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Issue 13 (2024)

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Publication date: 06.12.2024

The publication of this volume was co-financed by the Jagiellonian University in Kraków – The Jagiellonian Language Centre (JCJ).

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Editorial team

Additional redactors Orcid Dorota Lubińska-Pyla, Orcid Jakub Kuciak

Editor-in-Chief Orcid Marek Hermann

Issue content

Andrzej Fretschel-Hojarski

Glottodidactic Journal, Issue 13 (2024), 2024, pp. 9-25

Despite the recognizable advantages of exploiting literary works in the ESL classroom, language educators are challenged with not only addressing the cognitive and linguistic aspects of reading, but also emphasizing the sociocultural dimension of textual discourse. The Multiliteracies Framework for Language Teaching responds to this call by exploring reading as a socially situated practice during which learners interact with, analyze, and interpret texts, thereby promoting cross-cultural awareness and creative meaning construction. Towards that end, short stories offer a promising middle ground as textual resources due to their genre-specificity and rich thematic diversity. The following article provides a brief introduction to the MFLT and reading as meaning design (Part I) as well as two sample lesson plans based on Roald Dahl’s classic short story, The Umbrella Man (Part II).
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Radosław Gajda

Glottodidactic Journal, Issue 13 (2024), 2024, pp. 27-34

Business language teaching is playing an important role nowadays, due to the growing interest in this area of specialized communication among language learners. In the process of learning business language, we attach a great importance to the cognitive and psychological aspects, without which it would be difficult to obtain the desired effects.
Practical workshops are identified as a valuable pedagogical approach in teaching business language. These workshops provide students with hands-on opportunities to apply their language skills in real-life business scenarios. Role-playing exercises, case studies, and interactive group activities enable students to practice negotiation, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Additionally, workshops enhance student’ cultural awareness and adaptability in diverse business contexts, promoting effective cross-cultural communication.
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Bořivoj Marek

Glottodidactic Journal, Issue 13 (2024), 2024, pp. 35-46

The paper first outlines the state of the methodology of teaching Roman literature in the Czech Republic (and in the world) and deals with basic considerations about the possible form of literary education in Latin classes. However, the core of the paper is the presentation of the prerequisites necessary for mastering the reading of a Latin text. The paper concludes by offering a possible methodological approach to literary education in Latin classes in the conditions of schools in the Czech Republic and possibly also in Poland.
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Anna Mleczek

Glottodidactic Journal, Issue 13 (2024), 2024, pp. 47-72

This article focuses on a commentary and the didactic methods helpful in the translation, analysis and interpretation of the Epitaph of Zawisza Czarny, which is one of the source texts discussed during translation classes in medieval Latin. The commentary deals with the structure of the text, which is shown by the author within the context of the structure of an ancient heroic epic (part 1), as well as with the role of ancient and medieval motifs (part 2) and the presentation of the knightly ethos (part 3). On the one hand, this approach to the commentary allows the author to show the epitaph as a mournful miniature of an ancient epic, whose hero carries out his earthly mission in accordance with the ethos of a medieval knight, and, on the other hand, it enables students to translate this medieval source text correctly and to interpret it within a perspective that not only relates to the epoch, but also functions within the context of the heritage of antiquity.
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Funding information

The publication of this volume was co-financed by the Jagiellonian University in Kraków – The Jagiellonian Language Centre (JCJ).