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2017 Następne

Data publikacji: 10.07.2018

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktor naczelny Agata Świerzowska

Zastępca redaktora naczelnego Orcid Bożena Prochwicz-Studnicka

Sekretarz redakcji Agnieszka Kowalska

Zawartość numeru

Monika Banach

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 6 (2/2017), 2017, s. 7 - 28

The article is a brief reflection on the oral traditions of the Ixil Maya of the highlands of Guatemala, which concern in particular the supernatural beings that are believed to inhabit the pre-Columbian remains located in the sacred place of B’ayal I’ (‘Xacbal’ archaeological site) close to the contemporary indigenous community of Ilom in the municipality of Chajul. It aims to show how the inhabitants of Ilom imagine, verbalize and perform their bonds with the remains of the people they call the Grandfathers, what is left of the time they lived in the vicinity of where their descendants live right now, and what it means for them to co-habit their ancestral lands. The article is based on selected historical sources and materials from the fieldwork conducted in the Ixil Region between 2013–17.
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David de Ángel García

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 6 (2/2017), 2017, s. 29 - 52


El presente trabajo ofrece un acercamiento a una de las entidades sagradas  de raigambre indígena que se ha mantenido actuante con mayor vigor en la cosmología maya peninsular. A partir de datos etnográficos recabados en poblaciones nativas del estado mexicano de Campeche, el texto trata de ilustrar el papel central que desempeñan los aluxo´ob como destinatarios de un buen número de los rituales de ofrendas que realizan anualmente los campesinos mayas, así como su protagonismo en diversos relatos mitológicos sobre los orígenes del mundo y las sucesivas creaciones y destrucciones de las humanidades que lo habitaron. Finalmente, se explora los vínculos que establecen los especialistas rituales mayas (jmeen) con los aluxo´ob, a quienes recurren en busca de los conocimientos esotéricos que les permiten desempeñarse como mediadores entre la comunidad y las entidades sagradas.


This study sheds light on a sacred entity that is firmly rooted, and continues to be highly relevant, in the cosmology and culture of the present day Mayan Indians from the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico. Using ethnographic data collected in native communities from the state of Campeche, I will illustrate how these revered beings, the aluxo’ob, are the receptors of abundant offerings via the Mayan campesino’s annual ritual activity, as well as their role as protagonists in a diversity of mythological narratives that explain the genesis of the world and the successive creations and destructions of humanity. Finally, I will explore the links that connect the ritual Mayan specialists (jmeen) with the aluxo’ob, whom they seek for the esoteric knowledge necessary for mediating the relationship between their communities and the sacred realm.

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Nahayeilli B. Juárez Huet

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 6 (2/2017), 2017, s. 53 - 76

El presente artículo describe cómo opera en la vida religiosa cotidiana, la red de relaciones entre los iniciados en la santería afrocubana, y entre éstos y las figuras sagradas a las que veneran, representadas por los orisha. Lejos de agotar la vasta riqueza de la santería en tanto religión vivida, recupero sólo la ceremonia del toque de tambor como un ejemplo ilustrativo de la complejidad que encierran dichas relaciones dentro del contexto mexicano, en donde por un lado existe una regulación social que desautoriza la diversidad religiosa de la que la santería forma parte, y por el otro, una dislocación entre afiliaciones religiosas, prácticas y creencias, que denotan una desinstitucionalización de lo religioso observada en general en la América Latina contemporánea.
This study describes how does the everyday religious life work, the network of relationships between the initiated in Afro-Cuban Santeria, as well as those involving themselves and the sacred figures which they worship, represented by the orishas. Far from exhausting the vast wealth of Santeria as a religión vivida the study focuses only on the ceremony of toque de tambor as an illustrative example of the complexity that characterises relationships within the Mexican context, where on the one hand a social regulation exists that prohibits the religious diversity in which Santeria participates, and on the other a dislocation between religious affiliations, practices and beliefs, which denote a deinstitutionalisation of the religious as observed in general in contemporary Latin America.
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Blanca Mónica Marín Valadez

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 6 (2/2017), 2017, s. 77 - 102


San Simón es un santo que no pertenece al panteón católico, su plasticidad y ambivalencia le permite ajustarse a diversos contextos sociales donde adquiere significado. En Macondo se le venera principalmente en los centros de prostitución, donde el santo protege a las prostitutas de las profundas condiciones de riesgo, violencia y vulnerabilidad.


Within the last couple of decades the religious world of Latin America has included a significant variety of non-institutional religiosities that have gained more and more power. Some of the examples are the cult of Santa Muerte that has spread to various parts of the planet, the cult of Jesús Malverde, the patron saint of the Sinaloa cartel who is also venerated in various regions of the U.S.A. and Central America, as well as the case of San Simón, interpreted by various social sectors that adjusted the cult to their own spiritual needs, at the peak of its expansion also resulting from social mobility and the institutional crisis of Christian religions. These religious movements implied a redesign in social studies that led us through reflections on theoretical, conceptual, and methodological dimensions. This study takes a social anthropology and situated ethnography perspective, it focuses on description of the worship of San Simón, a saint of Guatemalan origin who does not belong to the Catholic pantheon, and who is venerated by a group of Guatemalan prostitutes in a Chiapas municipality Macondo (a fictitious name), on the border with Guatemala. The research was conducted in a bar named El Kumbala, a place where a series of religious practices dedicated to San Simón occur, in a context permeated by violence, where this religious figure gains a symbolic charge related principally with protection. For the prostitutes from this region San Simón is a great ally who provides them with clients and protection. However, in addition, he lives the same rejection as his devotees, which means, that his relationship with them is of a horizontal nature, which permits a series of punishments if he does not fulfil his basic functions: to protect and to provide.

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Guadalupe Vargas Montero

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 6 (2/2017), 2017, s. 103 - 126


La peregrinación del camino de la serpiente surge cuando un grupo de caminantes deciden hacer un recorrido que ellos mismos reconocen como sagrado y mágico; también conocida como la ruta sagrada Olmeca o ruta original, el camino de la serpiente contiene una base de creencias cosmogónicas y simbólicas que se hacen explicitas en el desarrollo de esta tradición, desde recorrer la sierra de Santa Marta iniciando en Punta San Juan para llegar a la zona arqueológica de Tres Zapotes, hasta los rituales performativos que se llevan a cabo durante el trayecto.


The pilgrimage of the road of the serpent takes place when a group of travellers decides to take a tour that they see as sacred and magical; also known as the ruta sagrada Olmeca or ruta original, the road of the serpent is associated with a compound of cosmogonic and symbolic beliefs that reveal themselves as this tradition develops, from the Santa Marta tour starting at Punta San Juan to the archeological zone of Tres Zapotes, to the rituals that take place during the trip.

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Dialogi i diagnozy

Wojciech Kosior

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 6 (2/2017), 2017, s. 127 - 132

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Marcin Strzelecki

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 6 (2/2017), 2017, s. 141 - 145

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