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Ideological Counter-Narrative as a Response to Fundamentalist Ideology in Europe and South Asia. An Analysis of Selected Cases in Their Cultural Context and an Outline of Recommended Activities

Publication date: 05.2021

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 2021, 13 (1/2021), pp. 87 - 107



Piotr Kłodkowski
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9273-8560 Orcid
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Anna Siewierska-Chmaj
Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. Józefa Tischnera w Krakowie
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7943-3746 Orcid
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Ideological Counter-Narrative as a Response to Fundamentalist Ideology in Europe and South Asia. An Analysis of Selected Cases in Their Cultural Context and an Outline of Recommended Activities


The article discusses the issues of religious radicalisation and de-radicalisation in contemporary Islam. Its authors present complex phenomena of ideological, historical, cultural and political contexts of radicalisation processes, investigate the distribution of radical propagandist materials among various Muslim communities around the world and analyse the consequences of ideological transformation of Islamic fundamentalism in selected European countries. The authors conclude that radicalisation propaganda has a global appeal due to the fact it has adopted a carefully selected group of globally recognised ideologues (Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Abul A’la Maududi, Sayyid Qutb), but the recommended de-radicalisation processes should be rooted locally or regionally. The article proposes a constructive theoretical framework, a working hypothesis that should be constantly revised and modified in the changing socio-political environment.

* This publication in English is a modified and updated version of the paper originally published in Polish „O koncepcji ideologicznej kontrnarracji wobec przesłania fundamentalizmu islamskiego: analiza wybranych przykładów radykalizacji i deradykalizacji w Europie, Azji Południowej i na Bliskim Wschodzie,” „Sprawy Międzynarodowe,” vol. 72, No 1, 2019.


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Information: The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 2021, 13 (1/2021), pp. 87 - 107

Article type: Original article



Ideological Counter-Narrative as a Response to Fundamentalist Ideology in Europe and South Asia. An Analysis of Selected Cases in Their Cultural Context and an Outline of Recommended Activities


Ideological Counter-Narrative as a Response to Fundamentalist Ideology in Europe and South Asia. An Analysis of Selected Cases in Their Cultural Context and an Outline of Recommended Activities



Piotr Kłodkowski
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9273-8560 Orcid
All publications →

Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland


Anna Siewierska-Chmaj
Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. Józefa Tischnera w Krakowie
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7943-3746 Orcid
All publications →

Wyższa Szkoła Europejska im. ks. Józefa Tischnera w Krakowie

Published at: 05.2021

Article status: Open

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND  licence icon

Percentage share of authors:

Piotr Kłodkowski (Author) - 50%
Anna Siewierska-Chmaj (Author) - 50%

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