2014 Następne

Data publikacji: 10.03.2015

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Zofia Berdychowska

Redakcja tomu Zofia Berdychowska, Robert Kołodziej, Paweł Zarychta

Zawartość numeru

Gerd Antos

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 4 (2014), 2014, s. 261 - 274

Behind the meaning of social keywords often there are meanings dependent on time, group and discourse. In a particular usage, these meanings resonate subliminally. These hidden, but sometimes very effective meanings are the subject of the so-called “sub-semantics” and are difficult to record in dictionaries. 
Against this backdrop, I consider the question of what makes a catchword so catchy based on many examples. Thereby, I focus on so-called “Teflon words” such as “success” which have the ability to drip off any criticism, doubt or common sense like in a Teflon pan. In particular, it is about the question why certain words especially from the fields of consumption, economy and politics have such a highly collective “self-persuasiveness” for certain groups and periods of time. In the attempt to answer these questions I refer to the Polish philosopher of science Ludwik Fleck.
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Jan Balbierz

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 4 (2014), 2014, s. 275 - 284

The paper deals with the poetological propositions of one of the major Scandinavian Modernist poets Gunnar Ekelöf. My argument is that Ekelöf was one of those Modernist writers who saw literature from the perspective of a Weltkultur. I’m framing my reading of his intertextual collages, especially A Mölna-elegy in that context. The question of literary predecessors, tradition, dialogue and cultural ancestry becomes extremely important in Ekelöfs poetological propositions. His “ultramodernist” techiques as the use of a wide range of intertextual strategies or cultural recycling, are expressions of a cultural nostalgia rather than a proclamation of an aesthetic revolution. The perspective of a global culture that transgresses the borders of time and space directs the Swedish poet to the conception of poetry as a kind of culture science.
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Irmtraud Behr

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 4 (2014), 2014, s. 285 - 292

Verbless sentences may be stative or dynamic, they may refer to actions or to properties of entities. In a narrativ environnement, we will find both types of verbless sentences. Providing a change of view-point and so focussing entities of first or second order (Lyons), dynamic and stative predications can be employed for the story progression, according to the lexical material.
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Anna Górajek

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 4 (2014), 2014, s. 293 - 302


In this paper, the author presents a brief description of the place and role Poland’s in the memoires of the former German chancellor Helmut Kohl. Although, at the first view, it can be assumed that Poland and the Polish politicians don’t appear too often in Kohl’s report, it could be shown after a closer analysis that Kohl refers many times to both of them. Poland aroused a special interest, but also irritation, of the chancellor around 1990 as Germany was re-united and the negotiations regarding the common border between Poland and Germany were carried out, which is depicted in this paper

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Margot Heinemann

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 4 (2014), 2014, s. 303 - 312


The article deals with various forms of teaching text composition for both native and non-native language speakers. A closer look at these forms includes an analysis of methods of evaluating writing ability, as well as the ability to recognize and to produce different text types.

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Frank Liedtke

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 4 (2014), 2014, s. 313 - 327


The relation between meaning and intention is considered, reflecting the theoretical approaches of J.R. Searle in comparison with early phenomenological authors like A. Marty and the polish philosopher K. Twardowski. The latter is seen as a founder of important distinctions in the philosophy of language and semiotics, as for example the one between the content and the object of presentations. The Twardowskian concept of meaning is genuinely oriented towards the hearer, and in this respect it is different from that of J.R.Searle, who claims – in his intentionalist writings – that meaning consists only in representation, not in communication. Insofar Twardowski’s approach can be considered as constituting an influential – even though presently underestimated – impetus in direction of a communication-based conception of meaning within intentionalist semantics.

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Magdalena Lisiecka-Czop

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 4 (2014), 2014, s. 329 - 338


The aim of this article is to show the synchronic section of the maritime phraseology of the 18th century on example of the multilingual dictionary Allgemeines Wörterbuch der Marine by Johann Hinrich Röding. This dictionary contains approximately 5000 lexicographic entries of the seamen’s language. Among them about 100 phrasemes from subject areas such as weather and tides, navigation, shipbuilding, parts of the ship, ship uptake and maintenance, seamen’s everyday life, orders and calls on ships.

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Tomasz G. Pszczółkowski

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 4 (2014), 2014, s. 339 - 346


The author presents the nature and objectives of a teaching subject, which is offered for several years on German Studies Institute at the University of Warsaw by employees of the Department of German-speaking courtiers as a part of Intercultural Communication specialization. Comparative studies in culture are a term, which differs from philological comparative studies. It means a sub-discipline, which concerned with aspects of culture outside of literature and linguistics, in this case with comparisons of German and Polish culture.

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Piotr Roguski

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 4 (2014), 2014, s. 347 - 363


The Author analyses the situation of Slavic Studies at universities in Germany and describes the role of so-called Polonistik (Polish studies),  explaining that  the underlying ideas for Polish studies there radically differ from its equivalent as we know it in Poland. From this perspective, some of the judgments may appear  partisan. Since he refers mostly to the state of affairs in the 80’s and the 90’s,  the text may be seen as focused predominantly on history.

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Paweł Zarychta

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 4 (2014), 2014, s. 367 - 372

Aktivitäten des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten 2014
Präsentation der Akten des XII. Kongresses des Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG), Warszawa 24. März 2014
Generalversammlung der Mitglieder des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten am 9. Mai 2014 in Rzeszów
Internationale wissenschaftliche Tagung des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten: „Gegenwart und Zukunft der Auslandsgermanistik“ in Rzeszów 09.–11. Mai 2014
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Paweł Zarychta

Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten, Zeszyt 4 (2014), 2014, s. 367 - 372


Auf Einladung des Verlags für Wissenschaften Peter Lang GmbH (Frankfurt
am Main) gemeinsam mit dem Ehrenpräsidenten der Internationalen
Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG) und dem Verband Polnischer Germanisten
(VPG) fand am 24. März 2014 in der „neuen“ Universitätsbibliothek
der Universität Warschau die feierliche Präsentation der zu dem Zeitpunkt
in Gänze erschienenen 19 bändigen und rund 6 800 Seiten umfassenden
Edition der Akten des XII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses statt.
Der XII. Internationale IVG-Kongress tagte in der Zeit vom 30. Juli bis
7. August 2010 auf dem historischen Gelände der Warschauer Universität.

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