2015 Następne

Data publikacji: 12.03.2015

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Zofia Berdychowska

Redakcja tomu Zofia Berdychowska, Robert Kołodziej, Paweł Zarychta

Zawartość numeru

Jarosław Aptacy

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2015), 2015, s. 1 - 16

The topic of the following article is the German compound nouns with a deverbal head. Specifically, a subgroup of the compound nouns will be discussed, called ‘Rektionskomposita’ in German and ‘złożenia rekcyjne’ in Polish. In these constructions the first part of the compound noun fills in “the empty slot in the argument structure of the head of the compound noun” (Olsen 1986: 67). It is generally assumed that the head opens free structural slots which can be filled in with grammatical elements that are linked to the head (argument linking). Such compound nouns have a structure which is similar to that of phrases / sentences, e.g. Wirtschaftsförderung vs. Förderung der Wirtschaft vs. Die Wirtschaft wird gefördert. 
First, the scope of the synthetic compound nouns will be limited. Then, the status of suffixes will be defined. In the assumed theoretical framework, suffixes are the head (Germ. Kopf) of the synthetic compound nouns. Further on an analysis of argument linking will be provided, based on the framework of the X-bar-syntax.
In the second part of the paper an attempt will be made to determine what structural equivalents of the German synthetic compounds can be found in Polish and whether the argument linking follows similar principles as in German. 
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Zofia Bilut-Homplewicz, Anna Hanus, Iwona Szwed

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2015), 2015, s. 17 - 30

It is a commonly acknowledged fact that sharing knowledge is a fundamental prerequisite for cooperation between individual researchers, as well as between academic written cultures, whose research traditions may be divergent. Even in the case of academic circles enjoying geographical proximity like Polish and German ones, mutual contact may be hindered by a language barrier. 
The aim of this article is to demonstrate that the translation of Bożena Witosz’s work Linguistic Genology constituted a rich source of academic cognition. The authors highlight challenges and problems they had encounter in translating this monograph, in which, like in most Polish genological works, numerous references to Bachtin’s ideas may be found. In this context, questions about optimal solutions in conveying academic Polish-German terminological differences arise. Another challenge represented the issue of adjusting the message for the final reader, whose point of reference are functional and academic texts in German philological research. 
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Heinz-Helmut Lüger

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2015), 2015, s. 31 - 44


The assassination in Sarajevo of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, precisely one hundred years ago, had certainly been one of most momentous political events in the course of the twentieth century. The aim of the paper is to examine how contemporary newspapers informed about this event, and what methods and linguistic means to describe and analyze the facts and to explain further developments were used. Special attention is given to the differences between Austrian, German and French text samples.

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Grzegorz Pawłowski

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2015), 2015, s. 45 - 63


Epistemic properties of a man constitute the base for change. So far little attention has been paid to those properties in semantics. Questions of epistemic factors, which influence the formation of specialised neologisms, have not been posed. The keynote of this article is the attempt to answer this question. To achieve this goal, I attempt to explain such expressions as ‚neo’, ‚epistemic’ and ‚specialised neologism’. Then I proceed with the presentation of the results of the analysis of an interview. The subject of the interview is the Polish neologism ‚auleta’, created by Maciej Kaziński during his work an the translation of John Landes’ Music in Ancient Greece and Rome.

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Monika Schönherr

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2015), 2015, s. 65 - 75

All language systems change over time, meaning that no language can be completely described without reference to the history of its development. The diachronic considerations are receiving considerable attention in modern linguistics due to a growing number of research projects dedicated to studying the language change. The historical approach is not only being increasingly used as an efficient way to explain the synchronic language phenomena, but is also one of the main goals of academic teaching programs. 
The aim of this article is to discuss the current situation in the field of German Historical Studies in Poland. Special attention will be focused on the challenges facing the Polish historical linguists, including the public debate regarding the general condition of the Humanities Sciences.
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Grażyna Zenderowska-Korpus

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 1 (2015), 2015, s. 77 - 90

The scope of present studies of idiomatic expressions involves both the classical ones selected on the basis of language criteria and other pragmatic expressions. 
Idioms par excellence, peripheries, situational expressions and collocations make up the core of the phraseology.
Idiomatic expressions constitute the basic language tools that shape texts.
Depending on the text types, they may function in various ways and perform different roles.
The aim of the article is to present typical letter idiomatic expressions which are commonly found in readers’ letters.
The letters come from the following German magazines Der Spiegel and Die Zeit.
The author of the article also mentions the usefulness of readers’ letters in teaching German at various levels.
In the last part of the article, some methods of using idiomatic expressions in lessons have been mentioned as well as exercises and some guidelines for teachers
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