Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 204 - 212
https://doi.org/10.4467/25439561.NP.19.014.10489Słowa kluczowe: paradigms of didactics, special didactics, disability, principles of teaching, organizational principles of teaching, inclusive education, deconstruction of special education, parents, inclusive education, student with special educational needs, international perspective, education, social inequalities, disability, inclusion, inclusive education, students/people with disabilities, students/people with special needs, social capital, poverty, boredom at school, educational law, special needs, inclusive education, including and excluding, practical approach, student, hospital school, inclusion, special educator, empathy, personalized education, dimensions of personalized education, personalization of education, individualization, early school education, communication, alternative communication, disabled person, deaf blind person, intimacy, intimacy of communication with people with disabilities, social and emotional competencjes, school failure, learning difficulties, self-image, self-eficacy, relationships, coping, TROS-KA, special education, deafblind, deafblindness, Czech Republic, relationship of help, syntagma, the help giver and the help recipient, purposefulness of help, boundaries in helping and consequences of helping, selective mutism, anxiety, sliding in