Volume 40

2012 Next

Publication date: 16.12.2012


Our journal has been published since 1963. Until now, 37 issues came out. From the beginning the journal presented the achievements of the employees of Chair of Ethnography of the Slavs and current Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology. It also informs about the scientific and organizational activities by publishing materials from the sessions and conferences organized by the Institute. From the 90s the journal is thematically profiled and has been published continuously. Among older issues, it is worth recalling the ones on the history of ethnographic museums in Poland, gift, ethnography among the humanities, the pragmatics of statements in ethnography. Recent issues were devoted to Slavic national symbols, memory, The People‘s Republic of Poland, ethnicity in Central Europe.

Licence: None

Editorial team

Secretary Patrycja Trzeszczyńska

Issue content

Anna Niedźwiedź

Ethnographies, Volume 40, 2012, pp. 1-10


This article is based on an analysis of the content of the private archive of Professor Roman Reinfuss (1910-1998) which was being donated to the Ethnographic Museum in Kraków in the year 2010. The main part of the archive consists of visuals, mostly photographs made by Reinfuss himself during his various ethnographic research as well as other visual materials collected by Professor. The visuality of the Reinfuss’s private archive is discussed in the context of broader ethnographic experiences and anthropological discourses. In particular, the author problematizes sensorial dimension of ethnography, relationship between ethnography and photography, Reinfuss’s attitude toward traditional folk culture which is revealed in his usage of photography. There is a focus on correlations between “private” and “public” photography and on the structure of visual experience based on photography.

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Monika Golonka-Czajkowska

Ethnographies, Volume 40, 2012, pp. 11-25


“We Are Building Socialism” was the first newspaper, which came out in Nowa Huta in 1950-1956. From the perspective of discourse analysis, we can look at it as a kind of the guide on the new, socialist world. This vision was created specifically for a particular type of readers, which were workers arriving for the construction of a new city and in majority came from rural milieu. Therefore the way of writing, based on rigid rules of newspeak Stalinist period, have to be adapted to the perceptual capabilities of potential readers – mainly young people, who were in fact not used to reading the press. At the same time, the newspaper also includes a description of the world “here and now” in its local dimension. So if we know the principles of newspeak and we are able to decode it, we can also go behind the scenes of “The Great Construction” and look at everyday life.

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Konrad Górny

Ethnographies, Volume 40, 2012, pp. 27-32


This article is a sample showing the river as an important element in the progress of forming culture social shapes. An example beeing analyzed is Bug river as a part of the ecological system, element of culture creation and as a complex structure of various influences with the most significant - the nature of the frontier.

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Hałyna Łucyszyn

Ethnographies, Volume 40, 2012, pp. 33-42


In the article there are considered theoretical and methodological problems of question of national consolidation of modern society. National consolidation is an ethnopolitics, the process that is sent to strengthening ethno national groups that form nation, by the gradual removal of barriers and forming of general values, institutes (political, economic, social, spiritual). It is marked that nations for that peculiar low level of national identity and national consolidation easily become deformed and collapse under act of self-contradictions and by external pressure. The decline of a level of national identity and the reduction of the process of national consolidation, that we can observe in many European states, predefined the globalization processes, height of unintegration moods of separate ethnic minorities, problems of migration.

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