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12 (2/2020)

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Publication date: 2020

The Polish Journal of the Art and Culture. New Series 1 (2018) has been granted funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for Science Popularization Activities – DUN (agreement no 922/P-DUN/2019).

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Issue content

Janusz Gołota

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 12 (2/2020), 2020, pp. 11-26

The article indicates various attitudes towards the construction of a thousand schools to celebrate the millennium of the Polish state. The undertaking was to provide a remedy for the post-war collapse of housing, a demographic explosion. It was also a political campaign, one of the aspects of which was the fight against the Catholic Church, including the 9-years Novena before the anniversary of the baptism of Poland. On the example of an effective campaign to build schools, various attitudes are visible: from authentic or opportunistic support, through official performance of duties, to contestation and even protests, complaints, and reluctance. In practice, one more attitude emerged: silence, which had a twofold value - in government practice it was withholding discrediting information, and on the other hand it was a kind of passive resistance.
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Joanna Grela

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 12 (2/2020), 2020, pp. 27-40


According to traditional Buddhist narratives and popular beliefs, Tibetans are a people chosen by Avalokiteśvara. Therefore, his worship and multitude, as well as diversity of his images are quite common both in temples and public areas. Unlike the widespread analyses where the Bodhisattva has been treated as a peaceful tutelary deity, and classifications of its images have been based on morphological features (i.e. the number of hands, heads, etc.) or by artistic styles and techniques. This paper proposes another approach by grounding images in Tantric Buddhism models used locally. In the first part of the article, the images of Avalokiteshvara are inscribed in the bodyspeech-mind models as well as the external, secret and the first of the three internal aspects of the Three Refuges, also known as the Three Jewels, which covers a much wider set of iconographic material than usually considered.

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Robert Kulmiński

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 12 (2/2020), 2020, pp. 41-62

In my article, I would like to reflect on the paradigm of Czech heroism based on the film by Robert Sedláček (2018) Jan Palach, which is a fact-based tale of a twenty-year-old student at the Charles University in Prague, who on January 16, 1969 self-immolated in Wenceslas Square in the centre of Prague in protest against aggression of the Warsaw Pact forces on Czechoslovakia and the growing apathy of Czechoslovak society. I will think about how his image is constructed in a film more than fifty years after his death. I will place my considerations in the context of the tradition of presenting the Czech hero in humanistic literature and the activities of official state institutions, as well as in relation to mythological structures, through which I will capture the most important elements of the composition of Robert Sedláček’s film. As a consequence, my fundamental research question will remain not only the question of the very construction of the hero, but also this construction in relation to other ideas of national heroes in contemporary Czech culture.
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Kasper Pfeifer

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 12 (2/2020), 2020, pp. 63-86


Artykuł opisuje radziecki projekt kolonialny lat trzydziestych XX wieku. Na przykładzie socrealistycznej powieści Brunona Jasieńskiego Człowiek zmienia skórę autor analizuje oficjalny dyskurs metropolii oraz rozmaite strategie jego aplikacji w rzeczywistości Centralnej Azji, skupiając się na takich zagadnieniach jak nadreprezentowane w utworze wątki radzieckiej mission civilisatrice, ugenderowienie kolonialnej dominacji Rosjan oraz problemie władania poprzez narzucanie obecności, czyli wypieranie rdzennej problematyki i przywłaszczanie/przekształcanie obcej geografii.

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Natalia Tołsty

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 12 (2/2020), 2020, pp. 87-102

Narrative scripts organize the interpretation of each individual’s experience. New gained knowledge is filer out by these structures, largely shaped by the environment. Therefore, they may be conditioned to some extent by culture. There is an analysis of three cognitive scripts of Maya Tzotzil women from Los Altos de Chiapas area in Mexico: traditional orthodox, traditional unorthodox and anti-traditional. At the same time, there is an interpretation of these constructions, taking into account the cultural specificity.
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Magdalena Krzemień

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, 12 (2/2020), 2020, pp. 103-119


The presented report is the result of the research project funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland. The project’s title: Rytuały pogrzebowe Majów Ixil: analiza naczyń z kolekcji w Nebaj (Gwatemala) (Funerary rites of Ixil Maya: analysis od ceramics from collection in Nebaj [Guatemala]), Diamond Grant program, project no. 0026/DIA/2014/43

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