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Tom 21, zeszyt 4 (53) 2019

Dawna książka. Metody i problemy I

2019 Następne

Data publikacji: 2018

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktor naczelny Orcid Grażyna Urban-Godziek

Sekretarz redakcji Orcid Wojciech Ryczek

Redaktor zeszytu Magdalena Komorowska

Zawartość numeru


Justyna Kiliańczyk-Zięba

Terminus, Tom 21, zeszyt 4 (53) 2019, 2019, s. 401-436


Printed Fossils. Late Editions of Bestsellers as a Source of Information on the Typographic Shape of the First Edition of a Text

One of the important problems studied by book historians is the fate of those titles and editions that have not survived to our times. These were oftentimes the most popular and most frequently purchased publications, very vulnerable to destruction exactly due to their popularity. The information about lost editions usually comes from the old book lists (inventories and catalogues of early modern book collections, 18th and 19th century bibliographies), as well as from mentions by various authors. Justyna Kiliańczyk-Zięba shows that information about the existence and typographical shape of the lost editions is also to be found in preserved editions which were published decades or even centuries after the first editions. The study draws on bibliographic research and editorial work carried out over several years. Its aim is to present a methodology that allows the layout of the today unknown first print of Fortuna abo Szczęście by Stanislaw of Bochnia to be reconstructed with high probability. 

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Agnieszka Franczyk-Cegła

Terminus, Tom 21, zeszyt 4 (53) 2019, 2019, s. 437-457


Methodological Problems in the Identification of Anonymous Imprints on the Basis of Cracow Printed Materials from the Years 1601–1620

The beginning of the 17th century in Cracow was a period when a number of books appeared on the market in which the title page only contained information about the place of publication, but not the name of the printer. These so-called anonymous imprints included mainly popular and occasional literature. The main reason for not publishing the name of printers was the fear of censorship, which was locally the responsibility of the University of Cracow and the Catholic Church. Nowadays, the identification of typographic anonyms, which until now has been the subject of causal studies usually conducted as bywork during other research projects, allows us to get to know the history of particular printing houses and the literary culture of a given area. The aim of this paper is to look at the issue of anonymous imprints from the methodological point of view, i.e. to present the most effective methods of discovering the printing houses that published the books and pamphlets in question. The emphasis is placed on describing the advantages and disadvantages of typographic and typographic-archival methods in the context of the changing realities in Cracow’s foundries and printing houses at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. Methodological problems will be discussed on the basis of a corpus of examples collected by the author, including anonymous publications from Cracow printing houses in the years 1601–1620 (about 800 titles) by Jan Szarfenberger, Szymon Kempini, and Wojciech Kobyliński, among others. 

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Elżbieta Zarych

Terminus, Tom 21, zeszyt 4 (53) 2019, 2019, s. 459-491


Enlightenment Literature for Children and Youth Published in the 18th Century Poland: Problems, Phenomena, Divisions, Subjects

This paper is synthetic in nature and is devoted to Enlightenment literature for children and youth published in the 18th century in Poland. It concerns both literary studies, editing, and book history. The starting point is to look at the existing classifications and divisions of this type of literature and to verify them by rejecting the application of the modern measure to 18th-century books for young readers. Subsequently, separate determinants of the then literary works for children and youth, as well as the accompanying problems and phenomena, are presented. Typical features and functions of the content and graphic design of the items under discussion are described. Characteristics and descriptions help to define several groups which have been distinguished from the 18th-century literature for non-adult readers, in which the following sample works are discussed: 1) Collections, extracts, anthologies; 2) Teachings and models; 3) Advice from governesses; 4) French and German friends of children; 5) Role models for peasant boys; 6) Mr Campe’s instructive books; 7) Parental advice and instructions. This study draws attention to issues and titles not mentioned in previous research on this literature and verifies the current state of knowledge, providing a basis for further consideration and analyses. 

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Recenzje i omówienia.

Krzysztof Obremski

Terminus, Tom 21, zeszyt 4 (53) 2019, 2019, s. 493-500

Grzegorz Trościński, Okolicznościowa poezja polityczna okresu bezkrólewia po śmierci Jana III Sobieskiego, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów 2019
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