Issue 33 (2019)

Specjalne potrzeby edukacyjne. (Nie)nowe obszary wsparcia w edukacji

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Publication date: 2019

Licence: None

Issue content

Amadeusz Krause

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 11 - 25


The article is devoted to the paradigms of current didactics and their implications for special education. The presented analysis is focused on the objectivist didactics trends. In reference to special didactics handbooks the author points out the unsatisfactory stage of development of this field. The thesis statement of the paper is that normative and instructional didactics in teaching children with disabilities strengthens the risk of undesirable phenomena. One of them is negatively understood normalisation

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Zenon Gajdzica

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 26 - 39


The article is not aimed at the reconstruction of didactic principles, but at an attempt at formulating them in the organizational aspect. It is associated with exploring the processes of organizing space, time and other basic assumptions which structuralize two types of inclusive education. The starting point of this study is the assumption that applying or rejecting the existence of some specified organizational principles, as well as attributing a specified rank to them, is one of the essential factors which differentiate the foundations of educational inclusion. The main thesis, constituting the axis for discussion, is the assumption that constructing authentic (not feigned) inclusive education cannot be entirely based on the change of views on disability (transition from the individual to social model). It should be based on the changes of the broader context related to the paradigmatic transformations of the assumptions of didactics. The article consists of several parts. In the first, the principles of didactics have been discussed, the second is an attempt at outlining the theoretical foundations of two types of educational inclusion – based on the reconstruction and deconstruction of special education. The essence of the study is the presentation of the author’s concept of organizational principles which are treated as determinants of the types of inclusion. The whole is completed with a  recapitulation with contextual references to the transformations of special didactics.

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Anna Zamkowska

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 40 - 51


The aim of the paper is to review foreign research on the attitudes of parents of disabled children towards inclusive education. The analysis included 16 foreign reports published in the years 1998–2016, conducted in European countries, in Australia and the US, and 3 Polish ones published in 2011–2016. The analysis took into account publications fulfilling the criterion of a broader presentation of results and a research group composed of parents of children with disabilities in preschool and school age. The results of international and Polish research indicate that the attitudes expressed by parents towards inclusive education are varied, generally positive and neutral. Parents mention both benefits resulting from it, mainly of a social nature, as well as indicate numerous deficiencies in educational support, regarding the availability of educational support and the possibility of individualizing the education process of their children.

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Jolanta Rzeźnicka-Krupa

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 52 - 70


Current discussions on social issues and educational inequalities in Poland usually identify them influenced by factors linked with gender, race, ethnicity or social class. Being student with disability is defined as having objective, individual limitations in skills and competences required by the educational system. Thus, pupils with disabilities are usually perceived as lacking 'biological capital', defined in terms of physical ability or cognitive competence, necessary for obtaining educational success. Structural features of educational system, which generates differences and inequalities determining particular fate and social position of people with disabilities seem to be neglected. The goal of the article is to identify some determinants conditioning social and pedagogical practices, typical for integrative and inclusive education. The main question the authoress asks and goes on searching the answer is: does education for „special needs students” support their development and equalize educational chances or rather reproduces social inequalities and empowers self-exclusion processes?

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Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 71 - 82


The article presents weaknesses and difficulties in the area of public education, in which the process of social inclusion of people with disabilities is still problematic. The main focus of this paper is the lack of measures needed to build the school's social capital, which remains a necessary base to practice simultaneously, based on the cooperation of both trust and respect, open to the possibility of including the pupils' families and the local community. The issue of poverty, which often becomes the reason of exclusion and marginalisation of students by their non-disabled peers and school staff, is equally important. This double exclusion of children from poor families obliges all ntities involved in their education and support to actions aimed at the school's compensation, through the socializing function of a family. The article also delineates a very rarely analyzed, in the context of educational inclusion, thread of boredom at school and its destructive impact on pupils and the process of their inclusion.

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Monika Gołubiew-Konieczna

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 83 - 105


In this article, the author defines students with special needs and disadvantages well as inclusive education. The writer suggests options for supporting students with special needs and disadvantages in mainstreams schools, with particular focus on incorporating them into their peer groups and seperating them from these groups. The author discusses different solutions, resulting from educational law, and their application, as well as various types of organisation problems and their dilemma.

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Małgorzata Moszyńska, Beata Antoszewska

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 106 - 117


The paper starts with a theoretical introduction into the issue of inclusion and work of teachers in hospital schools. Its second part presents research results collected in the qualitative study set in the interpretative paradigm. The choice of the paradigm is related to the need to gain a “deeper” insight into the phenomenon of inclusion. The aim of the study was to get to know and describe work of teachers of hospital schools from the perspective of inclusion of a student with special educational needs. The obtained data and its qualitative analysis led to specifying six common areas of the inclusion process: the perspective, consistency, insecurity, presence, sentence theorizing and objectification. Each of them describes actions taken by the teachers, who work in the hospital school, towards pupils, who study at the same school. The investigations show, that teachers concentrate mostly on the completion of tasks, that are associated with the educational function of the school.

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Katarzyna Plutecka

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 118 - 129


The article presents theoretical discussion on the importance of empathy in the work of a special educator. In the context of the above topic, the author analyzes the empathy as an interdisciplinary and ambiguous phenomenon. Another subject of the analysis is empathy in the light of selected psychological theories, e.g. evolutionary theory, developmental psychology. The main issue, however, is a review of the literature on the subject on the importance of empathy for the professional functioning of a special pedagogue with a student with a selected disability. Research shows that the relationship of a special teacher-student with special educational needs of an empathetic nature is beneficial for both parties. Both of them perceive each other more positively.

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Joanna Skibska

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 130 - 144


The article presents the results of the research on personalized education in the early school education teachers’ opinion. The author of the work searches for an answer to the question on with what the surveyed teachers (with various degrees of career advancement) identify personalized education and the factors that make the personalized education either more difficult or easier to implement by them in the public school space. Furthermore, the results of the factor analysis have been also presented, which enables to determine the dimensions of personalized education and their structure. The dimensions of personalized education combined with the surveyed teachers’ professional advancement levels allow to see some differences. Together with the professional advancement of teachers, there grows a conviction that the quality of personalized education is determined by the teachers’ competencies and that it is built on the foundation of the child’s strengths and strong points, meanwhile the conviction that personalized education should be based on adaptation to the students, and that it is a type of education for everyone is decreasing. On the other hand, in the case of teachers with lower level of professional advancement, the conviction that personalized education it is an education adapted to the student and their development is increasing in popularity. Simultaneously, they also underestimate the importance of the teacher’s competency and the fact that personalized education is built only on the individualization and strong points of a student.

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Marzenna Zaorska

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 145 - 156


The issue of communication with the use of alternative methods of information transfer generates many doubts not only of substantive, methodical, but also ethical nature, doubts including, inter alia, intimacy issues, consent to intimacy and the principles and conditions governing the crossing or not crossing the limits of intimacy. Basically, it applies to people with deeper, severe disabilities, often coupled with sensory disabilities in combination with limitations in terms of intellectual, somatic and physical functioning. The awareness of the presence of intimacy in alternative communication seems to be important not only for the quality of communication relations, but above all for their humanization, respect for the subjectivity and autonomy of a disabled person using alternative methods of transmission and reception of information. Therefore, the content of the article indicates the specificity of signalling communication relations and their possible conditions for partners implementing such relation

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Ewa Domagała-Zyśk, Agnieszka Amilkiewicz-Marek

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 157 - 169


Learning difficulties and school failure are related to the student’s social and emotional competences in many ways - disorders in the acquisition of these skills can be a source, effect or phenomenon ccompanying school difficulties and failures. The aim of the article is to present this phenomenon in the light of the results of socio-emotional competence tests carried out with the use of TROS-KA tools in the group of pupils with school failure in middle school age. The results indicate serious students’ difficulties in the following aspects: coping with life difficulties, relationships, self-image, self-eficacy and require intensive postdiagnostic activities aiming at improving resiliency skills.

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Tomasz Kasprzak

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 170 - 181


The main aim of the work is to briefly present a comprehensive image of deafness in the space of contemporary special education in Poland and the Czech Republic. Research on deaf and blind people is extremely important for special education due to the need to find evolving education and rehabilitation programs for deafblind people. The following analysis was made on the basis of an overview of the Polish and Czech literature on the subject. The deliberations in the text focus on identifying the essence of changes in the area of surdotyflopedagogy theory and practice

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Katarzyna Parys

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 182 - 203


Helping in the area of special education takes the form of the overarching idea and the fundamental direction of rehabilitation activities. This makes it is worth considering the essence and complexity of this phenomenon. The article presents the syntagmatic nature of help and analysed its essential components, which are: the recipient and the giver of help, relationships between them, the purpose and motives of providing help, ways to implement it, boundaries in helping and consequences of helping. Organizing these elements and reflecting them is an important, though not the only, purpose of the article. It was crucial to object to the treatment of people with disabilities only in the category of recipients of assistance activities and to draw attention to the need and the possibility of effectively fulfilling by them the role of givers of help

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From students research

Aleksandra Bawolska

Disability, Issue 33 (2019), 2019, pp. 204 - 212


The article discusses issues related to the problem of selective mutism. Selective Mutism as an anxiety disorder may be the cause of many difficulties, so it is important to implement early therapeutic interactions. When considering selective mutism as a source of special educational needs, more information appears that allows you to better understand the specificity of this phenomenon and the challenges faced by educators and therapists. Early therapy will help prevent later difficulties such as withdrawal from social life, frequent failures, school phobia or even depression.

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