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RIS BIB ENDNOTELandscape Movements in Avrom Sutzkever’s Poetry
Data publikacji: 03.12.2019
Wielogłos, 2019, Numer 3 (41) 2019: World Literature, s. 87-105
The paper concerns the question of the status and role of the landscape in relation to the experience of migration and displacement in the post-war poetry of Avrom Sutzkever. The author investigates what is characteristic about the relationship between different landscapes and migrant subject. In the poetry of Sutzkever, the landscape is intertwined with the process of reconceptualisation of the identity of the Holocaust survivor and immigrant to the land of Israel, as well as with the cultural-literary project of the integration of East European heritage and new Israeli reality.
Informacje: Wielogłos, 2019, Numer 3 (41) 2019: World Literature, s. 87-105
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Landscape Movements in Avrom Sutzkever’s Poetry
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Polska, ul. Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków
Publikacja: 03.12.2019
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND
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-Języki publikacji:
AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 1243
Liczba pobrań: 1195