Publication date: 2016
Licence: None
Editorial team
Volume Editors Krzysztof Guczalski, Steffen Huber, Jacek Rabus, Leszek Wroński
Editor-in-Chief Krzysztof Guczalski
Słowa kluczowe: Eduard Hanslick, Peter Kivy, musical aesthetics, enhanced formalism, music and emotion, free will, causality, action, reasons, decisions, contents of thoughts, acts of thinking, relativism, relativisation, epistemological pluralism, Davidson, Rorty, Quine, descriptive theory of reference, proper names, descriptivism, Kripke’s modal argument, Kripke’s epistemic argument, Martin Heidegger, Being and Time, translation, existence, being, Forms of Existence, Wawrzyniec Rymkiewic, empirical psychology, transcendentalism, subjectivity, Franz Brentano, psychoanalysis, psychiatry, psychotherapy, hermeneutics, dialogue, pharmacology, psychosurgery, psychodynamics, irredentism, counter‑irredentism, revitalization, homeland, regional conflict, Confucianism, Chinese ontology of the social world, Confucianism and law