2013 Następne

Data publikacji: 06.05.2014

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktorzy tomu Zofia Berdychowska, Paweł Zarychta, Robert Kołodziej

Zawartość numeru

Iwona Bartoszewicz

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2013), 2013, s. 105-115

The Association of Exiles, where the significant role for several years has been played by Erika Steinbach, runs a certain image Policy, based on certain facts presented in media. One should mention, first of all “The Chart of Germans Exiled from Homeland”, which is the basis and the fundamental reference point for all documents of the Association and the initiative of the “Centre Against Expulsions”, directed at evidencing fates of the Germans, who had to leave the areas which, according to the resolutions taken in Jalta and Potsdam, were transferred to other states. The present article is an attempt at describing image strategies applied by BdV. The basis is an analysis of the home page of the Association and “The Chart of German Exiles”.
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Heinz-Helmut Lüger

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2013), 2013, s. 117-127


Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit dem Einsatz persuasiver, akzeptanzwerbender Mittel in politischen Reden, speziell in Texten von NPD-Rednern. Aufgrund des gegebenen politischen Kontexts lassen sich zwei konträre Tendenzen beobachten: das Bemühen um eine gewisse sprachliche Anpassung an das Sprachverhalten anderer Parteien und das gleichzeitige Insistieren auf einer Strategie der Abgrenzung und Polarisierung. Eine Analyse von Stellungnahmen zur Bildungspolitik soll dies konkretisieren.

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Tomasz Rojek

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2013), 2013, s. 129-139


Since about 20 years linguists attempt to apply the grammaticalisation concept to the description of pragmatic phenomena. In this context some linguists speak about ‘pragmatisation’ – a kind of language change, which concerns the linguistic codification of certain pragmatic contents. The term ‘pragmatisation’ suggests a new process, which runs in opposite direction to the development of grammatical elements. Irrespective of how we define the relation between both processes, this means always a reinterpretation (mostly extention) of the grammaticalisation concept. The present article focus on the question whether such attempts indeed result in a new insight into development of pragmatic units, or lead to terminological confusion by different terming already well described linguistic mechanisms.

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Waldemar Czachur

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2013), 2013, s. 141-150


The paper represents an attempt to find the inspiration for the discourse linguistics in the theory of thought collectives (Denkkollektiv) and thought styles (Denkstil) of Ludwik Fleck. In the first step the author presents the objectives and tasks of discourse linguistics. In the second step the author discusses the idea of thought styles (Denkstil) and their use for discourse linguistics.

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Aldona Sopata

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2013), 2013, s. 151-159

Two opposing views exist on the structure of the mental lexicon and the usage of the regular and irregular inflection. According to the first one, all inflected forms are stored in the lexicon (Seidenberg/Joanisse 2005). The opposing view (Pinker/Ullman 2002) holds that regular forms are inflected by the application of morphological rules. 
Longitudinal data from four children are examined in the present study. The children were first exposed to German as their second language in the early childhood. The predictions of both models of the mental lexicon are investigated in the collected data. The results show that the use of past participles by children acquiring German as their early second language can provide some insights into the structure of the mental lexicon. However, the effect of age at which learners are first exposed to their second language has to be taken into account.
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Eva Neuland

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2013), 2013, s. 161-177


The paper discusses the perspectives of intercultural linguistics as a new paradigm of German philology. Concepts of cultural standards are critizised and deficits of cultural contrastive analysis are demonstrated as shown by the example of code mixing. It is argued that interculturality is more than cultural contrastivity and more than transculturality and furthermore that for intercultural research the analysis of language is of utmost importance. Finally the paper demonstrates that in the central subject of intercultural communication it is worth while not only looking at misunderstandings but also at the different modes of linguistic politeness.

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Christoph Rösener

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2013), 2013, s. 179-188

Initially this paper describes the newest trends and tendencies of mobile usage of terminology databases. Additionally it presents the latest technical developments in this area. This is then followed by an overview about a research project, which investigates the concept, implementation and usage of a central terminology database application for mobile usage within a public sector institution in special operational scenarios.
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Sambor Grucza

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2013), 2013, s. 189-202


The last few decades, due to increasingly modern technologi­cal solutions, have brought about the possibility of more detailed and in-depth explorations of human brain functioning and its properties. In the first part of the present article, the characteristics of the object of research in linguistics are presented, and in the second, the possibilities of its exploration are described. Special attention was focused on the possibilities of using eye-tracking research in linguistics. Summing up the observations, it should be admitted that in order to make progress in linguistics and to be innovative, experimental research carried out using apparatus must be incorporated and started. However, it must be emphasized that this type of experimental research in linguistics, including obviously eye-tracking studies, is scientifically relevant only to the point that it really contributes to the creation of new knowledge or the verification of scientific knowledge gained earlier, and only if it contributes to the scientific exploration of the object of linguistics.

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