Instruction for Authors

Guidelines for Authors

Submission of a manuscript to Studia Religiologica implies that the contents are original, have not been published previously, and are not under consideration or accepted for publication elsewhere. In the text must be accompanied by the following information about the author: name, degree or academic title, place of work, full address, email address and the corresponding author contribution statement.

Preliminary assessment of papers is carried out by the Editorial Staff. Once a paper has been accepted by the Editorial Staff, it is submitted for review to two independent reviews. The reviewers’ reports provide the basis for the acceptance of the manuscript by the Editorial Staff.

Sample bibliography entries:

U. Bianchi, The Greek Mysteries, Leiden 1976.

G.G. Stroumsa, Dreams and Visions in Early Christian Discourse [w:] Dream Cultures. Towards a Comparative History of Dreaming, D. Shulman, G.G. Stroumsa (eds.), New York 1999, s. 189-212.

S. Bylina, The Church and Folk Culture in Late Medieval Poland, „Acta Poloniae Historica" 1993, nr 68, s. 27-42.

M. Spitzer, Jak uczy się mózg,tłum. M. Guzowska-Dabrowska, Warszawa 2008, s. 134.

S. Bloodworth, Gender relations in Aboriginal society, http://www.anu.edu.au/polsci/marx/interventions/gender.htm [dostęp: 10.09.2011].

Authors should submit manuscripts
 via e-mail: studia.religiologica@uj.edu.pl. The electronic copy of the manuscript can be prepared in any version of the well-known editors

Manuscript must be formatted according to the following criteria:
  • Format A4, font: main text – Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing versa; footnotes – Times New Roman10, single line spacing.Margins: left - 3 cm, the other 2,5 cm.
  • Continuous page numbering.
  • Footnotes to items in the text are placed at the bottom of the page.
  • Use Latin abbreviations such as: op.cit. (in the work cited), ibidem (in the same place), idem (the same), eadem (the same).
  • Articles should contain a summary in English (up to 900 characters and spaces)and a list of key-words in English.


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