2013 Następne

Data publikacji: 07.05.2014

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktorzy tomu Zofia Berdychowska, Paweł Zarychta, Robert Kołodziej

Zawartość numeru

Gerhard Stickel

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2013), 2013, s. 9-28

Since the eighties of the last century, the Institut für Deutsche Sprache (Institute for
the German Language) explored in various ways the attitudes of the German population
towards the national language in Germany. Aft er limited studies without statistical
relevance, two representative surveys were conducted in 1997/98 and 2008/09. Th e
questions asked concerned attitudes toward recent developments of the language, the regional
variance of German, despecially the East- and West-Geman variants, and towards
foreign languages inside and outside of the country. Th e major statitical results are presented
and discussed.
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Reinhold Utri

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2013), 2013, s. 29-42

In the discussion about the pluricentric languages the term of a “standard language” sometimes appears. Lately we also differentiate between the written and the oral standard language. On the given examples I will show that the term “standard” is often misinterpreted, e.g. in the Duden, where Austrian terms are reported, but not German terms. That is why the term, in respect of dictionaries, should be thought over and certain conclusions should be drawn. Even Austrians, when they want to express themselves nobly and elegantly, often use German terms because they are not conscious that their Austrian terms are also correct (they know too little about pluricentric languages) and because of the fact that Germany is very dominant they suffer from a linguistic inferiority complex.
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Grzegorz Chromik

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2013), 2013, s. 43-52

The article presents a comparison of the court book of the former German speaking community of Markowa (Carpathian Voivodship) from the 16 century with other old German written rural court book of Eastern Poland (Krościenko Wyżne) and Silesian German language of this time because of the Silesian origin of the inhabitants of Markowa. There were many similiarities found.
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Alla Paslawska

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2013), 2013, s. 53-61

The article deals with the typological analysis of the Decalogue (Ten Commandments) in Ukrainian, German and Spanish. The analysis shows that an important element of the Decalogue is the negation, which reveals three morphological patterns of negation in the analysed languages – polynegation, mononegation and the transition type. Despite the presence of the negation, the Decalogue is not formed by prohibitions, but by commandments, because of their special pragmatic status.
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Anna Radzik

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2013), 2013, s. 63-72


Wörterbuch der Kollokationen im Deutschen by Uwe Quasthoff (2011) is the first dictionary of collocations in the German language. The term “collocation” is used differently in different research traditions. The lexicographic approach to collocations, especially of pedagogical lexicography, assumes that collocations consist of two items: a base, which is semantically autonomous, and the collocate, which cannot be semantically interpreted in isolation. The dictionary contains different structures of collocations. With the base as noun there are: adjective + noun, noun (as subject) + verb, noun (as object) + verb, noun (as prepositional complement) + verb; with the base as verb: adverb + verb; with the base as adjective: adverb + adjective. The “function verb constructions” (Funktionsverbgefüge), which are similar in structure to the noun-verb collocations, are defined by some linguists as a subgroup of collocations, and by others as a different phenomenon. The problem of “function verb constructions” is not mentioned in the preface to this dictionary, but the lexicographical material contains many examples of “composite predicates”. That leads to the reflection on the similarities, the differences and the distinction between the two phenomena. 

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Elena N. Tsvetaeva

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2013), 2013, s. 73-79


The article looks further into the history of the idiom “zwischen zwei Feuer” and attempts to shed light on etymological processes the idiom has undergone. Known both in German and other European languages, the idiom is however of quite obscure origin, which is exemplified by Russian and German phraseology. Being historical, the study relies on structural-semantic, cultural and comparative analysis of idiomatic variants (including historic variants). A comparative lingua-cultural analysis of the universal Indo-European mythologem ‘fire’ reveals the importance of mythical worldview in the development of phraseological systems.

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Joanna Szczęk

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2013), 2013, s. 81-92


“Geht mal euren Phrasen nach, bis zu dem Punkt, wo sie verkörpert werden” is an often cited expression which encourages scientists to conduct etymological research on idioms. The research on phraseological motivation gives us an insight into various conceptions related to perceiving the world which are greatly documented by idioms. The community of a particular culture and the culture itself also wield an enormous influence in this respect. In the article we shall discuss the sources of phraseological motivation in the German language which relate to man and which document the contribution of man to the development of culture.

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Agnieszka Poźlewicz

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2013), 2013, s. 93-103

The paper deals with the group of German idioms that contain in their structure focus-sensitive particles (Operatorpartikeln) or modal particles (Abtönungspartikeln) as their compulsory component. The aim is to investigate their syntactic and semantic properties. The analysed particles are zu, nur, auch, wohl, doch and ja. The idioms are selected from the dictionaries Das große Lexikon der sprichwörtlichen Redensarten by Lutz Röhrich (1991) and Wörterbuch der deutschen Idiomatik by Günther Drosdowski und Werner Scholze-Stubenrecht (1998).
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