2014 Następne

Data publikacji: 27.06.2014

Licencja: Żadna


Redakcja tomu Zofia Berdychowska, Robert Kołodziej, Paweł Zarychta

Redaktor naczelny Zofia Berdychowska

Zawartość numeru

Ingo Breuer

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2014), 2014, s. 103-116


The international research on letters and the epistolary culture is constantly growing, but there are still many unchartered territories. This also applies to the letters of the German author Georg Büchner. For considering to which extend these letters contain conventional or innovative/critical contents, it is important to take into consideration the contents as well as the form of the letter. Two examples will be given: (1) Descriptions of landscapes are highly conventional in (travel-) letters of the 18th/19th century, so here the significance of idyllic landscapes and sublime mountains in literature, arts, and culture is described in order to highlight the hidden political as well as individual message of his letter to his fiancé. (2) Even more conventional is the rhetoric of letter writing in the 19th century. It is therefore necessary to consider the information which is given by the choice of paper and ink and by the topology of the letters, i.e. the distribution of text and ‘empty rooms’ on the paper. We find the letters conventional to a high degree but there are also breaches of the conventions in both fields which shed some new light on the epistolography of a political author.

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Magdalena Filar

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2014), 2014, s. 117-130

The paper examines the perspecitivity potential of German articles within the framework of cognitive linguistics. According to Langacker’s cognitive grammar, one of meaning components resulting from subjective scene construal is perspective. Perspective is understood as the viewing arrangement of a conceptualized scene. Its main components are subjecitivity/objectivity, that describe the relation between the subject and the object of conceptualization and the vantage point/the point of view defined as the mental position from which the scene is viewed. The analysis focuses on the use of definite and indefinite articles, on the choice of nouns and pronouns and on the function of tenses as grammatical correlates of different perspectivation strategies in narrative and humorous texts. 
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Agnieszka Gaweł

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2014), 2014, s. 131-150

The cognitive grammar puts particular attention to the notion of imagery which is defined as the ability to present the same situation in alternate ways dependent on the mental experience of the conceptualizer. The thesis that the choice of language means used for describing a particular scene is determined by mental experience has interesting implications for the linguistic analysis of press articles. The cognitive grammar provides namely descriptive tools which enable to analyse not only which language expressions are used, but also which mental experience is reflected in a particular expression. In this article we analyse the differences in scene construal in selected press articles and web entries. We come to the conclusion that the choice of language means used for describing a particular event is highly determined not only by the objective situation, but also by the mental experience of the conceptualizer.
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Michail L. Kotin

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2014), 2014, s. 151-164

It is well known that languages encode their basic categorial functions in a different way. Nevertheless, there are numerous semi-grammatical and lexical items that provide specific categorial signals which can be referred to as limit values between lexicon and grammar. These covered signals allow to compare categorial functions of different languages encoded by items of a different status in the particular language systems occurring as secunda comparationis by language comparison. In the presented paper modality and aspect resp. aspectuality are compared with regard to Slavonic aspect languages vs. Germanic aspectless systems. It is shown that in the field of deontic (root) and epistemic (deictic) modality there are verifiable cross-categorial connections, so that e. g. modal verbs can, under certain circumstances “replace” the lack of the aspect category encoding aspect-like functions. This claim goes back to Werner Abraham’s aspectual-modal link hypothesis proven also in diachronically oriented investigations by Elisabeth Leiss. The analyses includes both the synchronic and the diachronic dimension of the problem by involving corresponding examples from the corpora in question.
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Adjaï Paulin Oloukpona-Yinnon

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2014), 2014, s. 165-172


The author talks about Black African writers who use the German language, but who have hardly been recognized so far. Their novels and poems are messages which remind us of African traditions and give an analysis of their often-difficult life in Germany.

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Bernd Spillner

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2014), 2014, s. 173-187

Terms of address and personal salutation are the most important features for starting communicative contacts. There are almost no information in dictionaries and in grammars, and very few in manuals for teaching foreign languages. This paper deals, for oral and written communication in German, with the most important conventions of address: on the pronominal and nominal level and in the domain of protocol. Moreover some examples of diachronic change are discussed.
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Małgorzata Świderska

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2014), 2014, s. 189-200


Imagology, a sub-discipline of comparative literary studies, has had a history of more than fifty years of research on the national and/or ethnic strangeness/otherness in literary texts. My paper will present some recent terminological concepts of imagology (as proposed by Hugo Dyserinck, Joep Leerssen and Manfred Beller, Daniel-Henri Pageaux, Jean-Marc Moura, Ernst Grabovszki), complemented by my own terminological approach.

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Janusz Józef Węc

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 2 (2014), 2014, s. 201-208

The present analysis focuses on the political debate that took place in Germany in 2011–2012 regarding the possible transformation of the European Union into a Political Union. This change was perceived in Germany as a way of overcoming the fiscal crisis in the Euro Zone. However, following opposition from the governments of the majority of member states in the European Union, Germany abandoned plans to force through its own radical project and adopted instead a much more pragmatic plan proposed by European Union institutions, including establishing Banking Union in the Euro Zone, creating the Zone’s own budget together with mechanisms for coordinating economic policies (including tax and employment policies).
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