The editing board accept articles of up to 40,000 characters. Proposed texts (in files of the doc or docx format) we ask to be sent to the following address:
Before the text of the article itself it follows to include:
Zeszyty Glottodydaktyczne employs a shortened system for footnotes.
We would ask for cited works to appear in the following manner: Kowalski 1999, 12; Malinowska 2010, 35.
We give the author’s surname (if there is more than one author then their surnames are given separated by a comma, for example Wiśniewski, Kowalski 2000), next the year of publication, and then after acomma the full scope of the pages referred to (e.g., Kowalski 2000, 12-17).
Abbreviations of the type nn., ff are not to be employed. Individual publications we divide off by means of a semi colon (vide supra).
If we are citing the works of a single author which were published in the self same year, then these are to be differentiated by the use of letters a, b, c, d etc. (e.g., Wojciechowski 2000a; 2000b).
We order publications chronologically. If we are citing more than one work by a given author then we commence with the oldest of the works cited (e.g., Wojciechowski 1985, 22-25; 1999, 1-15; 2012; Malinowski 2005; Wiśniewski 2013).
For texts submitted in English this constitutes the Harvard system (APA 7).
Hermann M. (2021), Prawdopodobieństwo w retoryce antycznej,Toruń.
We derive all information from the title/editorial page. For example, we do not translate the place of publication.
Articles in collected works:
Heichelheim F.M., Stevens J. (1958), The Beginnings of Mediterranean Civilization in the Early Iron Age and Its Conflict with the Ancient Oriental Economic Pattern (1100 – 560 B.C.),[in:] Heichelheim F.M., Stevens J. (ed.), An Ancient Economic History from the Paleolithic Age to the Migration of the Germanic, Slavic and Arabic Nations,vol. I, Leiden, 193–293.
With the abbreviation (eds.) being employed for more than one editor.
Articles in journals
Gray V. (1996), Herodotus and Images of Tyranny: The Tyrants of Corinth, American Journal of Philology 117, 361–389.
We do not employ abbreviations concerning the number/edition of a journal e.g., American Journal of Philology n. 117 / z. 117 etc.
Cited sources from the Internet
In the case of Internet sources, we give the full address as well as the date on which the source was accessed.
Kõiv M. (2015): Rezension von Aideen Carty: Polycrates, Tyrant of Samos, Sehepunkte 15, [on-line], dostęp/access 18 IV 2019.