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Numer 2 (2017)

Volume 3 Next

Publication date: 31.10.2017

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Piotr Jedynak

Issue content

Piotr Chechelski

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 2 (2017), Volume 3, pp. 66 - 75


The study attempts to assess the importance of transnational corporations (TNCs) regarding the research and development (R&D) activities in the contemporary world economy. The scale of this phenomenon can be proved by the comparison of the R&D expenditure of the largest corporations with the expenditure of the leading countries in this field and the analysis of the ranking of TNCs with the highest expenditure on research and development and ranking of the most innovative corporations. The study indicates the causes of changes in R&D expenditure among the largest transnational corporations in the world and attributes of the most innovative ones.
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Michał A. Leśniewski

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 2 (2017), Volume 3, pp. 77 - 91


One of the fundamental problems faced by companies in the market economy is competitiveness. It can be shaped in various ways in order to achieve the desired goals. Soft competitiveness is one of such ways of shaping competitiveness and it originates from human resources, i.e. employees who contribute to the development of an organisation (enterprise). This article presents a behavioural-humanistic model of soft competitiveness of enterprises. The following assumptions have been made:
 Employees (human resources)are the source of soft competitiveness (thesis 1) and soft competitiveness is of a behavioural-humanistic nature (thesis 2). The theses presented have been interpreted with the use of the literature of the subject.

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Lilia Młodzik

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 2 (2017), Volume 3, pp. 93 - 106


Border Guards play an important role in Poland’s security system, protecting its borders. For this purpose it needs tocooperates with the environment. Its areas cover many aspects in which organizational and interorganizational relationships are required. The basis of the mentioned relations are organizational and legal conditions, but their development are among others elements of organizational culture. It constitutes, according to the author, a collection of values, norms, attitudes, beliefs shared by the officers about the necessity of interaction and cooperation that define their behaviour, generate and increase cooperative competences and reinforce the sense of identity and professional community in achieving goals.

In the praxeological ethics approach proposed in the article, the actions of Border Guards are inextricably connected with ethical principles considered in terms of professional roles. Ethical-oriented management should constitute a source of cooperative advantage leading to a more efficient achievement of goals. It is based on the premise of creating relationships, whose rationale is the preference for joint actions in the public interest and for the common good.

This paper makes a difficult, due to the character of the problem, often based on unconsciousness of behaviour, attempt to investigate the dependence of the mentioned variables – effectiveness of cooperation and principles of professional ethics.The following research techniques were used in the quasi-comparative method: questionnaires, document analyses, casual interviews, unclassified observations and shadowing. For the surveyed whose knowledge and adherence to ethical principles is important in the group in practice, the degree of achievement of goals increases, but to a certain point.

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Jarosław W. Przybytniowski

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 2 (2017), Volume 3, pp. 107 - 121


The purpose of the study is to analyse the importance of insurance knowledge as one of the main determinants of changes in the insurance awareness of young people entering professional life in the decision-making process of selecting insurance coverage in the business insurance sector. Bearing in mind the above research purpose, it has been assumed that The insurance knowledge of individual customers entering professional life forces the increase in the awareness related to activities connected with ensuring the safety of the customers of insurance companies when choosing the insurance coverage option. Data were collected with the use of questionnaire surveys.

Both subject literature and empirical research have confirmed the hypothesis that highlights the role of insurance knowledge in raising the awareness of young people entering professional life.

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