2012 Następne

Data publikacji: 2012

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktorzy Numeru Grzegorz Pawłowski, Magdalena Olpińska-Szkiełko, Silvia Bonacchi

Redaktor naczelny Zofia Berdychowska

Zawartość numeru

Ernest W.B. Hess-Lüttich

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2012), 2012, s. 1-1

Fachtext networks in health communication

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Silvia Bonacchi

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2012), 2012, s. 35-49

Intercultural Communication, Dialogue and Conflict Studies: Some Remarks on the object of investigation, the finality of research and the methods of analysis of anthropocentric culturology.

The paper presents the main issues of anthropocentric culturology as an autonomous scientific discipline which differentiate itself in the context of the Anthropocentric Theory of Languages and Cultures. It presents in a synthetic way the object of investigation, the finalities and the research methods of this discipline on the base of selected topics: Intercultural Communication, Dialogue and Conflict Studies, Communication face-to -face.

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Marina Foschi Albert

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2012), 2012, s. 50-73

Cooperative and Non-cooperative use of Pronouns in Texts from the Field of Physics and by Authors of Literature (Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann) from the Early Twentieth Century

The goal of this work is to test the hermeneutic potential of comparative analyses of grammatical phenomena in texts from a linguostylistic perspective. The stylistic profile of text can be highlighted by the identification of formal elements, which are assumed to convey poeticity. Text elements such as pronouns can be expected to be functionally ambiguous and therefore particularly relevant from a receptive point of view. The question is, whether pronominalization shows features which can identify styles typical of individual texts and text types, and how these features can influence the text reception.

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Małgorzata Guławska-Gawkowska

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2012), 2012, s. 74-88

Semantic Aspects in Comparing German and Polish Phraseological Units

This paper explains that the traditional semasiological presentation of idioms in dictionaries is not useful to describe phraseological near synonyms called quasi-synonyms or asymmetric polysems. The onomasiological approach to phraseological units is a better way to find semantic differences between phraseological false friends in two languages. The ariticle compares selected phraseological examples from bilingual dictionaries with its meanings in monolingual dictionaries. In this this way, the author demonstrates, among others, why the German idiom das Gras wachsen hören is not equivalent to the Polish analogical idiom słyszeć, co w trawie piszczy.

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Margot Heinemann

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2012), 2012, s. 89-97

Text types and language instruction

This article addresses the relationship between Textsortenlinguistik, the analysis of text types, and Textsortendidaktik, the didactics of text types, which, according to Portmann-Tselikas (2000: 831), „has not yet developed a sound concept for using types of texts“ in native and foreign language education.
The new media and theoretical insights from fields as diverse as systems theory and linguistic discourse analysis have radically altered our understanding of textual patterns and the functions that we ascribe to them.
While texts and their patterns might arise from the same basic structure or refer to each other, they fulfill different communicative functions in different conversational contexts. Compare, for example, Familienbeschluss (a decision made by a family) with Gerichtsbeschluss (a decision made by a court of law).
Concepts that have emerged in recent research, Textsortennetze (Adamzik), networks of different types of texts, for example, or Anschlusskommunikation (Gansel), the interpersonal communication about media while and after consuming media, or reaktive Textsorten (Fandrych/Thurmaier), reactive types of texts, are suitable primarily for learners with intermediate and advanced language competency. What tends to get lost in these discussions about highly complex textual structures are the actual or potential producers and recipients of texts.

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Annette Kliewer

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2012), 2012, s. 128-139

Teaching literature at the border. German-polisch Interregionality

The article shows possibilities of a German-Polish border education. He starts from the conditions of learning German in Poland, provides short reflections on GFL teaching at the border, while referring to the border language teaching in general terms. This also calls for the inclusion of mother-tongue instruction in the German border exchanges. This is followed by a set of methods that could be used for the (native language and foreign language) German lessons at the border. The paper is concluded with concrete examples: German literary history in Poland, working with translations, dealing with the image of one´s own and the foreign, reflection of the German-Polish relations.

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