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2015 Następne

Data publikacji: 2015

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Marek Piekarczyk

Sekretarz redakcji Orcid Wojciech Ryczek

Redaktor zeszytu Magdalena Ryszka-Kurczab

Zawartość numeru

Magdalena Komorowska

Terminus, Tom 17, zeszyt 3 (36), 2015, s. 317-367


Early modern Polish postils: in the search of editorial conventions

In 16th and 17th century Poland-Lithuania, vernacular postils, both Protestant and Catholic, were a powerful vehicle for religious reform and a useful tool in the confessional conflict. Between 1556 and the end of the 17th century, over forty editions of various postils (some of them multivolume) were printed. Together, they constitute one of the largest groups of surviving old-Polish publications connected by genre and published in the vernacular to reach a wider audience. For these reasons they are an excellent material for scholars interested in the development of the form of the Polish printed book.
The paper begins with rectification of some widespread yet misleading convictions about Polish postils. Results of the author’s bibliographical research allows her to prove that Polish postils should not be associated with Reformation only, but rather should be seen as a universal instrument of confessional polemic and pastoral aid. The main body of the article focuses on the development and changes of the form of Early Modern Polish postils. Because of the similarities of structure and purpose of these publications, the author is able to compare solutions chosen by different printers in terms of format, layout, illustrations, title-page composition, etc. Focusing on the most influential volumes printed in Kraków, she presents how Polish printers adapted German book designs and introduced new patterns later on. Based not only on the analysis of postils themselves, but also on surviving correspondence and other archival materials, the author sheds some light both on the circumstances of production and on the author’s and the reader’s role in shaping the form of the postil as a book. The question of using typography and illustration to attract Catholic readers to Protestant postils and vice versa is also raised. Analysis of the material prompts the author to the conclusion that the printing craft was above religious divisions.

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Wojciech Ryczek

Terminus, Tom 17, zeszyt 3 (36), 2015, s. 369-377



Kazania pasyjne, wyd. i oprac. J.S. Gruchała i K. Panuś, t. 3: Kazania w kulturze polskiej. Edycje kolekcji tematycznych, Wyd. UNUM, Kraków 2014, s. 590. 

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Emanuele Tesauro

Terminus, Tom 17, zeszyt 3 (36), 2015, s. 379-416


The Idea of witty and ingenious eloquence

The intention of the authors of the translation and of commentary on the presented chapter of Emanuele Tesauro’s (1591–1677) Idea argutae et ingeniosae dictionis... (The Idea of witty and ingenious eloquence; the Italian title: Il cannocchiale aristotelico o sia idea dell’arguta et ingeniosa elocutione...) is to introduce Polish readers to the content of the work, which is one of the broadest and most interesting and influential 17th century approaches to the issue of argutia (smartness, conciseness, wittiness), and, at the same time, is difficult to read because of the subtlety and erudition of his discourse. The book was written as a result of a long search and deep reflection of its author, a man of wide interests and a poet and prose writer of great achievement.
In addition to Il cannocchiale aristotelico..., Tesauro published collections of eulogies and occasional poetry in Latin, widely known in Europe, and also, in his native language, a number of historical monographs and dramatic works, a philosophical and moral treatise, and a manual on the art of writing letters. The treatise on argutia was written in several phases. Although the author had worked on it since his youth, he only published it as an mature man (first edition: Turin 1654). Subsequently, he expanded it and improved it until 1670. The work was republished in Italy many times, both in Tesauro’s lifetime and after his death. However, as indicated by the publisher of the Latin translation of the work, Il cannocchiale aristotelico was not widely known north of Italy. It was not until the Latin edition was published in 1698 (Frankfurt-Leipzig) and later in 1714 that the situation began to change. Hence, the current translation into Polish is based principally on the Latin text, which is, in fact, consulted with the Italian edition.
At present we are publishing the first chapter of Tesauro’s work, which includes a praise of argutia, a lecture on the etymology of the term, as well as a general division into verbal argutia and pictorial argutia, along with a discussion on their variations. This chapter is a functional guide to the content of the work and, most importantly, it provides numerous variants of meaning of the title term arguta et ingeniosa elocutio; for this purpose, Tesauro gives many examples of synonymous terms, which he draws from a large number of Greek and Latin sources.

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