Issue 2 (13) 2022

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Publication date: 12.2022


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Eunjin (Anna) Kim, Sidharth Muralidharan, Heather Shoenberger

Media Business Culture, Issue 2 (13) 2022, 2022, pp. 9-26


A study with 40 real TV commercials and 421 non-student participants confirmed that advertising persuasiveness could be enhanced when narratives are more relevant to a viewer and produce more vivid details. Specifically, greater ad relevance and ad vividness produced more goal facilitation, emotional engagement, and likelihood of decreased ad skepticism, resulting in more positive ad and brand attitudes. Furthermore, the results supported a moderated mediation process, with ad message explicitness as an important moderator. We found that the positive effects of ad relevance and ad vividness were dampened when viewers perceived the ad message to be more explicit.

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Halszka Leleń

Media Business Culture, Issue 2 (13) 2022, 2022, pp. 27-41


Analyzing contemporary short-film perfume advertisements it becomes clear that it is not enough to use the paradigms of social-communication and media studies alone to grasp the complexity of the used techniques. The commercials are deliberately composed to achieve complex artistic effects so as to stimulate the prospective consumer wish to buy the product. Using sensual and aesthetic appeal of the videos allows perfume companies to achieve their marketing objectives without exerting any direct pressure. They rather opt for creating subtle, multimodal narrative effect of the campaign that works in tandem with the target addressee’s intersubjective engagement. It is the purpose of this article to discuss the range of aesthetic techniques and poetic (literary) patterns applied in construing attractive or intriguing, intertextually allusive adverts of olfactory products. The devices from the literary and non-literary storytelling are intended to compensate for the fact that smell is impossible to transmit directly in the used audio-visual media. The article will overview the compositional relations and arrangements of perfume commercials using methodology of literary studies informed by theoretical insight of other relevant disciplines.

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Arthur Asa Berger

Media Business Culture, Issue 2 (13) 2022, 2022, pp. 43-54


This inquiry starts with a quotation from Michel de Certeau about the amount of time people spend with narratives. We proceed to demonstrate that narratives in advertisements have a syntagmatic or sequential structure and move from one event to another over time. In addition, people watching these narratives perform paradigmatic interpretations of the characters and events in these narratives. Demonstrating the importance of narratives in people’s lives, the article suggests that some print advertisements can have a narrative element to them. The discussion engages in demonstrating possible methodological approaches derived from this assumption and it offers, among others, an analysis of a classic television commercial, the Macintosh 1984 commercial (1983/1984), which is an example of intertextuality. Another important focus of discussion is overview of the different levels of interpretation one can make of events within a narrative framework of advertisements and commercials.

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Michał Makowski

Media Business Culture, Issue 2 (13) 2022, 2022, pp. 57-76


The paper presents knowledge of the structure of the content of an advertising message and the perception of the used content, with particular emphasis on the limitations of rationality in the decision-making process. The operation of information processing mechanisms and the process of using heuristics to automate the perception of content were discussed. The Author indicated the possibility of using perception maps to assess the effectiveness of an advertising message. Keywords: advertising, advertising message, heuristics, persuasion of the message, perception map.

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Jan Dynowski, Monika Przybysz

Media Business Culture, Issue 2 (13) 2022, 2022, pp. 77-87


Storytelling occurring in video messages is a communication format that can bring tangible benefits. Such a message model can generate stronger commitment to action on the part of the message’s audience and involves a perceived need to combine disparate modes of communication through video. Storytelling campaigns viewed on YouTube, for example, effectively attract respondents’ Jan Dynowski, Monika Przybysz 78 attention, evoking strong emotions and reinforcing the archetype of a given brand. This, in turn, can be a factor of considerable importance that can support companies’ ad hoc video communication – simple, based on selected information, generally occurring in the form of a short video, played in a TV advertising block. The analysis undertaken in this article was performed with the use of the desk research method – a review of the available selected literature on the subject. The purpose of conducting the analysis is to verify the validity of using a communication model based on narratively expanded video stories in the social medium of YouTube. The essence of the analyses to be carried out will also be the verification of the research hypotheses. They concern four aspects in particular: 1. storytelling in video marketing messages engages the viewer more intensely than forms of marketing devoid of narrative; 2) the story created in a “storytelling” video campaign is linked to the brand’s leading message and identity; 3) narrativity is used symmetrically – brands positioned as popular and premium benefit from it; 4) YouTube video campaigns based on narrative principles use repetitive and effective patterns.

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Jarosław Kończak

Media Business Culture, Issue 2 (13) 2022, 2022, pp. 89-106


Women are mainly responsible for making purchasing decisions, which makes them a key group for advertisers. Reaching them with a message requires creating an appropriate advertising insight and an image of a woman attractive to the recipients. When discussing ad creations, one speaks of femvertising, women’s empowerment, equality, as well as stereotyping, depreciation and sexism. In order to verify the opinions on the image of women in advertising, the author conducted an analysis of advertising communication of selected Polish and international companies. 1045 audio-video advertisements (5 campaigns of 209 brands each) were examined. The aim was to show what types of female images dominate in advertising. Ten areas were examined, including: female attributes, external appearance, phase of the family cycle, the protagonist’s surroundings, female self, the brand’s promise, the protagonist’s emotions, relations with men and the narrator in the advertisement. The results of the analysis showed that advertisers, seeing the growing aspirations of women, no longer show them only as mothers, housewives or lovers. Jarosław Kończak 90 More often they build their internal strength, expressive identity, subjectivity, self-determination and independence, as well as personal development and fulfillment of dreams. At the same time, they provide their heroines with a wide range of opportunities not only for family, maternal and emotional but also professional, sports, property and passion development.

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Kinga Cybulska

Media Business Culture, Issue 2 (13) 2022, 2022, pp. 107-120


In the face of an aging society, more and more advertising campaigns are aimed at people in the 50+ age group. The article searches for an answer to the question of who the people of this age group are, and in what types of narratives the senders of messages addressed to this group of people use. An author’s classification of the narrative of this type of communication has also been developed and presented.

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Justyna Majchrowska

Media Business Culture, Issue 2 (13) 2022, 2022, pp. 121-132


The aim of the study was to try to observe ways of conducting a marketing strategy in which stereotypes are broken. The pilot study carried out using the method of genological text analysis, with a particular focus on the structural and linguistic aspect, made it possible to notice the multi-channel communication of the addresser, the Lego Group, with recipients – consumers from all over the world, including Poland. Through its narrative strategy, the company draws attention to the existing, quite harmful, social attitudes to raising girls (and similarly boys). This Justyna Majchrowska 122 dual division, started already in infancy, which is being copied today, e.g. in publicly available advertisements, it is one of the reasons for the formation of the gender boundary. Respect for such a pattern by society leads both groups (women and men) to shortages in skills and competences, introduces demarcation and prejudices that – over time – can lead to harmful behavior of one sex towards the other or within each of them. The results of the study show what the brand campaign (here Lego), and ultimately the public, can achieve by promoting certain values, including by removing stereotypes (language stereotypes) so deeply rooted in language and culture (not only Polish). The strategy of a specific campaign, thanks to the use of content marketing, also allows for a positive brand image (here Lego) and attracting new consumers. Breaking stereotypes used in brand strategy can thus be a persuasive technique to attract the attention of customers/potential new customers.

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Jan Dynowski, Monika Przybysz

Media Business Culture, Issue 2 (13) 2022, 2022, pp. 133-150


Storytelling occurring in automotive video messages in the social medium YouTube has proven to be a communicative solution that can bring tangible benefits. Such a message model can generate stronger commitment to action from the message’s audience and involves a perceived need to combine disparate modes of communication through video. Storytelling campaigns viewed on YouTube are effective in attracting the attention of respondents, evoking strong emotions and perpetuating the archetype of a given brand. This, in turn, may be a factor of considerable importance that can support the ad hoc video communication of automotive companies – simple, based on selected information, generally occurring in the form of a short Jan Dynowski, Monika Przybysz 134 video, played in a TV advertising block. The analysis undertaken in this article is based on the desk research method and a questionnaire-based research survey on a targeted group of automotive fans and YouTube users.

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Aleksandra Żukowska

Media Business Culture, Issue 2 (13) 2022, 2022, pp. 151-164


“Narration” – a concept rooted in literary studies, has attracted the attention of many other disciplines since the 1960s, and as Martin Kreiswith stated, the humanities were even “obsessed with stories”. Myths, legends, fairy-tales and other forms of narrative are omnipresent in the everyday experience of most participants in culture and thus they contribute to their competence of receiving stories in various forms. Perhaps this is one of the factors leading to the extraordinary popularity and success of storytelling in advertising. The principles of creating a good, effective, and attractive story derive from the old forms of narration and they are today commonly used in many narrative media. The article presents the proposal of the Swedish researcher of visual communication – Bo Bergström, who differentiates the narrative into dramatic and non-dramatic. He seesthe patterns of both kinds as as based on the rules present in genre cinema and author’s Aleksandra Żukowska 152 cinema, respectively. The author calls this dimension of advertising a formal system, next to which the stylistic system, i.e. the means of artistic expression used in the message, is equally important. The article will analyse both systems in the Allegro brand Christmas advertisement from 2021 in the context of the storytelling assumptions.

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Katarzyna Włodarczyk, Agata Górska

Media Business Culture, Issue 2 (13) 2022, 2022, pp. 167-184


Companies operating in a dynamically changing environment should effectively manage communication with customers. Thanks to this communication, companies will be able to take into account the current needs of their customers and the directions of changes. Contemporary forms of communication between a company and its clients are a set of various activities. One of the ways of influencing the client may be visual communication. The aim of the article is to show the role of using visual communication as an effective tool for brand communication with recipients. The article was prepared on the basis of an analysis of the literature on the subject and presents the case of the Piwo Rewalskie company from Pogorzelica. The article presents selected tools of visual communication that the brand used in 2015–2022.

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Elżbieta Pawlak-Hejno

Media Business Culture, Issue 2 (13) 2022, 2022, pp. 185-198


The purpose of this article is to present crowdfunding campaigns, not only as an alternative option for financing a project, but also as a promotional tool. Researchers point out that one of the elements of a successful campaign is the use of storytelling to support the realization of the persuasive function of the message. Giving the structure of the story a pragmatic dimension, allows it to be analyzed from the perspective of rhetoric, and consider the structure itself in the category of rhetorical topos. The example chosen for analysis is the campaign of Tortoisemedia.com, which proved to be a huge crowdfunding success and continues to grow its business. The implementation of the collection proved that the public wants to fund journalistic projects of value to them.

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Sławomir Doległo

Media Business Culture, Issue 2 (13) 2022, 2022, pp. 199-212


Currently, ostentatious evocation of patriotism and national symbols, their political instrumentalization and indoctrination exists in an atmosphere of permanent identity dispute. The reservoir of historical figures and emblems provides its both sides with instruments to manifest their ideas and multiply the basic anthropological dichotomy: ‘we’ versus ‘they’. Historical analogies are used to justify civil disobedience. Collective memory is commonly included in the repertoire of contestation practices, especially by the members of young generation, effectively using new communication technologies and codes of pop culture. Striving to establish their own symbolic representation, they intercept the attitudes and tools represented by the official memory discourse, they deconstruct national myths, and subvert privileged patriotic patterns. The article presents how so-called ‘turbopatriotism’ and ‘softpatriotism’ become the axis of Polish debate about Sławomir Doległo 200 the symbolic mainstream and periphery and how young Poles discredit hegemonic patterns of historical awareness.

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