The editorial team includes representatives of subdisciplines of sciences dealing with social communication and media, responsible for thematic sections (History of Media and Journalism, Communication in Politics, Social Communication, Public Relations and Market Communication, Advertising). An exclusion in that respect is two sections: the Ethics in Business, supported by a representative of the Ethics of Language Team of PAN (the Polish Academy of Sciences) and the Visual Communication team, dealing with specificity of journalism in practical sphere and relations between the academic world and market processes. Among the editors there is also the statistical editor, taking care for methodological correctness of the data contained in the papers. Detailed matters are provided for by the Regulations of the “Media Biznes Kultura” journal.
The editorial team of „Media Biznes Kultura” also includes co-editors representing foreign academic centres, whose presence in the team stems from the intention to make the journal popular internationally and to attract authors from abroad. Care for a due professional level of the journal and high publishing culture, as reflected in the content of the published works, is a joint responsibility of the entire editorial office.
Editor-in-Chief: prof. UG dr hab. Anna Ryłko-Kurpiewska, University of Gdańsk, Poland
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: prof. UG dr hab. Małgorzata Łosiewicz, University of Gdańsk, Poland
Editors of the thematic section:
Statistics' editor: dr Maciej Brosz, University of Gdańsk, Poland
Editors revision: Joanna Marek-Banach, Maria Sala-Racinowska,
Editorial Secretary: dr Magdalena Iwanowska, University of Gdańsk, Poland
Graphic Design: dr Mirosław Rekowski, Poland