The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 13 (1/2021), 2021, pp. 11 - 36 Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 13 (1/2021), 2021, pp. 37 - 50 Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 13 (1/2021), 2021, pp. 51 - 66 Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 13 (1/2021), 2021, pp. 67 - 85 Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 13 (1/2021), 2021, pp. 87 - 107 Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 13 (1/2021), 2021, pp. 109 - 131 Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 13 (1/2021), 2021, pp. 133 - 152 Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 13 (1/2021), 2021, pp. 153 - 170 Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 13 (1/2021), 2021, pp. 171 - 199 Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 13 (1/2021), 2021, pp. 201 - 212 Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 13 (1/2021), 2021, pp. 213 - 217 Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 13 (1/2021), 2021, pp. 219 - 224łowa kluczowe: Chos grags rgya mtsho, Karmapa VII, rnam thar, secret life story, chos ’byung mkhas pa’i dga’ ston, visions, Avalokiteśvara images, Erwin Panfosky, Six-Armed Mahakala, Three Jewels, Three Roots, class warfare, social class, cinematic representation, Bong Joon-ho, Mahabharata, Pandavas, Kauravas, numbers, divisibility, calendars, lunar-solar cycles, radicalisation, de-radicalisation, Islamic fundamentalism, Internet, cognitive closure, counter-narrative, Digital Humanities, Babylonian Talmud, angelology, demonology, dance, flamenco, identity, transculturation, Sukhāvatī, Pure Land, cosmology, soteriology, Amitābha, Buddhism