Academic Reading Circles: The why and the how
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEPublication date: 06.12.2024
Glottodidactic Journal, 2024, Issue 13 (2024), pp. 91 - 94
Academic Reading Circles: The why and the how
Gholami, H. (2016). Self-Assessment and Learner Autonomy. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 46–50, [accessed: 20 March 2024].
Seburn, T. (2015). Academic Reading Circles. the round, e-book, [accessed: 20 March 2024].
Smith, A. (2015). What to Do with the Oddball Jarvis Street? Cityscape Magazine, 16–18.
Ziembińska, K. (2023). Self-reflective Journals as a Metacognitive Tool to Encourage Greater Learner Autonomy – on the Example of EAP Students. Zeszyty Glottodydaktyczne Jagiellońskiego Centrum Językowego, 12, 99–109.
Information: Glottodidactic Journal, 2024, Issue 13 (2024), pp. 91 - 94
Article type: Others – citable
Jagiellonian Language Centre
Published at: 06.12.2024
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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