Publication date: 20.12.2019
Editorial team
Volume Editor Marcin Waligóra
Editor-in-Chief Krzysztof Guczalski
Principia, Volume 66, 2019, pp. 127-163łowa kluczowe: John McDowell, practical rationality, moral reasons, virtue ethics, second nature, Chwistek, reality, axiom, ontology, aesthetics, toleration, religion, freedom of conscience and religion, arguments for toleration, John Stuart Mill, John Rawls, care, brotherhood, friendship, mutual aid, relationship, egoism, altruism, democracy, capitalism, socialism, music, musical culture, aesthetic autonomy, image of the world, history of culture, George Steiner, Arnold Schönberg, musical aesthetics, philosophy of religion, romanticism, arche, arte, dualism, music, the subconscious, musical mind