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Volume 59, Issue 2

2020 Next

Publication date: 2020


Photo on the cover from: Vďačný P. and Foissner W. (2019) Morphology and Ontogenesis of Hemiholosticha pantanalensis nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia, Psilotrichidae). Acta Protozool58: 93-113.

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Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Orcid Krzysztof Wiąckowski

Issue content

Franciane Cedrola, Marta D'agosto, Isabel Martinele, Roberto Júnio Pedroso Dias

Acta Protozoologica, Volume 59, Issue 2, 2020, pp. 61 - 65


The present study redescribes the species Polyplastron alaskum based on morphological characterization and provides, for the first time, data on its infraciliary bands pattern. Polyplastron alaskum was described in Alaskan dall montain sheep (Ovis dalli), and registered again only in the present study, 45 years later, inhabiting the rumen contents of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) in northeastern Brazil. All the taxonomic characters observed in the original description was observed in the present study. The infraciliary pattern in Polyplastron alaskum is slightly different of Diplodinium-type, observed in some ophryoscolecids belonging to the subfamily Diplodiniinae.

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Ryota Saito, Ryota Koizumi, Tatsuya Sakai, Taiga Shimizu, Taiki Ono, Yoichiro Sogame

Acta Protozoologica, Volume 59, Issue 2, 2020, pp. 67 - 75


The ciliate Colpoda cucullus forms resting cysts to survive unfavorable environmental stresses. In this study, we have shown that Colpoda resting cysts survived exposure to a gamma radiation dose of 4000 Gy, although vegetative cells were killed by 500 Gy. After 4000 Gy irradiation, more than 90% of resting cysts and approximately 70% of dry cysts could excyst to form vegetative cells. In both cases, the excystment gradually increased after the induction of excystment. In addition, we also showed that protein carbonylation level was increased by gamma irradiation, but decreased by incubation in the cyst state. These results indicated that cell damage was repaired in resting cysts. Colpoda probably developed tolerance to gamma radiation by forming resting cysts as a strategy for growth in terrestrial environments, as part of contending with the stress due to reactive oxygen species caused by desiccation.

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Fernando Gómez, Luis F. Artigas, Rebecca J. Gast

Acta Protozoologica, Volume 59, Issue 2, 2020, pp. 77 - 87


The North Sea and the English Channel are regions with a long tradition of plankton studies, where the colony-forming haptophyte Phaeocystis globosa dominates the spring phytoplankton blooms. Among its predators, we investigated an abundant unarmored dinoflagellate (~3000 cells per liter) in the North Sea in May 2019. It has been reported in the literature as Gymnodinium heterostriatum or G. striatissimum, and often identified as Gyrodinium spirale. Phylogenetic analyses using the small-, large subunit- and Internal Transcriber Spacers of the ribosomal RNA (SSU-, LSU-, ITS rRNA) gene sequences indicate that our isolates clustered within the Gyrodinium clade. The new sequences formed a sister group with sequences of the freshwater taxon Gyrodinium helveticum, being one of the infrequent marine-freshwater transitions in the microbial world. This isolate is the first characterized member of a clade of numerous environmental sequences widely distributed from cold to tropical seas. This common and abundant taxon has received several names due to its morphological plasticity (changes of size and shape, often deformed after engulfing prey) and the difficulty in discerning surface striation. We conclude that the priority is for the species name Gymnodinium heterostriatum Kofoid & Swezy 1921, a new name that was proposed for Gymnodinium spirale var. obtusum sensu Dogiel 1906. The species Gyrodinium striatissimum (Hulburt 1957) Gert Hansen & Moestrup 2000 and Gymnodinium lucidum D. Ballantine in Parke & Dixon 1964 (=G. hyalinum M. Lebour 1925) are posterior synonyms. We propose Gyrodinium heterostriatum comb. nov. for Gymnodinium heterostriatum.

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Yoshiyuki Aoki, Yoichiro Sogame, Manfred Wanner, Yuri Mazei, Satoshi D. Shimano

Acta Protozoologica, Volume 59, Issue 2, 2020, pp. 99 - 105


A new species of a testate amoeba, Matsakision ogawaraensis sp. nov., is described from Ogawara pond, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. This is the third species in the genus MatsakisionMatsakision ogawaraensis sp. nov. is distinguished from two other species by the specific form of the shell in apertural view, which is triangular (the shells of other species are circular or elliptic). In addition, it has a chitinous lip around the aperture. For the first time, long needle-like pseudopodia have been observed.

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