For Authors

Editing guidelines for articles to be published

  1. All materials should be sent via Editorial Panel, via e-mail as a .doc, .docx or .odt documents in English to prace.etnograficzne@uj.edu.pl.

  2. By submitting your work you confirm that it has not been published before and that it is not to be published anywhere else.

  3. Please use consistent academic language and follow these guidelines. Note that the editorial committee may make some changes to content of submitted works (also to titles).

  4. All submitted work will be reviewed by external reviewers. The final decision on publishing certain work may depend on agreement to make changes suggested by the reviewer.

  5. Please attach an abstract of the article (up to 150 words) and a list of keywords.

  6. Using illustrations (photographs, tables and other figures) is possible only after providing written consent from the copyrights owner.

  7. The main text of your article/essay should be formatted in 12 point, Times New Roman typeface with 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes and endnotes should be 10 points and single spaced. Page number should be in the bottom right corner.

  8. Articles or essays should not be longer than 20-40.000 characters (including spaces, footnotes, endnotes and bibliography).

  9. Author’s name should be placed on the first page in the top left corner; below name should be author’s academic affiliation. Title should be centred and bolded.
    Kazimierz Moszyński
    Institute of  Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
    Jagiellonian University
    Lemkos in Greenland, or afoot to Canada

  10. All individuals mentioned in the text (authors, creators, editors, etc.) should be written down with their full name only for the first time. When mentioning them again, only last name should be used.

  11. All material quoted in main text and in footnotes or endnotes should be put in double inverted commas (‘‘ ’’). Quotation within a quote should be put in single inverted commas (‘ ’). Longer quotes over 4 lines or 50 words should be separated from the main text, formatted in 10 points typeface, single-spaced. Inverted commas should not be used.

  12. Titles of books, articles, films, art pieces and other works in the main text should be italicised. Titles of newspapers and journals should be written in standard typeface and put in single inverted commas (‘ ’).

  13. Words and phrases in other languages (e.g. french or latin) should be italicised.

  14. To emphasisecertain fragments, boldface should be used. Subheadings should be bolded and unnumbered.

  15. Sources written in Cyrillic alphabet should be referenced according to English transliteration rules.

  16. Please use standardised referencing, quoting, dating, numeration, etc. 

  17. Please use Harvard Referencing Style.

    In case of referencing more than one work of the same author, they should be ordered according to publication dates (least to most recent). If referencing more than one work of the same author published in the same year, they should be referenced using letters ‘a,’ ‘b,’ ‘c,’ etc. next to the year of publication.

    In case of referencing work by three or more authors (editors), only the name of the first author (editor) should be used and followed by ‘et al.’

  18. Bibliographic references
    • Bibliographic references in the main text should include author’s name, year of publication, page of quotation or reference, e.g.:
      (Fiske 2010: 35).

    • Bibliography should be 1.5 line spaced.

    • Bibliographic specification:
      • books, monographs
        Douglas M., 1991 Purity and Danger, London.
        • in case of translated works, translator’s name should be provided:
          Foucault M., 1972 The archaeology of knowledge, trans. A.M. Sheridan Smith, London.

      • collections of works
        Schneider D., 2004 [1972] What is kinship all about? In Kinship and Family: an Anthropological Reader, ed. R. Parkin and L. Stone, Oxford, p. 257-254.
        Buchli V. (ed.), 2002 The Material Culture Reader, Oxford.

      • journals
        Pfaffenberger B., 1992 Social Anthropology of Technology,‘Annual Review of Anthropology’ 21, 491-516.

      • archival documents 
        archive name + collection name + folder signature + document name, page (if available)

      • online publications: 
        Stęszewski J., 2002 Folklor i folkloryzm wczoraj, dziś i jutro, http://www.gadki.lublin.pl/encyklopedia/artykuly/folklor_i_folkloryzm_wczoraj.html (accessed: 4.12.2012).

      • In case of using websites and not specific publications, they should be referenced separately below bibliography; name of website and date of access should be stated.

Instructions for Authors – submissions via the Editorial Panel

Before submitting an article proposal to the journal “Ethnographies”, you must REGISTER by selecting the "Register to make a submission." option. An activation link will be sent to the e-mail address provided during registration. After activating the account, you can go to the login page.


Step 1: After logging in, please select the option: "Make a new submission"All fields with * are mandatory. 

If more than one author wrote the article, please add them and set in the right order. Please add the information about percentage of each author in the message to the Editor. The sum of individual shares cannot be greater or less than 100%.

Step 2: 
Selecting mandatory boxes, including a mandatory declaration of originality and the first edition and confirmation that you have read and agrre with the privacy policy.

Step 3:
 Submitting a file with abstract in English – icon “Add file”

Submitting a file with an article – icon “Add File”.

Submitting illustrative material – icon “Add File” (if necessary).

Step 4:
Submitting metadata. Metadata such as title and keywords in English are mandatory. 

Add information on financing and additional notes for the editor of the journal regarding the article (if necessary).


All entered information can be checked during the process of submitting an article. Back button - allows you to go back to a specific step and make changes. If all information is correct, please confirm the article using the button Submit article.

All entered data will be saved and the article will be sent to the editor of the journal.

Please wait for contact from the editorial office of the journal. Information about accepting the article to the journal “Ethnographies” will be sent to the e-mail address provided during registration. In the case of rejection of the article, the author will receive a notification justifying the rejection of the article.

ATTENTION! Please do not put your personal data in the article (name, surname, affiliation and e-mail address).

We encourage all authors and co-authors publishing articles in "Ethnographies" to register for an ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID).

ORCID is a registry of unique identifiers for researchers and scholars that is open, transparent, mobile and serves the univocal identification of the authors and their publications. Free registration can be done at: https://orcid.org/

No publishing fees

Journal does not request any article subsmission, review, publication and processing charges.