Vol. 3 (185)

2022 (XLVIII) Next

Publication date: 12.2022



Mikołaj Musielak, Grafika opracowana w ramach projektu „Polskie organizacje imigranckie w Europie”

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Dorota Praszałowicz

Secretary Kamil Łuczaj

Issue content

Prawo a doświadczenie migracyjne

Jakub Krzysztof Adamski, Izabela Florczak

Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 3 (185), 2022 (XLVIII), pp. 9 - 13

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Kamil Matuszczyk, Justyna Salamońska, Anita Brzozowska

Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 3 (185), 2022 (XLVIII), pp. 15 - 40


Although the scale of the posting of workers under the free movement of services is much lower than that of the free movement of workers, the issues around posting of workers have become increasingly important in the last few years. In particular, employers developed strategies for circumventing the law and adapting to the changing legal reality after 2014. The aim of this article is to explain the conditions under which employers, including temporary work agencies, post workers from Poland to other countries of the European Economic Area. We pose the question about the strategies and daily practices undertaken by those employers posting workers in the home care sector. Poland is an key country in terms of the number of workers posted to other countries. Employing the concept of migration infrastructure (Xiang, Lindquist 2014), we describe five main dimensions conditioning how employers post workers: social, commercial, non-governmental, regulatory and technological dimensions. The analysis of the empirical material gathered between 2018 and 2021 shows that despite the barriers and impediments in the process of posting workers, companies take advantage of particular circumstances and support offered by commercial actors. The strategies taken by employers are also influenced by the specificity of the home care industry itself, which is dominated by informal practices, temporariness and a deficit of skilled workers.

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Marta Kluszczyńska

Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 3 (185), 2022 (XLVIII), pp. 41 - 60


Sahrawis migrating to Spain from the refugee camps in Tindouf (Algeria) are trapped in a legislative matrix of regulations and their changing interpretations. Their legal situation results both from the previous colonial ties between Western Sahara and Spain and from Spain’s contemporary migration policy. The text will describe the main problems of Sahrawis applying for Spanish citizenship, as well as the ongoing process of post-colonial revival of Spanish citizenship for the community as a whole –both based on the addition of Sahrawis to Article 22.1 of the Spanish Civil Code (recognising historical ties and reducing the time of residence in Spain required to apply for citizenship), and through the Sahrawi community’s advocacy of recognition of Spanish citizenship for those living in the Spanish Western Sahara before 1976 and their descendants.

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Jan Bazyli Klakla

Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 3 (185), 2022 (XLVIII), pp. 61 - 83


This paper presents an excerpt from the results of research on the relationship between the experience of the legal and institutional environment by long-term Slavic migrants living in Poland and their acculturation process. It concentrates on the experience of citizenship and its connection to acculturation processes. Template analysis (TA) was conducted on data from (A) five in-depth expert interviews with migration professionals, (B) 20 biographical and narrative interviews with migrants from European Slavic countries who came to Poland between 1989 and 2010, and (C) legal and policy documents. The findings provide information about (A) migrants’perceived irrelevance of citizenship, (B) their perceived importance of citizenship, (C) the presence of formal and informal barriers to accessing citizenship status, and (D) the sense of obligation that citizenship evokes. The research argues that it is unjustified to treat citizenship uncritically as the main indicator of the effects of the acculturation process or only as an instrument that inevitably supports this process.

* Project funded by the National Science Center in Poland; project number 2018/29/N/HS5/00696

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Jakub Krzysztof Adamski, Izabela Florczak

Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 3 (185), 2022 (XLVIII), pp. 85 - 115


The article focuses on the formation of legal consciousness among economic migrants from third countries to Poland as an important factor that contributes to their integration in the host country. First, the concept of legal consciousness is discussed, and a migration-adjusted model of how it is formed is proposed. As special emphasis is put on legal knowledge, an overview of the legal provisions of migration employment law is presented. Finally, based on articles and reports on economic migration to Poland, we ascertain how migrants acquire legal knowledge, what the flow of information is, where interferences are and how they impact migrants’legal consciousness. Based on articles and reports, we identify possible breakdowns in the information flow between key labour market actors (e.g. employers, public offices that manage the formal side of the employment process, and intermediaries, such as temporary employment agencies) and migrants. The complexity of regulations often leaves employers and foreign workers dependent on intermediaries. Without knowing the applicable legal provisions, much less understanding them, migrants tend to lack all types of legal knowledge. Thus, they may develop attitudes and legal consciousness based on false premises, further impacting their legal status in the host country. Even if they acquire knowledge, its quality can be questioned due to the fraud and deception that are often reported. Particularly troublesome is the limited contact between public offices and migrants, depriving them of reliable legal information.

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Zbigniew Antoni Kruszewski – analizy historyczne

Joanna Wojdon

Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 3 (185), 2022 (XLVIII), pp. 119 - 120

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Michał Tomasz Wójciuk

Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 3 (185), 2022 (XLVIII), pp. 121 - 138


This paper was an attempt to describe the service of cpl. Zbigniew Kruszewski „Jowisz” („Jupiter”) during conspiracy and Warsaw Uprising. When he was a child, he expereienced a cataclysm of war and tragedy of german occupation. As a few years old child he got involved in polish conspiracy and became a member of Szare Szeregi and got assigned to „Zawiszacy” – the group of the youngest boy scouts. During the first phase of Warasaw Uprising he served in Group „Konrad” and later in Field Postal Servce. He also took part in high risking mission, during which he was a courier delivering information outside Warsaw and miracously escped death. In the last days of Warsaw Uprising he served in „Bradl” Company of „Miłosz” Battalion. After the fall of Warsaw Uprising, he was taken into captivity. Apart from describing the life of Zbigniew Kruszewski, another important part of this article is consideration about post-war dilemmas which were faced by former Uprisers. Basing on over 20 relations, in this article were outlined perpelities concerning on living outside Homeland after the end of war in 1945 which were faced by post-war casaways.

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Beata Halicka

Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 3 (185), 2022 (XLVIII), pp. 139 - 161


In this article I follow the question, what does it mean to be a borderlander and reflect about some definitions of borderland’s identity. The analysis is based on reflections, biographical constructions, and interpretations of the history by a particular man - prof. Zbigniew A. Kruszewski. He calls himself a borderlander and is considered the doyen of border studies in the scientific community. The source basis is an extensive interview conducted with him 2016 using the biographical method. The starting point for this article is the question: what kind of boundaries did Zbigniew A. Kruszewski cross in his life? For answering this question, I created a long list of social phenomena that are closely related to crossing borders and are often experienced by borderlanders. This list also includes less obvious phenomena that do not necessarily fit into the canon of the presented definitions. In the second part I present Zbigniew A. Kruszewski’s scientific and social commitments to borderland studies and his way of promoting the knowledge about borderlands.

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Sławomir Łukasiewicz

Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 3 (185), 2022 (XLVIII), pp. 163 - 173


The figure of Professor Zbigniew Antoni Kruszewski can be viewed from different perspectives. This article is a proposal to bring closer the dilemma that accompanied many emigrants who, on the one hand, studied and practiced the so-called political science, and on the other hand, were themselves active in various political fields. In the case of Z.A. Kruszewski, the intertwining of his membership in the Polish Freedom Movement “Independence and Democracy” and his research interests related to the Oder-Neisse border seems particularly interesting. Membership in this political grouping and involvement in the political activities of the émigrés in this area undoubtedly provided an important impetus to take up the subject, but the research itself had to be done in accordance with the rules of art, as the credibility of the researcher depended on it. The biography of Z.A. Kruszewski illustrates this perfectly.


* Artykuł powstał w wyniku realizacji projektu badawczego o nr 2021/41/B/HS3/01944 finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki.

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Mariusz Olczak

Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 3 (185), 2022 (XLVIII), pp. 177 - 183

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