, pp. 177 - 194

The article addresses the issue of ecological insurance. Its aim is the assessment of the level of the quality of property insurance services within the scope of protection against ecological risks by individual clients in Poland (from the Podkarpackie, Świętokrzyskie and Małopolskie voivodeships). The SERVQUAL method was used to measure the quality of services provided by insurance companies.
The analyses showed that ecological insurance is practically non-existent on the Polish market even though protection against ecological risks is offered by 25 insurance companies (78.1%).
The survey research was carried out among 450 respondents – clients of insurance companies in years 2015, 2016 and 2017. The results indicate the reluctance of individual clients to conclude insurance contracts. The SERVQUAL indicators are at the level below the proposed critical point of .00, which indicates the lack of the so-called quality optimum.
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Maciej Teczke, Roza Sansyzbayevna Bespayeva, Roza Olzhabayevna Bugubayeva

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 3 (2017), Volume 3, pp. 195 - 208

Change management is currently one of the most sought-after business management technologies. Often, change management is called the most difficult part of a managerial work, which requires great skill. This is particularly relevant in the context of modern business, when deep, almost constant changes are in principle considered a factor that is very important for a company to adapt to the changing demands of the market and the global economic situation. The purpose of the article is an analysis of approaches and models of change management. To achieve it a literature review was carried out. Article describes main differences between ADKAR, EASIER, Lewin’s model of change and Nadkar twelve steps approach to name a few. Analysis led to the conclusion, that it is impossible to pick the best approach to change management. Each approach to change management draws attention to different aspects of this issue but at the same time they do not exclude but complement each other. Change management models focus, to a large extent, on the practical process of this management area.
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Marta Tutko

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 3 (2017), Volume 3, pp. 209 - 222

The goals of the paper are: (1) to examine to what extent is the academic community involved in creating their own or supporting other crowdfunding projects and (2) indicate the types of educational or scientific projects that are the most suitable for crowdfunding financing. The diagnostic survey method was applied. Questionnaires were completed by 314 full-time students and 34 academic teachers of the Institute of Economics, Finance and Management, of the Faculty of Management and Social Communication, at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.
It can be assumed that the academic community is hardly involved at all in creating their own or slightly involved in supporting others’ crowdfunding projects. The most proper for crowdfunding financing types of the projects are: (1) for the entire academic community: educational event and setting up and equipping the student area, (2) for students: learning foreign languages and purchase of materials for the study process, (3) for academic teachers: conducting an experiment and book publication.
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