Issue 36 (2019)

Dzieciństwo z niepełnosprawnoścuią. Edukacja. Wsparcie terapeutyczne. Dooewiadczenia rodziców

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Publication date: 2019

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Issue content

Education of children and youth

Jarosław Bąbka, Agnieszka Nowicka

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 11 - 30


In wiew of the transformation of the modern world, the demand for educational interventions is increasing, which on the one hand serves the harmonious development of people and the other part of exclusion. The considerations are part of the discourse of thinking about inclusion as a moral imperativie, a political principle, openness to differences by removing educational barriers and counteracting the labeling of otherness. In the article, there was discussed the essence of in-clusive education as a philosophy of education, educational policy and learning pathways in the context of students with special educational needs. In addition, research results were presented on the preparation of Polish schools, including teachers to implement the idea of inclusive educa-tion. The completeness of the article is a consideration in which they are compared the very ideal-istic nature of the inclusion with the reality of the education which is changing, but still appears as an intense bureaucratic, oppressive and massive action.

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Małgorzata Stańczak

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 31 - 42


The article endeavours to explore the cooperation of the school and family environment from the perspective of children's giftedness. The considerations follow from the assumption that the co-operation of teachers and parents enhances the opportunities to discover and develop the abili-ties of girls and boys. This wiew is supported by the most popular conceptions of the present discourse, which emphasize their dynamic and interactive nature. The subsequent parts of the text present models of interactions between the school and the family of the gifted child and indi-cate the areas for the most effective cooperation of both environments.

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Monika Skura

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 43 - 62


Personal and social competences of integration, public and special school teachers and their willingness to work with students with intellectual disabilities
Teachers are in an exceptional position to have a direct impact on their pupils. Is worth to identify the characteristics, social competences and ask about attitudes towards done work of those who teach and care for students with SEN in different types of schools. The research comprised of teachers working with SEN students: 97 from integrative schools, 64 form mainstream school, 64 special school teachers (those with intellectual disabled children and autism). The data was collected using a questionnaire, the Social Competence Questionnaire and the Two-dimensional Emotional Intelligence Inventory (DINEMO). The findings highlight that mainstream school teachers do not want to work with students with intellectual disability (ID), support teachers want to work with groups of mild ID children, and special educators are able to meet the educational needs of students with different ID degrees. In addition, teachers who declare their willingness to work with children with mild ID  etter understand and express emotions experienced by them, in their actions they take into account the cooperation and well-being of group members; teachers declaring their willingness to work with children with moderate, severe and profound ID are better adapted to cope with socially difficult situations.

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Katarzyna Tomaszek, Agnieszka Suchacka-Cymerman

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 63 - 80


Application of the ESSBS scale to primaryschoolstudents
The article presents the issue of school burn out of primary school pupils.The main goal of the conducted analyzes is to validate the scale of ESSBS burn out in this age group.The studies used the ESSBS scale, the TAB scale and the Personnel questionnaire. In total, 144 students from grades V and VI at the age of 11 were examined. The statistical analyzes carried out confirm the use ful-ness of the ESSBS scale in the research of primary school pupils. The scale is characterized by high internal consistency (a = .87) and good accuracy. In the study group, almost half of the people experienced burn out. In the group of students, two types of burn out were selected: Students mismat ched to the requirements of the school and parents and Students with a strong sense of ex-haustion. Correlation analysis results confirm that burned students present high errates of Type A Behawior Pattern, with increased haste and hostility.

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Grzegorz Stunża

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 82 - 90


Techno-educational trends and the need to develop future competences. Challenges of participatory education
The article deals with current technological trends in education. It points them out, emphasizing that they function in the context of changes associated with the fourth technological revolution. It draws attention to the importance of reflection on the effects of using new technologies for pedagogy, including special pedagogy. It is also extremely important to design applications of new products and the fact that you cannot think about using them and preparing to use them (and subsequent technologies) without pedagogical reflection. Considering new products through the prism of skills and knowledge, but also of transmitted values. To this end, the author draws on the concept of participatory culture and tries to look again at the possibilities of building an open, dialogical culture focused on the creative participation and cooperation of its participants based on widely available new technologies. The article touches on the topic of future competences, which will be necessary for the development of culture and participatory education as well as for the active use of novelties in education (and more).

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Therapeutic support. The specificity of functioning with a disability

Małgorzata Karczmarzyk

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 92 - 102


In this article, I would like to show, based on the analysis of three individual cases, the communication, semiotic and therapeutic potential of the method of visual-verbal dialogues. Dealing with child's drawing (Karczmarzyk 2011a, 2014b), meanings of children and adults about the iconography of Polish and European painting (Karczmarzyk, Wasilewska 2015), or the idea of emancipa-tion of child's drawing (Karczmarzyk 2012), emancipation in art (Karczmarzyk 2015) I continue my considerations, opening myself to seeking a broader context (Karczmarzyk 2018) regarding special pedagogy and therapy. The method used in this study is s case studies, and in addition to the interwiew technique, I also use a semiotic analysis of the drawings created during the study (Rose 2010), as well as a description of the art therapy session that uses the method of visual-verbal dialogues.

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Katarzyna Ita Bieńkowska, Małgorzata Zaborniak-Sobczak, Andrzej Senderski, Piotr Jurczak

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 103 - 124


Therapeutic treatment of central auditory processing disorders — an overview of methods and tools in the context of educational support for pupils
The aim of the study is to review the tools and methods for the therapeutic treatment of central auditory processing disorders, with particular attention to auditory training and its effects in pa-tients with deficits in higher auditory functions. The authors analyse ways of treating auditory processing disorders in the context of current knowledge in audiology, pedagogy and speech therapy. The problem of central auditory disorders has Been described in world literature for at least several decades, but there is still an ongoing discussion regarding effective forms of diagnosis and therapy. Early detection of disorders increases the chances of effective hearing and speech rehabilitation as well as preventing difficulties in school learning. This is the third and final article in a series closely examining the issues related to central auditory processing disorders in children (CAPD).

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Justyna Siemionow

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 125 - 140


The change as a diagnostic category in pedagogical research —on the example of educational, therapeutic and care-providing activities conducted in the institutional environment of Youth Educational Centres
This article presents how the scientific researches in the social rehabilitation centre are important. It is necessary to plan and organize them because they connect the „theory world" with „practice world". There is a group of factors which can influence on even basic research. It is obvious, we cannot forget about methodology aspects but in this article they are omitted. Deliberations in this article are concentrated at functioning of the rehabilitation institution, its institutional environment and some factors which interact each other. The institutional environment has a great impact on any research which may be planned in it. The goal of this article is to  onduct a theoretical and multifaceted analysis of educational, therapeutic and care-providing activities undertaken in the institutionalised environment. The most important category of diagnose in this analysis is the term of change. In this article only the key factors are described but it is good to consider them before planning the scientific researches in this kind of institution such as: cognitive level of general functioning of the pupils’, age and the length of stay of these pupils are extremely important in each scientific activity. It is crucial to make as much effort as you can to show to the public the real conclusions conducted from credible information based  n the scientific researches. It may be the foundation for creating new models of educational work.

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Beata Ziółkowska

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 141 - 158


In the period of adolescence, physical disability has a special impact on the functioning of a young person. In addition, this experience remains in connection with the sense of location of control and the way adolescents deal with adversities. The study included a sample of 60 people in the period of early adolescence, including 30 with physical disabilities and 30 physically fit. Key variables: "coping with stress" and "sense of location of control" were diagnosed using the questionnaire Jak sobie radzisz by Z. Juczyński and N. Ogińska-Bulik and Kwestionariusz do badania poczucia kontroli by G. Krasowicz-Kupis and A. Wojnarska. At the basis of her own research was the anticipation that incomplete physical fitness of adolescents, along with the sense of the location of control, would jointly determine how they dealt with stress. The main assumption has not been confirmed, but it has been proven, among others, that: (1) the location of the sense of control of the able-bodied is more similar to the internal one than in the case of disabled people; (2) disabled respondents display an undefined/ external and external sense of location of control significantly more often than efficient.

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Agata Hołubowicz

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 159 - 175


The article describes the impact of neurodevelopmental disorders and disorders of muscle tension distribution on the visual functioning of children, including children with severe intellectual disabilities and children with conjugate disabilities. The description of visual functioning of children observed as part of the author’s own  ractice  as compared with visual perception disorders in Sally Goddard Blythe’s Theory of Primitive Reflexes Integration (Blythe 2015) of children who are within intellectual norm with school difficulties. The influence of various forms of cerebral palsy on the way of using basic visual functions without the support of a vision therapist  nd changes in visual skills after regular therapy were also analyzed. The article contains practical advice on how to modify vision therapy for children with linked disabilities, including children with severe intellectual disabilities.

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On the experiences of parents, family relationships and child care context

Krystyna Barłóg

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 176 - 191


The parents and carers of a child with a disabiliyshould be attributed animportant role in the supporting interactions in education and rehabilitation. When a child with a disability appears, the family experiencesmany problems. Family membersoften expect help and suport themselves. At the same time, objective cooperation with parents isindispensable for the effectiveness of educational and rehabilitation interactions, the expected goals and tasks as well as multidimensional results of beneficial changes in the child's development. Scientific research already conducted on this subject confirms that the participation of parents in regular, bilateral communication with specialist sgives a greater sense of responsibility for a child with a disability form all education and rehabilitationentities.

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Katarzyna Plutecka

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 192 - 203


The role of grandparents in the development of a deaf child
The article is empirical. The aim of the research was to answer the question: how do they perceive the roles of grandparents and grandmothers of the deaf grandchildren? The study involved 109 elderly people who are grandmothers (54 people) and grandparents (55 people). The research was exploratory. The analysis of the empirical material allowed to diagnose the reactions of grandparents and grandmothers to the news about the damage to the grandson of their grandson. In addition, older people identified functions performed in the family, as well as the reasons that made it difficult for them to perform the above functions and indicated the consequences of hearing impairment for the child's development. Grandparents and grandmothers also emphasized the need for multidimensional social support, tailored to their capabilities and adapted to the developmental and educational needs of the deaf grandchild.

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Beata Antoszewska

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 204 - 217


Physician - child relationship as perceived by parents of children treated at Departments of Paediatric Oncology and Haematology
This paper presents the results of research devoted to parents' opinions concerning the relationship established between attending physicians and patients treated due to cancer. The analyzed research material was collected with the use of a diagnostic survey. The survey was carried out using a questionnaire modelled on the tool designed by Aleksandra Barczak and Sylwia Kołtan. The study was conducted in three Clinics of Paediatric Oncology and Haematology in Poland that are supervised by the Polish Paediatric Leukaemia and Lymphoma Study Group. The analysis of the collected research material indicates that parents assess the physician - cancer patient relationship positively. Observations made during earlier studies and interviews with parents of oncology patients point to a friendly, and in some cases even familial setting of Departments of Paediatric Oncology and Haematology.

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Izabella Gałuszka

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 218 - 232


Positive analysis of upbringing problems of a child with severe disability on the example of selected families
The article presents a part of the author's extensive research on the problems of raising of children with severe intellectual disability. In the research part, the reader can learn about the problems revealed in narratives presented by a selected group of parents. Qualitative research analyzed by the author indicates a positive approach to the situation of raising a child with severe intellectual disability. Families point to eight major problem topics in which mainly positive topics are high-lighted. The largest group of themes in parents' accounts is the psychological topic raised in each narrative. The next are topics from the social and caring group. Interestingly, not all parents point to economic problems. The analyzes show that there are families who can positively overcome the crisis of a child with severe intellectual disability being boru. Due to the small number of positive studies available in the subject literature, the prospect of further research in this regard is advisable.

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Gabriela Dobińska

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 233 - 252


The functioning of pupils of a youth educational center for people with intellectual disabilities in a social family role
The category of support for people with intellectual disabilities in the area of social rehabilitation is still poorly explored. The considerations undertaken in the following article constitute a reflection around the contextual treatment of cooperation with the family as an element supporting the process of educational interaction with minors with mild intellectual disability. The article deals with the quality of fulfilling social family role of pupils placed in youth educational centers. The introduction describes the social situation of people with intellectual disabilities, signaling the implementation of the postulate of normalization and social inclusion. Subsequent part  resents the theoretical review of systemic solutions of a legal nature in relation to a minor and the conditions of social maladjustment of persons with mild intellectual disability. In the last part the main methodological assumptions and results of conducted surveys were finally presented. The aim of the study was to determine  he quality of fulfilling the social family role of minors with mild intellectual disabilities placed in a youth educational center. The study used the Estimation Scale to Assess the Functioning of Youth in Social Roles developed by Marek Ignaczak and Janusz Reykowski. As a result, empirical material was collected  overing 124 profiles of the studied youth. The results of the research allowed to formulate the conclusion that the length of the juvenile’s stay in the social rehabilitation institution and their gender are the factors differentiating the fulfillment of the social family role. In addition, it turns out that the family environment is an extremely important but undervalued factor in the process of juvenile social rehabilitation.

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Małgorzata Sekułowicz, Krystyna Boroń-Krupińska, Piotr Kwiatkowski, Beata M. Latawiec

Disability, Issue 36 (2019), 2019, pp. 254 - 268


A new scale, Parental Burnout Measure - 12 (PBM-12), for measuring burnout of parents of children with disabilities is validated in the study with 246 participants. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) reveals the best fit model that comprises two correlated factors - exhaustion and helplessness. Also, in theoretical validity test, all burnout parameters negatively correlate with all parameters of the sense of coherence and resilience while positively with 3 coping parameters – Focus on and emotion venting, Behavioral disengagement, and Substance use, plus negatively – with Positive Reinterpretation and Growth Coping. The results attest the validity of PBM-12 measure in the context of theories of stress and burnout and suggest that PBM-12 can be a useful tool for screening of parental burnout. 

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