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Vol. 21 (2022)

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Publication date: 30.12.2022

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Issue content

Igor Tarłowski, Agnieszka Zwirowicz-Rutkowska

Geoinformatica Polonica, Vol. 21 (2022), 2022, pp. 7-19


At the turn of the analogue and digital era in archaeology, in Poland, the earlier forms are still dominant. The National Institute of Cultural Heritage (NID in Polish) sets out the general rules for the development of site plans, which are the part of the archaeological field work documentation. However, NID does not define standards for the development of plans with the use of geoinformation technology. The paper presents some aspects of a digital site plan elaboration. The goal is also to demonstrate how to implement the solution in a Geographical Information System (GIS) application, using the example of QGIS software. On one hand, the solution proposed in this study is in line with the Polish archaeological nomenclature and gives the possibility to take into account data dependencies between sites located in different parts of the country. On the other hand, the proposed system of raw material and found codes may also be used to analyze concepts and phenomena covering an area beyond current national borders (e.g. the Amber Route based on fossil resin from the Baltic region). The description of the proposed archaeological site data model in Unified Modelling Language notation creates great implementation capabilities in any GIS and Database Management System environments. Standardization in the area of digital archaeological documentation and the use of common data structures may extend the possibilities of analysis and interpretation of research results both in the micro (e.g., urban) and macro scale (e.g., international).

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Ondrej Vystavel

Geoinformatica Polonica, Vol. 21 (2022), 2022, pp. 21-29


Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a modern approach of managing the process of preparation, realization and operation of building objects, including their documentation throughout their life cycle. The aim of this approach is to use a common data environment (CDE) in which the building agenda will be managed throughout the entire construction process, from the initial architectural design to its demolition, with the possibility of access to the data by the professions and participants involved. Selected contexts of BIM and surveying are presented in the paper. In the second part, a practical example of a transport infrastructure construction is used to present the method of converting the classical as-built documentation into BIM. As the construction in question is a reconstruction of a railway station; the requirements and experience of the Railway Administration from pilot projects are considered.

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Esomchi Nwokoma, Okechukwu Ebuka Agbasi, Obinna Christian Dinneya

Geoinformatica Polonica, Vol. 21 (2022), 2022, pp. 31-42


The computed velocity ratio and Poisson’s ratio were used to calculate the pore fluid and lithology content. The gas sand, oil sand, and brine sand were identified using velocity ratio and Poisson’s ratio analyses. The velocity ratio and Poisson’s ratio study supported the gas sand anticipated by the rock physics analysis using lambda-mho and mu-rho. The velocity ratio and Poisson’s ratio analyses were used to better define the wet sand anticipated by the lambda-mho and mu-rho rock physics analyses. Lithology and pore fluid determination are very essential for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons. The wet sand from the rock physics analysis of lambda-mho and mu-rho was predicted to comprise oil sand and brine sand. The value of lambda-mho is between 21.74 and 25.67; for mu-rho is between 16.34 to 23.21; for Poisson’s ratio is between 0.25 to 0.29; and for Vp/Vs ratio is between 1.74 to 1.83. These confirm the presence of oil sand in all the seven (7) reservoirs studied in two (2) wells. All the reservoirs fall between the Agbada region (10212.50 – 11741.00 ft) and have a very good net pay zone ranging from 41.50 ft to 193.00 ft in the Niger Delta region, Nigeria. The obtained velocity ratio and Poisson’s ratio were used to calculate the pore fluid content. The gas sand, oil sand, and brine sand were identified using velocity ratio and Poisson’s ratio analysis. The velocity ratio and Poisson’s ratio studies supported the gas sand anticipated by the rock physics analysis using lambda-mho and mu-rho. The velocity ratio and Poisson’s ratio analyses were used to better define the wet sand anticipated by the lambda-mho and mu-rho rock physics analyses. The moist sand anticipated by the rock physics studies of lambda-mho and mu-rho was oil sand and brine sand.

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Dnyaneshwar. S. Suryawanshi, Vivekananda D. Patil

Geoinformatica Polonica, Vol. 21 (2022), 2022, pp. 43-55


Tourism has become one of the important sectors and plays an important role in overall development of the country. This sector reflects many socio-cultural aspects as well as identity of the country. But tourism industry is directly related to the environment. The qualities of environment depends on natural and man-made factors of tourism. The positive and negative impacts of tourism on environment are the objective of this study. The study has been conducted mainly on the basis of literature survey, primary interviews and secondary data. Various seminars, papers, summary of the discussion, government reports and research journals on environmental impacts of tourism have been surveyed for the purpose of the study. Data depend on tested methods of surveys and interviews of tourists, houses, businessmen and people of the surrounding tourism center. Out of the total houses and people of Ajanta 5 percent sampling was taken to survey in January 2020. However, more rapid development is responsible to the degradation of the place. At Ajanta tourist centre, 28.33 percent of the people agreed in favor of discouraging the growth of tourists. 39.17 percent of the people the growth of tourism which is detrimental to the environment are discouraging tourism. But 18.33 percent of the people disagreed that, rapid growth of tourists degrades the environment. But awareness of tourists and government agencies are about tourism industry positively impact or negative on environment at Ajanta.

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Victor Inumidun Fagorite, Damian Ifeanyi Njoku, Henry Olumayowa Oluwasola, Samuel Okechukwu Onyekuru, Emeka Emmanuel Oguzie

Geoinformatica Polonica, Vol. 21 (2022), 2022, pp. 57-82


Solar energy is energy derived from the sun’s radiation. The sun’s energy can be exploited using a variety of technologies, including (a) photovoltaic (PV)/concentrator photovoltaics (CPV) systems that convert photons to electricity; and (b) solar thermal technologies that capture thermal energy from the sun’s radiation using solar collectors or concentrated solar power systems (CSP). Due to the quest for power supply from renewable, cheap, and non-gaseous emission sources coupled with the attempts to combat the shortage of potable water in rural areas, much research on the interface of solar energy power systems with water treatment plants has been reported. However, the greater part of the existing reports are based on theoretical modelling, with only minimal experimental, cost analysis, pilot projects and strategic studies. Also, even though solar-powered water treatment technologies are still in the early stages of research, and very rare studies based on real plants have been conducted, existing publications are mostly focused on single principles, making it impossible to assess and compare several technologies. Globally, this review has particularly highlighted the recent advances in the application of solar energy technologies in desalination and wastewater treatments. It likewise highlighted the key research findings and the critical gaps in the existing achievements. It further highlighted the attempts made on hybrid techniques with other renewable energy sources such as wind and geothermal energies which are paramount for scaling up and commercialization uses. However, the findings revealed that most of these studies were restricted to particular parts of the globe without candid evidence from the African perspective, especially Sub-Saharan Africa. Thus, due to the paucity of information concerning this topic within the region, there is a need for further studies on the application of solar energy for water treatment, especially on a pilot scale level for sustainable development.

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Paweł Sopata, Violetta Sokoła-Szewioła

Geoinformatica Polonica, Vol. 21 (2022), 2022, pp. 83-93


The liquidation process of mines is very complex and long. It relates to various hazards, including post-mining seismicity and deformations of ground surface. The above issues are the subject of the research project under which the monitoring of ground surface movements is carried out in the area of the closed coal mine “Kazimierz-Juliusz”, which is currently being flooded. The monitoring is carried out using the GNSS technique and satellite radar interferometry (InSAR). The project makes use of radar data from the Copernicus project, which is being implemented by the European Commission in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA). InSAR monitoring started in December 2020. Additionally, we analyzed the impact on ground surface of 5 rock tremors of the energy not exceeding 6.5E + 05 J (tremor magnitude Mw = 2.1), which were reported in the investigated area in 2018–2020. The article presents the results of qualitative analysis involving the relationship between seismic activity and vertical movements of ground surface. To investigate potential changes in altitude, DInSAR technology was applied. On the basis of interferometric images generated from radarograms in the periods before and after the tremor, in January 2019, it was found that vertical movements of ground surface were possible to occur. Altitude changes can be characterized with the values in the range of single millimeters, which are only slightly beyond the accuracy range of the InSAR method. The analysis of interferograms, comprising wider time databases, indicated that the impact of the tremor on the deformations of ground surface is incidental.

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Cyryl Konstantinovski Puntos, Małgorzata Luc

Geoinformatica Polonica, Vol. 21 (2022), 2022, pp. 95-104


The article contains the findings of geoarchaeological research conducted by means of geoinformatics, related to various aspects of territory occupied in early Middle Ages by the so-called Cherven Towns. The issues presented in the publication concern the complex aspect of the borderland between Poland and the Rurik Rus during the formation of these two monarchies. The main objectives include: presenting the diverse time of strongholds’ use over the centuries within the early medieval borderland of south-eastern Poland, demonstrating the relationships between them, as well as visualizing the research findings by means of geoinformatics tools, based on geoarchaeological data. The article presents maps and visualizations that can help understand how medieval societies functioned. These maps and visualizations have been developed by means of GIS and graphical software. Data was verified by means of field research carried out in 2021 directly on the selected fortified settlements. The result comprises a variety of maps and models. The main outcome of the research is a mapped diversification of the termination of existence of the discussed defensive structures, for example, in the Wiar river catchment, which took place from the 11th century, near Sanok, until the 13th/14th century. This indicates a change in the defense strategy of these areas within the quoted territory of influence of medieval Poland and Rus, including within the range of the Carpathian arch.

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Tomasz Cichoń, Jadwiga Królikowska

Geoinformatica Polonica, Vol. 21 (2022), 2022, pp. 105-112


Water consumption is constantly increasing, mainly due to population growth, and resources are unfortunately shrinking. It becomes necessary to save water. There are many forms of saving water by protecting its resources, e.g. limiting leaks (generating water losses) both in the installation and on the water supply network, limiting unreasonable needs (e.g. multiple use of packaging or other objects), use of rainwater. The article presents the possibilities offered by the metering of the entire water supply network and water consumption at consumers. For the assumed zone supplying a housing estate inhabited by about 2,200 people, the coefficient of unavoidable losses was determined.

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Anna M. Barańska, Konrad Eckes

Geoinformatica Polonica, Vol. 21 (2022), 2022, pp. 113-120


In a democratic country, every citizen has the right to information about the environment in which he or she lives – therefore, there should be some procedure of conventional, formal evaluation of an urbanized area with reference to its local fragments. Such kind of the procedure has been proposed in this article. The procedure is based on the conventional scoring of local areas, which can be assigned weights representing positive and negative features. The procedure provides for variants of preconditions and continuation of considerations for source data variables. The method of assessing the quality of life in the local area should serve the broad local community, therefore the intermediate and final results of the considerations are presented not only in the form of maps, but also in an illustrative way – in the form of three-dimensional (3D) images, with colors easily associated with positive or negative features. A wide range of tools from the professional GIS package – ArcGIS version 10 was used to perform the task. These tools allow to solve complex spatial problems as well as to visualize the results in an effective way.

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Rafał Gawałkiewicz

Geoinformatica Polonica, Vol. 21 (2022), 2022, pp. 121-137


Over the recent ten years the development of geodesic and informatic tools contributed to enrichment of measurement and interpretation methods as well as visualization of various anthropogenic and natural objects subdued to deformations over the time. The availability of photogrammetric methods (terrestrial and airborne measurements) caused that they are widely applied in monitoring of various objects subdued to the external (i.e., atmospheric) factors (rain, wind, temperature), mining (influence of underground mining). This also refers to natural terrain surface affected by mass movements and artificial earth constructions (mounds, spoil tips, dikes, road and rail embankments), the changes of which can threaten stability and pose threat to objects situated in these areas/objects and their users. There are many methods of getting spatial data and their processing, allowing the interpretation of geological threats. The article presents the measurement and interpretation model of the changes of artificially formed area with the historic Wanda Mound in Krakow with the use of robotic station SPS 930 Trimble and active signal MT 1000 and program AutoCAD v. 2021 (splines Coons patches). In the article it was shown that applying a limited number of the data set elements in a definite geometric system and the same measurement technology in the studied period of the analysis (2013–2022), it is possible to record and graphically interpretate changes on the surface of an earth mound, manifested in the phenomenon of ground creep, even in case of small values.

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