Issue 1 (10) 2021

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Publication date: 06.2021


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Issue content

Jolanta Maćkiewicz

Media Business Culture, Issue 1 (10) 2021, 2021, pp. 9-19


The article is devoted to the methods of researching interpretative frames in media texts. Since it is assumed that all these texts are polisemiotic the frames themselves must be multimodal. I try to answer four questions: what kind of methodology should be used; how to choose the unit of analysis; which framing devices should be taken into account; how to describe the cooperation between verbal and non-verbal devices.

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Karolina Lachowska, Marcin Pielużek

Media Business Culture, Issue 1 (10) 2021, 2021, pp. 21-49


The article’s main aim is to present and verify the research approach that can be implemented in street art research in the field of social communication and media science. By focusing analysis on four dimensions – space (where), temporality (when), representation (who) and message (what), it is possible to obtain comprehensive knowledge about key social actors, propagated ideas, postulates and values, and to delineate the main dividing lines, points of reference, icons and symbolic characters. We treat street art as a form of socio-political commentary at the local level, urban space as a channel, and individual manifestations of street art as a medium of communication. The methodological proposal’s usefulness will be verified based on a corpus of 195 photos showing various forms of street art created during the protests in Chile, taken by the Authors in December 2019.

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Edyta Żyrek-Horodyska

Media Business Culture, Issue 1 (10) 2021, 2021, pp. 51-65


The aim of this article is to present Jon Krakauer’s reportage Into Thin Air in the context of the main features of New New Journalism. The author critically discusses the most important elements of this paradigm, which refers on the one hand to the legacy of muckrakers from the beginning of 20th-century, and on the other hand – to the tradition of American reporters from the 1960s and 1970s. Detailed research was devoted to the Krakauer’s book Into Thin Air, which has been described as a journalistic syncretic form, combining elements of auto-reportage, immersive reportage and paraliterature.

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Maria Rółkowska

Media Business Culture, Issue 1 (10) 2021, 2021, pp. 69-82


The article describes the history of the activity, the program and authors of programs in Polish broadcasted by Italian radio from the 1940s to the first decade of this century. These programs were directed to Poles living in the Apennine Peninsula, in their own homeland and in other countries, and at present a little knowledge about them is available from the preserved partial archival resources, the records in Italian Polonica and the interviews with some of their authors. Polish-language broadcasts on Radio RAI constitute an important part of Polonia and Polish-language media around the world.

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Przemysław Ciszek

Media Business Culture, Issue 1 (10) 2021, 2021, pp. 103-114


This article presents the history and contemporary state of Polish media on the theme of video games. Media about video games emerged on the Polish market after the country’s political transformation of 1989 and quickly became very popular. The ever increasing multitude of players led to demand for information and reviews on games. During 1990’s there were many more or less significant magazines about video games in Poland. Almost all of them perished. Currently, there are only three of them on the Polish market. TV programmes about video games appeared during the 90s which effectively showcased them in action. The media landscape has changed as the internet has become widely available and largely overtaken the information and entertainment function of the press and television in regards to video games. Today thematic websites about games are still important but youtubers and Twitch streamers are taking advantage. Their broadcast is especially important for younger generation of gamers. Presenting video games in action and live commentary is a very popular way of communication. Many online content creators have built great audience and income doing so.

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Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska

Media Business Culture, Issue 1 (10) 2021, 2021, pp. 117-128


The text examines the condition of contemporary journalism in the context of professionalization and values. Presenting the analysis of different ways of defining journalism as a profession, the author notes that contemporary journalism operates within two sets of values. Those that are normally associated with the so-called “professional journalism”, which are referred to the fractographical pact (mainly constituted by such values as: truth, objectivity and independence). The second set of values is called news values. They are fundamentally different and inconsistent with the norms that are considered constitutive for journalism as a profession. In this situation, journalism as a profession and journalists as its representatives are obliged to perform simultaneously two, partly at least contradictory, functions the information provider and the navigator who guides his / her recipients through information for him / her for attractive, noteworthy.

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Sławomir Rybka

Media Business Culture, Issue 1 (10) 2021, 2021, pp. 129-142


MTV is a TV channel that has had a revolutionary impact on the development of pop culture. This station, which initially broadcast only videoclips, under the influence of the development of the Internet, especially YouTube, was forced to change its profile. Nowadays MTV is dominated by reality shows, some of which are very controversial. In Poland, “Warsaw Shore: Ekipa z Warszawy” – local version of the American “Jersey Shore” format, is very popular. That TV show presents a specific woman’s image, which has been described as a “liberated woman”. Analysing 12 seasons of that show, seven main characteristics that make up the image were identified.

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Katarzyna Konarska

Media Business Culture, Issue 1 (10) 2021, 2021, pp. 83-101


Changes in media policy in Poland in 2015–2020 suggest a correlation with the changes initiated in Hungary in 2010, when Viktor Orbán and his party Fidesz took power. The aim of the article is to present and make a comparative analysis of the changes introduced in the media policy of both countries. The list of regulations and actions of the government elites, consisting in interfering with media markets and the activities of public media, shows many similarities and common elements of media policy.

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Barbara Cyrek

Media Business Culture, Issue 1 (10) 2021, 2021, pp. 143-157


The aim of the article is to characterize the image of veganism and vegetarianism emerging from the most popular videos dealing with these issues, published on the Polish version of YouTube, as well as to indicate the role of the search engine in creating this image. The analysis covered a multi-hour video material, which consists of several dozen films suggested by YouTube in the search results for the slogans “veganism”, “vegan diet”, “vegetarianism” and “vegetarian diet”.

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Katarzyna Bałandynowicz-Panfil

Media Business Culture, Issue 1 (10) 2021, 2021, pp. 159-172


The pandemic has had its toll on the socio-economic life of most people. Governments and international organizations face new challenges in a situation of uncertainty. The next step in the fight against the threat of COVID-19 is the mass vaccination procedure. Social campaigns are designed to encourage as many people as possible to join the vaccination plan  Achieving population resilience requires a significant commitment of organizational, financial and communication resources. Older people constitute a priority group in the vaccination system in Poland. However, despite the measures taken, there remains a significant share of seniors who remain reluctant to vaccination. The government is taking further pro-turnout measures targeted at the elderly. The shortcomings of the existing strategies should be eliminated for the benefit of society. This article is an attempt to summarize the research conducted so far in the field of the needs and possibilities of communication with the elderly, attitudes towards vaccinations and sources of influence on making purchasing decisions of seniors.

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